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F\nbvpw ]d-bm-\pv: sF.-]n.-kn. Ce-\pw tPWepw: ]m kmwIpn amXyp, No^v FUn-

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 6, 2015
Views: 12152

IPC Election and Journal.
s]-tm-kvXnse Ghpw henb P\m-[n-]Xy `cW kwhn-[m-\-amWv sF.-]n.-kn-bn-te-Xv. Ghpw hmin-tb-dnb t]mcm--amWv sF.-] Ce--\n ImWm-dp--Xv. apsms Cp ImWp hmin-sbm-p-an-m-bn-cp-p. hgnsb t]mIp--hsc ]nSnv Iukn sa-dmn amp Ime-hp-ap-m-bn-cp-p. P\-d Iukn AwK-am-Ip--Xn\v ]epw X]-cy-ta-bn-m-bn-cp-p. tIcfm tn-\m-bn-cpp Fpw {]m[m\yw. Fm Cv nXn amdn-bn-cn-p-p. h ]-Xn-Ifpw ap-ambn P\-d Iukn ta ssI t\Sn- Ignp. tIcfm tv Iukn-en\v ]ttmse-bp {]m[m\yw Cn F-XmWv bmYmyw. AXp-sImp Xs P\-d Iukn Ce--\n m\mn-I-fpsS Fw Cpdn IqSm-\mWv km[y-X.

sF. ]n. Cv \S-p Ce- ssZho-I-amtWm Fsmcp tNmZyw ]ecpw tNmZn-m-dp-v. CsXmcp N Bt hnj-b-am-Wv. skmsskn BIvSv A\p-k-cnv cPn- sNbvX kwL-S\ F \ne-bn sX-c-s-Spv A\n-hm-cy-am-Wv. Cs sXc-s-Spv coXn Hpw Bim-ky-a F-XmWv kXyw. i-amb cp ]m\-ep-I-fmWv Gp-ap-p--Xv. Ign Ce--\p-I-fn BZi-n-sbpw \ne-]m-Sp-I-fp-sSbpw t]cn Bbn-cpp t]mcm-w. D]-tZi hncp-X, Agn-aXn XpS-nb Btcm-]W {]Xym-tcm-]-W- Dbn-bmWv ]ecpw cwKv Dm-bn-cp--Xv. CXn-\n-S-bn am[y-a-sf hnZ-KvZ-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-p--h-cp-ap-v. Ign Ce--\n BZi-ap--Wn-sbv ]dp \S--h sF.-]n.-kn. Hm^o-kn\p apn Ipn-bn-cpv kacw \S-n-bXv henb hm-bm-bn-cp-p. kl\ ka-c-ns `mK-ambn BZi-n\p thn Ipn-bn-cp--tm ImgvN-m-c-\m-tIn h F\npw tcma-lj-ap-m-bn. \ne-]m-Sp-Iġmbn Ctm-Snp t]mcmSn hnPbw hcn-p t\Xr-Xzstbmp Rm\pw ]pf-I-a-Wn-p. Ime-N{Iw amdn-b-tm IYbpw amdn-bn-cn-p-p. As-Xn-s hyn-bp-sS tXmfn ssIbnv \S-p ka-c-\m-b-Is Cs apJw F\n-sm-cp- Imcyw Ddp \In. Cq- ImWn-p--sXmpw Bib]c-a Bam-i-b-]cw am{X-amWv. Hmn-t\-m thK-n-emWv ]e t\Xm--m-cp-sSbpw \ne-]mSv amdp--Xv.
sF. ]n. kn. t\Xm--m-sc-p-dnv Fs ImgvN-mSv CXmWv. CXn-t\mSv F{X-t] tbmPnpw Fs-\nv Adn-p-Iq-Sm. thZ-im-kv{X-]-c-ambn sF. ]n. kn. t\Xm--mcn Adn-hp--h-cmbn Rm Icp-Xp-Xv ]m hk G{_lmapw ]m sI. kn. tPmWpw Xs-bm-Wv. tIcfm tn ]m ^nenv ]n. tXma-kn-s\bpw B KW-n Ds-Sp-mw. \ `cWw \S-p-hm Ign-bp t\Xm--m-cpsS Iq-n ]m kmw tPmv Xs-bmWv apn. Hm^okv kwhn-[m\w \mbn sImp-t]m-Ip-hm Ign-bp AUvan-\n-kvt{S--dmWv At-lw. ]m hk G{_-lmapw anI `c-W-Im-hm-Wv.

P\-d {]kn-Uv F \ne-bn ]m tP_v tPm tim`n-pthm Fsmcp tNmZy-ap-v. Atlw anI Hcp `c-W-Im-h F-XmWv bmYmyw. adnv Hcp {]m\m a\p-jy F \ne-bn Fm-hcpw At-ls AwKo-I-cn-p. Ip-\mv Hcp Ne\w Dm-p-hm At-l-n\p Ign-p. C\m-j-W Hm^o-kns ]Wn-bn Nne-cpsS Ifn-I At-ls shn hogvn. ew hmn-b-tXm-Sp-IqsS Atlw Ce- ka-bv \Inb hmKvZm\w ]men-p. Nne {]tXyI kml-N-cy-n {]kn-Uv m\mn-bmbn cwK-{]-thiw sNbvX Atlw Hcp tSan-tev am{Xta Cu m\v Xm\pq FmWv FtmSv ]d--Xv. Hcp tSw Ignv Atlw hopw lnam-N{]tZ-in-tev t]mIpw FmWv Av Atlw {]Jym-]n--Xv. Xs \ne-]m-Sn\v amw hn-ptm Fv ASp Ce-\n Adn-bmw.

Ign--Xns apv \S Ce--\n D]-tZ-i-]-c-amb hnj-b--fp-ambn _-sv Hcp tNcnsb ]np-W-n-cp-p. ]m ^nenv ]n. tXmakv t\XrXzw \Inb ]m\-en-s\-bmWv Av ]np-W--Xv. Cpdn Ce--\n ]np-W-bvWw F Bh-iy-ambn ]ecpw hnfn-m-dp-v. Fm Cm-cy-n bmsXmcp Bth-ihpw Cpdn tPW-en-\n-. ImcWw Bi-b-]-c-amtbm BZi-]-c-amtbm Hcp tNcnsb ]np-W-bv- kml-Ncyw Ctm Cm-sb--XmWv bmYmyw.

Cpdn B m\mnv tNcn m\mn-bmbn {]Jym-]n Hcp hyn-sb-p-dnv Rm Hcm-tfmSv At\z-jn-p. sF. ]n. knbpsS HutZym-Kn-I-m-\v hcp-hm Fv tbmKy-X-bm-Wp-Xv F Fs tNmZy-n\v e`n adp-]Sn C{]Imc-amWv ""]ns Bcv Imip-ap-Spw'' sF. ]n. kn. Ce-s Hcp t\Nn-{X-amWv B adp-]-Sn-bn-ep--Xv. CXv e- adn-bp CS-]m-Sm-Wv. BZi-ip-nbpw am\y-Xbpw Hpw A {][m\w Fw. ssIq-p--h Imcy-m-c Fp ]d--Xp-t]mse Imip--h ChnsS Imcy-m-c-\mIp-I-bmWv. Ce- Znhkw Ip-\mSv Fn-bm temI-m t]mepw en-p-t]m-Ipw. Cc-hn-t]-cq apX ]pmSv hsc hgn-b-cn-In \nc-p-In-S-p Sqdnv _kp-Ifpw ap hml-\-fpw. ]Xn-\m-bn-c--W-n\v ImUp-Ifpw t\mo-kp-Ifpw slt{_m tImupw Ignv Xncp-h tImg-tcn tdmUn-tev IqSn hym]n-p-tm hml-\-bm-{X-m Aw hnp-t]m-Ip-p. s]s-tm-kvXp-Im-cp-sS-bn-S-bnepw C-s\-sbms Dtm Fv tNmZn-p Bfp-I-sfbpw In-p-v. BZi-ipn-bp-hcpw hyn-]-c-ambn am\ycpw Bo-b-cp-amb Hncn t\Xm--m sF. ]n. kn.-bn-ep-v. Ah-scmw Ccw Imcy--fn Jn-cm-Wv. hnc-en-se-m-hp--h \nb-{n-p cmjv{So-b-I-fn-p-ap-n Ah Hpw sNp-hm Ign-bmsX \ntn hcpp.

F\nv ]d-bm-\pv

Cy-bnse Ghpw henb s]s-tmkvXv {]m-\-amb sF. ]n. kn.v `mc-X-n henb ZuXy-amWv \n-ln-p-hm-\p--Xv. ]c-kv]-c-ap t]mcmw Ah-km-\n-n-t Imew Ign-p. \ntbm-P-I-a-WvUew Xncnv {]Xn-\n-[n-Isf sXc-s-Spv Ab-m Ctm-gp {]bm-k-smw ] cn-lm-c-am-Ipw.


Displaying 5 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
thiruvalla (April 23, 2015)
who is not able to understand the intention of this article.This is a Church not a company or prayer people are the need of this Church.Who has done this much of developments in the past..what more you expect?
visionary, birmingham (April 17, 2015)
Media Play a crucial role in the fall and rise of Pentecostal leadership. They all have hidden agenda which is evident in their titles and news.I feel Believers Journal keep a distance instead favoring a panel.Jacob John is a man of prayer and personal spiritual life. Where as Valson Abraham is a diplomat.He should be given a chance to be the President of IPC. He is a presentable figure. The concern is the money raised or donated for IPC should be used for IPC alone. Not for his personal use or family owned ministry. We need leaders who are committed to evangelize the nation. Let people who love the Lord and His Kingdom come to leadership...
st new york. (April 15, 2015)
I agree with Pr. Samkutty in certain areas not everywhere. Yes, Pr. Jacob John is a man of Prayer, so far no corruption. Give him one more chance, at least let him buy few more properties for IPC. Now most of the believers started to trust in leaders especially, Over Seas believers. Give them a chance to little more investments for IPC. Pr. Valson Abraham never become the President, he was Secretary for two terms, let him be the Vice President for the next term and be the President later, if God willing.Compare last two general conventions and other years. Now ordinary believers thinking that, IPC belongs to us not the inheritance of bunch of leaders.
pavam viswasi (April 8, 2015)
pr. samkutty indirectly supporting somebody, pr. jacob john is a prayer warrior. after so many decades ipc bought their own property through pr. jacob john. he may not be a strong administrator but is a real spiritual leader not a robber. he never use ipc to make his own kingdom and never betray j j is a " janakeeyan ". no doubt ordinary peoples in ipc give him one more chance. eventhough import peoples from karnataka, tamil nadu or any other state pr. j j will be the next ipc president. do the responsibility of a real journalist don`t go after money. look all the panels and the leaders who is the real follower of jesus christ. comparing all these leaders pr. j j is the real leader.
sp (April 7, 2015)
Dear Pastor

We been writig these things for a long time. Any change? NO. Not at all. Our leaders will never ever change. Money, Power, Women(sorry)and Drinks(chalakkudy special) are the motives of our leaders. Who got time to care about IPC. One Pastor sold his property to IPC making more than a crore profit. Can you believe. This is IPC.
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