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ssZhk`m ktf\w Hꡧ Ahkm\ Lntev

Church of God Conference
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 1, 2014
Views: 15071

Church of God Conference .
Avemm: Pqsse 24 apX 27 hsc Avemm C\mjW Fbt]mn\Spp nXn sNp ln« tlmen shp ]m jn_p tXmakv ({]knUv), ]m tPmv kwn (sshkv {]knUv), {_Z hnPp tXmakv (sk{Idn), {_Z tXmakv amX| ({Sjdm), ]m G{_lmw tPmbn (bqv) Fnh t\{XXzw sImSp ]smXmaXp t\mv Atacn ssZhk`bpsS tZinb ktf\ns Hꡧ AXns Ahkm\ Lntev FntN. ISh ssZhP\n Xmaknm hnimeamb tlmepw hn`hk{aamb `Wfpw hfsc d Nnehn e`nXn\mbn th {IaoIcW tem Inn sNbvXp Ignp. tabv 31 \v apmbn cPn sNphv hfsc anXamb \ncn Xmak`W kuIcy e`nXmWv. BbXn\m IgnhXpw thKw cPn sNWsav `mchmlnI Adnbn. sbn\n hhmbn Fbt]mn \nw tlmentev Fm ]Xn\p an\nnw jn kokv GsSpnbXn\m tIm^d\nkns hml\n\mbn Imncntp Bhiyw hn.

Atme{]hn 1:18 B[mcamn ""s]tmkvXns in'' FXmWv Cu hjs Nnmhnjbw. at\mlchpw hnimehpamb tlm ktf\n e`nXn\m Fm t{]m{KmapIfpw btYw \Sphm CSbmw. tIm^dkns {]tamjW aonwKpI G{]n 20 apX Bcw`nw. kuv Itcmen\, Umfkv, lq̬, Hetlma, sSkn, \|tbmv, \}tPgvkn, ^neZ^nb apXemb ]Wfn {]tamjW aonwKpI
\SpXn Xoam\w Bbnpv. 1996 HfnnIvkv \S AtX tUnbn i\nbmgvN bqns kvt]mSvkv \Ssav kvt]mSvkv tImUnt\ {_Z sen tXmakv Adnbnp.

hN\ ]mnXyap {]kwKIsS H \nc Cu {]mhiys tIm^dkns {]tXyIXbmWv. tUm. ssan t_, _njv Ckvamtb Nmkv, ]m hn. Hm. hKokv, _njv {Inkv aqUn, dh. ]n.sP. sPbnwkv Fnhsc
IqSmsX Atacnbnep {]Kcmb ssZhZmkmw tIcfn \nw h A`njnmw hN\w kwkmcnw.

ktlmZcnamsS ktf\n kn {ioteJ hN\w ip{iqjnw. tUm. ssan t_ t\mv tPmnb Nv Hm^v tKmUns Imcy\nhmlI\mWv. Ign 25 ]cw hjfmbn ssZhk`bpsS tZinbA tZiob `cWXense AwKhpamWv. ip{iqjmXenepw, Imcy\nhlWnepw X\Xmb shnap{Z ]Xnn Ctlw \nch[n ]pkvXIfpwsS cNbnXmhpamWv. _mve Un{Knbpw amtgvkpw Icamnb Ckvamtb Nmkv tUmtdn ]0np sImncn. bqv Ubd, anj tImUot\, Chmenkw Ubd Fo \neIfn tkh\w Annpv. Nv Hm^v tKmUv thUv anj AwKw, Iukn AwKw Fo \neIfnepw {]hnnpv. A tZiob Xen ssZhk`v ]e t\fpw t\SnsImSp Ctlw {]kwKw PohnXn IqSn ImWnp sImSp hynbmWv.

Dc {]tZiv, ay{]tZiv, apwss_ FnhnSfn k`m ip{iqjI\mbpw al\nbw ss__n tImfPv
cPnkv{Smdmbpw {]hn ]m hn. Hm. hKokv Ctm Chmenkw Ubd Bbn tkh\w
An. CwKojvaebmfw am[yafn XpSbmbn FgpXmdp Ctlw ]e CuSp ]pkvXIfpsS cNbnXmhpamWv. ssZhk`bpsS tIcf tv Hmhkob Bb ]m ]n.sP. sPbnwkv, anI thZm[ym]Iw I hj {]kwKIw BWv. temIns hnhn[ `mKfn pfpsS CSbn {]hnp h FIv
an\nkv{Sokv tIm^dkn IS h pġmbn hnhn[ hn`h Hv.

Ign Nne amkfmbn Fm RmbdmgvNbpw sshtcw dh. kwn ambnbpsS t\{XXzn \S {]b sse\n At\I tIm^dknsbn A{Kln\mbn {]mnm\mbn ]mfnI Bv. XpSw ]mfnI Bhm B{Klnh 712.432.3900 F \cn hnfnmhpXmWv (AIvkkv tImUv 768497).

tIm^dkns IqSpX hnhc UpUp Up.FFknHmPn .s\v F sh_v sskn \nw e`yamW.v hm AbXv: jmPn shnfw, aoUnb tImUnt\


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believer (June 6, 2014)
For the second time in the NACOG history the president is somewhat qualified to in the seat. Satish from Dallas was the other one . COG has only handfull of qualified pastors.
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