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sF. ]n. kn. Hm^okv \nmWw ]p\-cm-cw-`np

IPC office building work restarted
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 22, 2015
Views: 6412

IPC office building work restarted.
Ip-\mSv: apS-n-n-S sF. ]n. kn. slUvIzmtgvkv _nUnw-Kns \nmWw ]p\-cm-cw-`n-p. ]m sI. kn. tPm {]mnv \nmW DZvLm-S\w \n-ln-p. Khsans A-\p-a-Xn-bn-msX ]Wn-X-Xns t]cn ap-S-n-n-S ]Wn-I-fmWv Ctm Bcw-`n-n-cn-p--Xv. Cu _nUnw-Kns \nmWw Bcw`w apX hnhm-Z- Hn-\p-]p-dsa Hmbn hp-sIm-n-cp-p. \nm-W-n Agn-aXn Dv F Jm dntmn-t Btcm-]W {]Xym-tcm-]-W- Dbncp-p. sF. ]n. kn. cmjv{So-b-ns Cc-bmbn Cu sIn-S-\nmWw amdn. Hw Agn-aXn Btcm-]-W--fpw. Ctm sIn-Sw-]Wn Bcw-`n-n-cn-p-Xv FIvkn-Iyq-o-hvkn ]e-cp-sSbpw FXntm-sS-bmsW-mWv Adn-bp--Xv. P\-d {]kn-Uv t\cnv CS-s]v ]Wn Bcw-`n-p-I-bm-bn-cp-spw Xġv AXn ]n-sìpw Nne ]d-bp-p. ASp Iukn aonw-Kn CXn-s\-Xnsc i-ambn {]Xn-I-cnpw Fv Nne P\-d Iukn AwK- ]d-bp-p. Fm Ch-cpsS hmZ-K-Xn-I Hpw icn-b-söpw hyn-hn-tZzjhpw {Kqp-I-fn-bp-amWv Btcm-]-W-n-\p-]n-n-sev adp-hn-`mKw ]d-bp-p. k`-bpsS ]ptcm-KXn B{K-ln-p--h Cu hnj-b-n CS-s]-Sp-Ibpw ]Wnbvv Bh-iy-amb A\p-aXn hmp-I-bm-bn-cp-spw A\m-h-iy-amb hnhmZw Dm-p--h k`-bpsS hf apc-Sn-n-p-hm {ian-p-I-bm-sWpw adp-hn-`mKw ]d-bp-p. hnhm-Z-n\v ]-an-m sF. ]n. knbn C\nbpw Cu hnj-b-n IqSp-X hnhm-Z- {]Xo-n-mw.


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