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tUm. tImc kwkm-cn-pp

Dr. Kora Speaking
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 23, 2015
Views: 8136

Dr. Kora Speaking.
1. R-fpsS k`-bnse Hcp t\Xmhv FtmSv ]d-Xv C{]-Im-c-amWv ""Fs ASp sXc-s-Sp-n Hmhkn-b Bn-bn-s-nepw Rm Chn-sS-sbms ImWpw. GsX-nepw Npa-X-e-bn Rm DmIpw. Av \nsf Rm ssIImcyw sNbvtXmfmw''. Nncn-p-sIm-mWv FtmSv ]d-Xv Fnepw ]e cm{Xn-I-fnepw CXv Hmp Rm sRn-bp-W-cm-dp-v. CXv Hcp tcmK-amtWm tImtc? tamkn, apf-pg
CsXms tIv sRt Imcy-sam-p-an-. Fmw sNdn-bm-s Xam-i-bmbn Im aXn.
2. doPn-b-\n-emsI {]iv\am-Wtm tImtc tPm, dmn
A[n-Imcw \jvS-s-Sp-sav Dd-m-Ip-m Df-hm-Ip Hcp-Xcw {]Xn-`mkns A\-c ^e-amWv CsXm-s.
3. ]cn-ip-m-mhv _m[n-sv Hcp {]kw-K-I {]kw-Kn-p-Xv tIp. km[m-cW _m[-sb-sms ]d-bp-tm AXv ss]im-Nn-I-i-n-bp-ambn _-s-mWv Rm tIn-p--Xv. Cu ]cn-ip-m-mhv _m[-bm-sWv ]d-bp-Xv icn-bmtWm? enm, ]mbn-mSv
IqSp-X hnh-c-tSv ]d-bp--hv IqSp-X tPv F-XmWv s]s-tm-kvXnse Ctm-gs s{Sv. Cu hnh-c--tZm-jnsb s]mn-smp \S-m \psS CS-bnse ""Imn IrjvW-]n--am'' a-cn-pw.
4. sImm-c--c-bn Hcp {]hm-N-Is `mcy B-lXy sNbvX-Xv Nne a-cnv s^bvkv_p-nepw hmSvkv Bn-ep-sams sjb sNp-Xv Ip. CXv icn-bmtWm? kp_n, Ip-\mSv
GXv hnj-b-am-sW-nepw \apv kmam\y acymZ AXym-h-iy-am-Wv. AXp-sImv Ccw hnj-b- ssIImcyw sNp-tm Ipd-p-IqSn am\yX Bhmw.


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