Saturday, September 28, 2024 |

Bjven amUn-k lmnwKv: 400-k`m t\Xm--m enn

Ashley Madison Hacking 400 church leaders are in the list
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 16, 2015
Views: 7242

Ashley Madison Hacking 400 church leaders are in the list.
Ip{]-kn--amb tUnwKv sskmb Bjven amUn-k lmv sN-s--tm Ch-cpsS tkh\w D]-tbm-Kn-n-cp \m\q-tdmfw k`m-t\-Xm-m-cp-sSbpw k`m {]h-I-cp-sSbpw t]cp-I ]c-ky-am-bn. Ahn-lnX _-ġpw hy`n-Nm-c-n\pw thn {]hn-p Bjven amUn-k GXm\pw Znh-k-ġv apmWv lmv sN-s--Xv. aqv tImSn Ggp]Xv ew t]cmWv Cu sskn cPn- sNbvXv Ch-cpsS tkh\w D]-tbm-Kn--Xv. lmam Ch-cpsS t]cp-I shfn-s-Sp-n-b-tm Ghpw IqSp-X sR Dm-bXv ss{IkvXh k`m tI{-fn \nv Bbn-cp-p.
Ata-cn--bnepw Im\-U-bnepw Dff 400-mfw ]mam, aq-m, Uokv XpS-n-b-h-cmWv Cu Ipcp-nsv k`-bn \nv ]pd-m-hp-Itbm As-n cmPn kan-m \n_-n-X-cm-hp-Itbm sNbvX-Xv. Cu sskns asmcp kt-bn CXp-]-tbm-Kn-p 25% t]cpw hnizm-kn-I-fmsWv sskv Ah-Im-i-s-Sp-p. At\-I-cpsS clkyw ]c-ky-am-b-Xp-sImv CXnse AwK- ]ecpw BlXy sNbvXp. At\Iw IpSpw-_- XI-s-p. k`-I inYn-e-am-bn.
Adn-b-s-Sp ssZh-im-kv{X-\pw eno an\n-kv{So-kns hm-hp-amb tdm_v s{Ibv-Kv Cu hy`n-Nmc sskv kin-n-p-sv shfn-s-Sp-n. dot^mta-j ss__n tImtf-Pn \nv Ct-ls ]pd-m-n.
sajnv ^okv hmn Ahn-lnX _-n-\p tkh-\- \Ip-I-bmWv Bjveo amUn-k. ""PohnXw {lkz-am-Wv, Hcp Ahn-lnX _w m]n-pI'' F XXz-n 2011--emWv Cu sskv XpS-n-b-Xv. At\Iw hnizm-kn-Isf sXn-tev \bn-m CXv Imc-W-am-bn. ]c-ky-amb ip{iq-jbpw BoI {]h-\--fp-ambn PohnXw \bn-p--h cl-ky-nepw X-fpsS Pohn-Xhpw {]kw-Khpw Imp kqn-Ww F-Xn\v DZm-l-c-W-amWv Cu kw`-hw. kzh-hn-hml \nb-a-Ip-cp-p-Ifpw ]c-ky-amb kmm\y Bcm-[-\bpw ss{IkvX-hsc shp-hn-fn-p-tm, Bjven- amUnkWnse ]mam-cpsS t]cp-I hnizm-kn-Isf Ipd-sm-p-a \ncm-i-cm-n-b-Xv. ]mm-Xy-k-`-I-fpsS \ne-\n]v Xs tNmZyw sN-s-Sp Cu ka-bv CXp-t]mse D hm-I A[ aqn-bpsS kzm[o-\-ns AS-bm-f--fmWv.


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sp (September 18, 2015)
Thank God. No malayalee Pastors involved. They are smart.
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