Saturday, September 28, 2024 |

ssZhk`IfpsS tZiob ktf\w Im\Ubn

Church of God International Conference is in Canada
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 9, 2015
Views: 9064

Church of God International Conference is in Canada.
Atacnbnepw Im\Umbnepap ssZhk`IfpsS 21maXv tZiob ktf\w 2016 Pqsse 14 apX 17 hsc Im\Umbn sSmdtSm C \mjW Fbt]mv tlmfntUC tlmen hp \SXmbncnw. dh.tUm. kmw n hKokv \mjW {]knUmbn {]hn. dh. ktmjv s]mSnae, sshkv {]knUv, kmw amX|, \mjW sk{Idn, tPmjzm tPmk^v, \mjW {Sjdm, dh. knkn amX}, bqv tImUnt\ FnhcmWv ap `mchmlnI.
ktf\ns kpKaamb {]h\n\v hnhn[ kwm\fn \nw {]mtZinI {]Xn\n[nIsfbpw sXcsSpnpv. ktlmZcnamsS aonwKns {]knUmbn A kJdnb {]hn. ssj\n Nmfn, Pqen tXmakv, Hma\ tPmk^v Fnhw teUokv an\nkv{SnbpsS ap NpaXemcmWv. hnizmkn\mbn t]mcmSpI FXmWv ktf\ns Nnmhnjbw. Im\Umbn \S {]Ya tZiobktf\amWnXv.


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sp (September 24, 2015)
Please invite PC as main speaker. Sakuthi irangi varum.
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