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FUn-tm-dn-b: Zpcp-]-tZ-i-Is-Xnsc Hn-Ww :{_Z cmP Bcy--n, sNbam

Editorial: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 9, 2015
Views: 9257

Editorial: Rajan Ariyappallil.
s]s-tmkvXv hnizmkw FXv Ien-m ssZh-h-N\ D]-tZ-i-n A[n-jvTn-X-am-Wv. AXn Iev tNp-Xv Hcn-epw AwKo-I-cn-p-hm Ign-bp-I-bn-. Fm Cv Zpcp-]-tZ-i-I-cpw Zpcp-]-tZi JWvU-Icpw Xn \h-am-[y-a--fn \S-p N-I acym-Z-bpsS AXn IS-p-pthm Fv tXmn-tm-Ip-p. \-psS hnizm-k-s-p-dnv tNmZn-p--htcmSv {]Xn-hmZw ]d-bp-hm \ Hcp--ap--h-cm-bn-cn--W-sa-mWv thZ-]p-kvXIw ]Tn-n-p--Xv. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-s-p-dnv ]d-bp--Xn\p apv icn-bmb D]-tZ-i-s-p-dnv P\s ]Tn-n-t-n-bn-cn-p-p. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-I F t]cn kI-e-scbpw ASmt-]n-p-Xv icn-b-. hmfpw ]cn-N-bp-ambn bpw sNp--Xp-t]mse t]mc-Sn-t H- CXv. BZna k`-bn Xs Zpcp-]-tZ-i-I k`-bn {]th-in-n-cpp Fv \apv ImWm Ign-bp-p-v. tbip-{In-kvXp-hns ssZhXzw \ntj-[n-p Bfp-I cwK-{]-th-i\w sNbvX-tm AXn-s\-Xnsc i-ambn As k`-bpsS t\XrXzw cwK-p-m-bn-cp-p. icn-bmb D]-tZ-i-n k`sb \bn-p-hm _-{i-m-ep--fm-bn-cpp As Bob t\Xr-Xzw. ZpxJ-I-c-sav ]d-b-s hnhn[ Ime--fn thj-]-I-tbmsS Zpcp-]-tZ-i-fpw Zpjv{]-h-W-X-Ifpw s]s-tmkvXv kaq-l-n tNt-dn-b-tm Chn-Sps k`m-t\-XrXzw Dd-p-I-bm-bn-cpp As-n Ddw \Sn-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. A[n-Imc Itk-c-bvp-thn Ifn-I \S-p--Xn-\n-Sbvv Ccw Imcy-ġv \psS t\Xm--m-v ka-b-an F-XmWv bmYmyw. icn-bmb ]T-\tam thZ-]p-kvXI kw_--amb Adnthm \psS ]e t\Xm--mpw Cm Fp--XmWv hkvXp-X. cmjv{Sob Ifn-I-fneqsS hnP-bnv A[n-Imc Itk-c-bn Fp--Xp-sImv am{Xw Ch t\Xm--m-cmbn hne-kp-p. BZna k`-bpsS Ncn{Xw ]Tn-p-tm Asm-kvX-e-m hN\ [ym\-nepw {]m-\-bnepw Dn-cn-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. tai-bnse ip{iqj (`uXoI Imcy-) sNp-hm {]m]vX-cmb ktlm-Z-c-msc `c-ta¬n-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. Bob ip{iq-jbpw k`-bnse `c-W-]-c-amb ap-Im-cy-fpw cmbn ImW-Ww. Fm Cv CsXmw ip{iq-j-bpsS ad-hn Hcp-Iq- ssIb-S-n-bn-cn-p-p. AXp-sImv Xs k`-bn Cv Fmw Xe Xncn \ne-bn-em-Wv.
Imem-Im-e--fn Zpcp-]-tZ-is kw_-nv ip{iq-j-I-scbpw hnizm-kn-I-sfbpw t_m[-h¡-cn-p-hm t\Xr-Xz-n\v Ign-bp-n-. AXp-sImv Xs hm FSp--h-s\mw shfn--m-Sv F \ne-bn kaq-l-n\p apn s]s-tm-kvXn\v Ah-aXn hcpn hne-kp-I-bm-Wv. Cq-v thZn Hcp-n-sm-Sppw Ch-cpsS thZn-I-fn IS-p-t]mbn ip{iq-jnpw \psS t\Xm-fpw ip{iq-j-Icpw Cc--mv \bw ]pep-I-bm-Wv.
Zpcp-]-tZi JWvU\w ]e-tmgpw AXns AXn t`Znv t]mIp-pthm Fv tXmn-tm-Ipp. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-ns t]cn kI-e-scbpw AS-m-t-]n-p-hm ]mSn-.
Zpcp-]-tZiw km[m-c-W- hn-izm-kn-I-sfbpw ip{iq-j-I-scbpw hmsX he-n-cn-p-p. CXn\v ]cn-lmcw hcp-t Imew AXn-{I-an-n-cn-p-I-bm-Wv. k`m t\Xr-Xz- Cu \nkw-KX shSnv DW-cp-hm Ime-am-bn. Zpcp-]-tZins\-Xn-sc-bp t]mcm--n icn-bmb ]p-h-ln-t-Xv k`m-t\-Xr-Xz- X-s-bm-Wv. Iqmb {ia-n-eqsS ssZh-h-N-\-n\p hncp--amb \h-{]-h-W-X-Isf AIn \np-hm Ign-bpw. ChnsS Bhiyw B-h-ap t\Xr-Xz-am-Wv. P\w sXmb hgn-bn-eqsS \S-pp Fp Iv Ah-sc-p-dnv B-`m-ctmsSbpw Fcn-thm-sSbpw icn-bmb Zni-bn \S-p-hm Ign-bp t\-XrXzamWv Cns Bh-iyw.


Displaying 2 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
asaan (October 13, 2015)
Are they teaching to get ready for Eternity?

Are they teaching to trust in God and His Word?

Are they teaching to Obey the Holy Spirit?

Are they teaching to get close to Jesus Christ?
binu- saudi (October 13, 2015)

The leadership of all Pentecostal churches failing to prevent their believers from these false teaching..Because the leaders are not Holy.They cant identify whats right and whats wrong. all leaders are money minded and EGO persons .
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