Monday, October 21, 2024 |

sF.]n.knbpsS Ddw sISpp sskns ]nnephsc Ip]nSn ]pšv AhmUv sImSpWw

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 10, 2015
Views: 12225

Granded Oscar Award.
\mSv: sF.]n.knsb alm{]m\n BsStbm IWsImp Ibdn]nb ]msdv AhImisSp (sF.] k`smw thm) Cu {]t_m[I\v HmkvIm AhmUn\l\mIm t]m. Acnsb{Xm F tNmZnt_m ]bdmgn Fv ]dbpbp t]msebp Cu alm\v H sh_vsskns Dd]nSw Iv]nSnm Adnbmsav AhImistm C alm atic\v a _pn {]m]nhs\sX Fp ]dbm. Fp Ip]nSpamtWm Cu ]p Ip]nSnXv. BsS t]cnemWv sh_v sskv sUmao FSpncnXv ? BcmWv tkh tlmp sNpXv.? BcmWv A]vtUv sNpXv? Fsms Ip]nSnm kwhn[m\w Dsv ]pšv Adnbmsam? icnbmb hnhc AdnbmsX Btcm ]ds ]dbp ]ntŨ\v 2016se acamsS AhmUv \evIm Zn{SpvsF]nkn.tImw sskns DSa apt]mp hcWw. ASp sF] P\d Iukn ]pXnb Ip]nSpn AhmUv (Imjv AhmUv) ]v In tImw Xnbtm sImSp Imjv AhmUv t]msebmbmepw aXn. shdpsX InS ]mns apIfn Nhnn shjw sImsX ]ptŨ. Xs Ip]nSpw icnbmsWn hniZhnhc AdnWw AmsX tXmyhmkw ]dm s]mpw... tm. tNm..


Displaying 5 Comments
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asaan (November 16, 2015)
Pillaiccha pani paaliyallooo.
hai (November 13, 2015)
ithu ara. Who sis this person
owesome (November 11, 2015)
within one day 2500 people read this. That show how many people hate pillachens

bad journalism. He is not writing for morals but for money. No standard what so ever.

amazed (November 11, 2015)
This man is a specimen and he should seriously consider seeing a doctor to rule out schizophrenia. He has changed positions without any shame on almost everyone he has written about. Seriously, does he not have a mind of his own or is it always available for hire? Shameless, spineless, disgraceful individual. I suggest giving an award to those who have lived or put up with this self proclaimed genius and moralistic "journalist".
john gujarath (November 11, 2015)
Pullechante chndrapur sbha history njan tharaam Journalil publish cheyyamo?
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