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F\nbvpw ]d-bm-\pv: ]m kmwIpn amXyp, No^v FUn-

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 8, 2015
Views: 16957

I needed to say.
Ihj kok BWtm Ctm, s]s-tm-kvXp-Imsc kw_-n-n-S-tmfw Ip-\mSv Ihj Xs-bmWv {][m-\w.

Rm BZy-ambn Ip-\mSv Ihj\v kw_-n-p-Xv 1984- BWv. 1983- cn--s Rm s]s-tm-kvXp-Imsc `ym-Z-c-thm-sS-bmWv In-cp--Xv. AXn-\m Xs s]-tmkvXp Ihj-\p-I-fn kw_-n-n-cp-Xpw As\ Xs Bbn-cp-p. slt{_m]pc-n\v Cp ImWp BUw-cw Hpw Am-e-n-m-bn-cp-s-nepw BoI ktm-j-n\v Hpw Ipd-hn-m-bn-cp-p. _lp-am\ycmb ]nXm--m-cpsS {]kw-K- BoI Dt-P\w \Ip--Xm-bn-cp-p. 1988- thZ]T-\-n-\mbn slt{_m-\n Fnb Imew apX Ip-\mSv Ihj Pohn-X-ns `mK-ambn Fp ]d-bmw. hntZ-in-I [mcmfw t] Am-ev Ihj-\n {]kw-K-I-cmsbpam-bn-cp-p. B`-cW hntcm-[n-I-fmb sF.-]n.-kn-m-cpsS Ihj-\n {]kw-K-I-cm-sb-p hntZ-in-I-fpsS ssIbnse tamXncw Fs hfsc Nnn-n-n-p-v. Ah {]kw-Kn-p-tmgpw P\w kvtXm{Xhpw lt-p-mbpw ]d-bp-Xpw tIġm-am-bn-cp-p. Bcp {]kw-Kn-mepw ""Bm-hn'' \nd-bp- s]stm-kvXp-Im-cpv. (tIm--bv t]m tbmwKn tNm h aonw-Kn {io. H. cmP-tKm-]m {]kw-Kn--tmgpw Xncp-h--bnse iXm_vZn aonw-Kn {io. sI. Fw. amWn {]kw-Kn--tmgpw Bm-hn \nd-bp--hsc Rm Ip. Fn-t\sd Ign hjw \S \hXn DZvLm-S-\-n cmjv{So-b-m-cpsS kpJn-n- {]kw-K-n-\mbncpp Ip-\mv IqSp-X lt-p-mbpw kvtXm{Xhpw apg-n-bXv) Ip-\mSv Ihj-\n Fs Ghpw BIjn {]kw-K-I ]m ]n.-Fw. ^nenpw ]m sI.-kn. -tPm-Wpw, Iym]v F. Fw. iap-th-ep-am-Wv.

Ihj \nb-{n-p--Xn Ghpw `wKn-bmbn hnP-bn-n-p-Xv ]m n.-F-kv. G{_lmw Xs-bm-Wv. Ir-tai ip{iqj `wKn-bmbn A-S--tmsS \n-ln-p--Xn ]m n.-Fkv hnP-bn-n-pv m-sWs ]w. s]s-tm-kvXn\v s]mXp-k-aq-l-at[y \sm-cp-ap-J-am-bmWv F\nv At-lsn tXmnbnp--Xv. hnhm-Z-ġ-p-dv P\s BIjn-m Ign-hp {]kw-K-I-\mWv ]m sI.-kn.-tPm. 1983 apX At-l-ns {]kw-K-ns tIhn-m-c-\mWv Rm. 1983 BKv 15-mw XobXn ]pfn-ogv `mtKym-Zbw {]n-\-Sp-p IS-hn At-l-ns ssIo-gn-emWv Rm kv\m\w G-Xv. ]no-Sn-tmv Hn-p Iqm-bva-I, bm{X-I..........

]WvUn-X\pw ]ma-c\pw Hp t]mse a\-kn-em-hp kp-c-amb {]kwK ssien-bpsS DS-a-bm-W-t-lw. ]e hnj-b--fnepw At-l-ns \ne-]m-Sn-t\mSv hntbm-Pn-p-v. Hcn- temI s]s-tmkvXv t\Xm--m-cpsS KW-n Ds-n-cp Atlw sF.-] cmjv{So-b-n s]Xv At-l-n\v KpW-I-c-am-bn F Nnm-K-Xn-m-c-\mWv Rm. Atlw Bcw-`n ] hnj Nm\ Ghpw tami-am-sW A`n-{]m-bhpw F\n-p-v. `qan-a-e-bm-f-nse kIe Zpcp-]-tZ-i-I-scbpw tImam-fn-I-sfbpw Dsm-p B Nm\ GXm-bmepw F\n-psm-p-hm CXp-h-scbpw Ign-n-n-.

]m tPmWns Ctm-gs {]Xn-k-np Imc-W-ambn Hncn Imc-W- ]ecpw ]d-bp-Xp Rm\pw tIp. \njv]--aXn F \ne-bn Rm Icp-Xp-Xv asm-m-Wv. Cu {]Xn-kn Xm Xs hcpn h-Xm-Wv. ]e-scbpw ]e-Xn-s\bpw Hgn-hm-n-bn-cp-s-n Ctm-gs kml-N-cyhpw Hgn-hm-m-am-bn-cp-p. sF.-]n.-knsb kw_-n-n-S-tmfw ]m sI.-kn. tPm Ahn-`m-Py-L-SIw Xs-bmWv F-Xn kwibw C.

slt{_m ss__n tImf-Pnse (C-tm Cym ss__n tImf-Pv) ]q-hn-Zymn F \ne-bn ]m n.-h-ճ G{_-lm-ap-ambn lrZy-amb _-am-Wp--Xv. anI AUvan-\n-kvt{S-, am\y, kuay Cs\ hnti-j-W-]-Z- [mcmfw At-l-n-\n-Wpw. Xs {ia-^-e-amWv Cym ss__n tImfPv Cs \ne-hm-c-n-se-n-bXv F-Xn kwibw th. ]q hnZymn kwL-S-\-bpsS Hcp `mc-hmln F \ne-bn AXn F\nbvpw A`n-am-\-ap-v. Chn-Sps cmjv{Sob X{- Hpw Adn-bm--Xn-\m BWv X\nv ]nSnp \n¡m Ign-bmsX t]mb-Xv. sF.-]n.-knsb \bn-m {XmWn-bp t\Xmhv Xs-bmWv ]m n.-h-ճ G{_-lmw.

C\nbpw ]e {]kw-K--sf-p-dnpw t\Xm--m-sc-p-dnpw Fgp-Xm-\p-v. AsXmw ]nmse F-gp-Xmw.F\nbvpw ]d-bp-hm-\pv ]Xn-\m-bn-c-sf BIjn-p Ihj-\mWv Ip-\mSv Ihj. s]-tmkvXv kaq-l-n\p BsI A`n-am\amWv Cu Ihj. Cpdn Ihj-\n ]s-Sp-p-Xv ip`-{]-Xo--tbm-sS-bm-sW-nepw sNdnb Bi--Ifpw Cm-Xn-. Cubn-sS-bmbn sF. ]n. kn.-bn \S-p ]eXpw ssZh-P-\-n\v Bim-ky-am-b-X. GXp-hn-hm-Z-am-bmepw GXp {Kqns t]cn-em-bmepw Ip-\mSv Ihjs\ _m[n-p--sXmpw BcpsS `mKp \np-ap-m-Im ]mSn-. ImcWw CXn-\mbn ]nXm--m \Inb hne hep-Xm-Wv. CXp \psS Bob ktm-j-ns Zn\--fm-W-tm.


Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
sp (February 11, 2015)
Mr. PJ, How you can feel Holy Spirit when a non christian exalting Jesus. Its not the real spirit. In order to exalt Jesus, you need to experience Him. Otherwise you are just joking like the mimic artists imitating pastors,or like some of our pastors with no experience with Jesus.
sp (February 11, 2015)
Hello PJ, If Chavar vision influenced your Hindu friend, I am happy to hear it. Since you can not influence your friend, Chavar did it. Halleelujah.
pj (February 11, 2015)
Hello SP. The chavar vision has influenced my Hindu friend.
pj (February 10, 2015)
Pastor Samkutty Even when a non christian exalts the name of our Lord You can feel the presence of the Holy spirit.
oommen (January 22, 2015)
the fasting prayers and preparations for the conventions are of high standards, it has doubled the people participation and spiritual atmosphere ,
elizabeth (January 20, 2015)
God honored our parents and blessed them abundantly. Instead of spreading the gospel, they got selfish and made big bank accounts and got greedy. Pentecostals alone could have spread the gospel to every inch of India. We did not need any foreign help. It is sad to see pastors come and speak about the poisons they had and degrees they have and they have nothing to say from word of God. God is still faithful. His word will be preached . Hope we will come back to God with broken heart and fa down at his feet and ask for forgiveness. Then He may bring us back to the original Pentecostal power.
chany thomas (January 14, 2015)
Pastor Samkutty Mathew

Most of our Conventions, right now not spirtual gathering only social gathering. You talking about two leaders, yes they are good leaders and good administrators but spiritual activities and business will not go together. A leader should have a good relationship all types of peoples such as poor, rich, popular or unknown that means a "Janakeeyan". Church members or Pastors can see them only through appointments, come on, these are the few drawbacks of the above leaders.
sp (January 8, 2015)
power vision is no more powerful. its name should be Chavar vision. when spiritual leaders go to be business minded these things will happen. its the fall of a great man. sorry to say that.
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