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sF.] Hm^okv \nmWw ]p\cmw`nXn\v ssltmSXn hnev

IPC Office Building work stay by High Court
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 24, 2015
Views: 8673

IPC Office Building work stay by High Court.
\mSv: Khsans AaXnbnmsX ]WnXXns t]cn apSnnS sF.] Hm^okv \nmWw ]p\cmcw`nXn\v ssltmSXnbpsS t HmU ]pdp hmXmbn \mp \nw hm e`nn. Cu _nUnwKns apSnnS ]Wn Bcw`n hm t^mtm klnXw _neothgvkv tPWen Ign Znhkw {]knoIcnn. B hmbn Cu hnjbn IqSpX hnhmZ {]Xonmsaw tcJsSpnbn. Cs\ H HU hcm km[yXbpsv IXnbnh Xnhm, ]\wXn Fo apkn tImSXnIfn \nw Imhnbv FSpn. Fm HmKv 21mw XnbXn FdWmfp tIcfm ssltmSXn XpSv Hm^okns ]Wn \SpXv XSpsImq HmU ]pdsSphnp F hmbmWv Rġv e`nncnXv.
Cu hm icnbmsWn sF.]n.,kn F {]m\s ssZhw cns.


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