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FUn-tm-dn-b: slt{_m]p-cv \S-Xv em-Icw: {_Z cmP Bcy--n sNbam

Ashamed of what happend in Hebronpuram
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 23, 2015
Views: 9829

Ashamed of what happend in Hebronpuram.
Cy-bnse Ghpw henb s]s-tmkvXv {]m-\-amWv 7000ne-[nIw {]mtZ-inI k`-I-fp Cy s]s-tmkvXv ssZh-k-`. XymK-]q-amb Pohn-X-n-eqsS ]nXm--m hfn-sb-Sp Cu {]-m\w Cv FhnsSsbn \n¬pp F kzbw hnai-\-]-c-amb tNmZy-amWv ChnsS Dbp-Xv. sF. ]n. kn. F {]-m-\-ns ey-n \nv amdn-bp t]mmWv Cv t\Xr-Xz-n \nv Dm-Ip--Xv. s]mXp-k-aq-l-n\p apn Xe Xmgvt kw`-h--fmWv Ip-\mSv slt{_m]p-cv Ac-t-dp--Xv. Ah-c-h hln-p m\-ns hne a\-n-em-msX Xcw-XmW \ne-bn {]hn-p t\Xm--msc Hmv km[m-cW hnizm-kn-Ifpw ip{iq-j-Icpw ZpxJn-p-I-bm-Wv. A[n-Imcw Xebvv ]nSn Hcp-Iqw ImWn-p-Iq-p-Xv Ahv e tXmp-n-s-nepw ImgvN-m en-p-p. C{Xbpw Xcw-Xm-gp-hm Bob t\Xm--mv Fs\ Ign-bpp FXv AXn-i-b-am-Wv.
Ign Znhkw Iukn aonw-Kn\pw {]kv_n-dn aonw-Kn\pw A\p-_--ambn \S Imcy- Hpw `qj-W-a-. Fm-hcpw \nb-a-n\v hnt[-b-cm-sW Nn `c-W-Im-ġp-m-I-Ww. k`-bpsS `c-W-L-S-\-sb-p-dnpw Cy `c-W-L-S-\-sb-p-dn-p-ap Adnhv Ipd--]w FIvkn-Iyq-n-hn D-hs-nepw Dm-I-Ww. \nb-as shp-hn-fnpw adn-I-S-p-ap `cWw k`sb IqSp-X Ipg--n Fn-p-Itb Dq. Cp \S-p tImS-Xn-hy-h-lm-c-ġv ImcWw t\Xr-Xz-n Fn-b-h-cpsS ]nSn-p-tISpw \nb-a-ew-L-\-hp-am-Wv. {]iv\- ]cn-l-cn-t--h Xs ]w ]nSn-p-Ibpw {]iv\- krjvSn-p-Ibpw sNp-tm km[m-c-W-m A-cp \n¡p-I-bm-Wv. temI-ns hnhn[ `mK--fn \nv P\-d Iukn-enepw P\-d {]kv_n--dn-bnepw ]s-Sp-p-hm ]Xn-\m-bn-c--W-n-\p-cq] kzw t]m-n \nv apS-n-bmWv AwK- Ip-\mv Fn-b-Xv. Fm Nne kzm-Xm-ev]-cy- ap\nn \ncp--c-hm-Zn-Xz-]c-ambn kt-f\w ]ncn-p-hn-Sp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. X-fpsS ]Whpw ka-bhpw sNe-h-gnv Ip-\m-s-n-b-hsc Ah-tl-fn-p Ccw kao-]\w sImv Fv t\-amWv {]m-\-n-\p--Xv.
k`bn Iodmap-n-bmbn \ne-\n¡p Ba-q k`m-hn-jbw ]cn-l-cn--s-Sm Ime-tmfw k`-bpsS kpK-a-amb \S-nv km[y-am-I-bn-. aphn[n IqSm-sXbpw {]Xn-Imc Nn-Iq-Sm-sXbpw hnth-I-im-enIfmb Bfp-I-fpsS a[y--Xbvv Cu hnjbw hnn-cp-s-n ]cn-lmcw aps Xs Dm-Ip-am-bn-cpp. XIp-hm Hcp Iqcpw XI-s-Sm-Xn-cn-p-hm adp-]-hpw sImp-tImp-tm {]m-\-ns kam-[m\ A-co--amWv \jvS-s-Sp--Xv. slt{_m]p-cv {]kv_n-dn aonwKv Zn\-n Dbp-tI shp-hn-fn-Ifpw Bt{Im-i-fpw Ak-`y--fp-samw Hcp Bob {]m-\-n\v tbmPn--X-. ssIm--fnbn Fptam F Bi Dbp-\n A-co--n AXv Hgn-hm-bXv `mKyw. t]meokv slt{_m]p-cv htcn h kml-Ncyw F{Xtbm em-I-c-am-Wv. Ip--\mv \S kw`-h-fpambn _-s N-I \h-am-[y-a--fn sshd Bbn Ign-p. CXv N sNp-Xv bph-k-aq-l-am-Wv. t\Xm--m-scn Ah-cpsS ImgvN-mSv Fm-sWv Ah-sc-gp-Xp Iap-I-fn ImWmw. C{X-sbms \S-npw Ip-Xp-d--s-Sm \psS t\Xm--m-sc-p-dnv Fp-]-d-bm. CXv Hcp hyn-bpsS am{Xw D-c-hm-Zn-Xztam hogvNtbm Bbn Icp-Xp-n-. CXn\v Iqp--c-hm-Zn-Xz-amWv D-Xv. Ah-c-h Ccn-p Itk-c-bpsS alXzw Xncn--dnv ssZh-a-l-Xz-n-\mbn {]hn-p-I. Am-sb-n Ncn-{X-n \n-fpsS m\w Nh-p-sIm--bn-em-bn-cn-pw.


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sp (September 24, 2015)
when the leadership got into pride, jealousy and greed these things will happen. many of our leaders have no vision for the church or the coming generations. they only care about their chair, children and caucus. one leader died and his children are going to every banks in central kerala to transfer money. from where these leaders saving crores. with power they are sucking poor believers. these kind of politics should be changed.
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