Saturday, September 28, 2024 |

IpISn:t]mp thtWm t]mv

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 9, 2015
Views: 9320

Nv Hm^v tKmUn C\n hcm t]mIp-Xv Ce--\p-I-fpsS Ime-am-Wv. P\p-h-cn-bn Iukn Ce-\pw sabv amk-n Hmhkn-b Ce-\pw \S-pw. Hmhkn-b m\-tv Fn-t-cp-hm dmn-m-c InWp {ian-p-I-bm-Wv. Hcp ]{X-n X\n-mWv km[y-X-sbv hm hcpnI-gn-p. ip{iq-j-Ismw Ct-l-tmSv s]mXpth Akw-Xr-]vXn-bm-Wv. AXn\p Imc-W- ]e-Xm-Wv. AXp-sIm-p-Xs Bfp-Isf IqsS-q-m k-X-{-fpw ]b-p-I-bmWv Ct-lw. AXn-\p-I am--fn HmWv Xs Hmhkn-b Bn-bm t]mv Xcm-sav ]dv ]mamsc kzm[o-\n-p-I. ]s, Inv ]p A_w In am{Xw Adn-bp-n-. Hcp t]mv Xs ]ev hmKvZm\w sNp-p. hmKvZm\w Inn-b-h Hp-Iq-Sp-tm kwKXn ]c-ky-am-Ip-p. DZm-l-c-W-n-\v Akn-v Hmhkn-b m\w ]ep \Im-sa-mWv Ctlw Hmtcm-cp--tcmSpw ]d-n-cn-p--Xv. Ctm Xs \me-p-t]-tcmSv Cu m\w sImSp-m-sav ]d-p-I-gn-p. ssh. ]n. C. {]kn-Uv, kt-kvIq {]kn-Uv XpSn ]e ]Z-hn-Ifpw \Im-sav ]e-tcmSpw ]d-p. Unkv{SnIvSv ]m m\w hmKvZm\w Inn-b-hsmw-IqSn B ]Zhn \In-bm sF. ]n. kn., Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv, imtcm XpS-nb k`-I IqSn Nv Hm^v tKmUn tNt-n-hcpw. Xs iey-s-Sp-msXbncp-m aoUnbm Ub-d-IvS Bm-sav _neo-thgvkv tPW FUn-pw Inn hmKvZm-\w. CtX hmKvZm\w Innb ap cp-t]sc IqSn tPW FUn-v Is-m-\m-bn. ]pImev \mn]p-d--fn an-hmdpw tIġp Hcp i_vZ-ap-m-bn-cp-p, Ip sImm-\ptm Iv. CXv Ctm t]mv thtWm t]mv Fm-bn-cn-p-p. t]mpw Npn \S-p Hmhkn-b m\-tamlnv ]nb Hcp Iqpw Inn-bn-p-v. B IY-sbms C\n-sbm-cn- ]d-bmw.
ASn-p-dnv: Cu\m-wt]-nv ac-n Iqv.


Displaying 6 Comments
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spkumbanad (September 21, 2015)

tp (September 20, 2015)
P.C Cherian (cog) Babu George (ag) Shibu Neduveli(ipc) -why these people get more votes?
sp (September 19, 2015)
PC become overseer mean church of God will become worst than a Fish market. "gundayisam will be the foundation not the bible. He is a power full preacher but he is number 1 liar, thief, Immoral, gunda, and a Christ less Christian. He have only two things in his mind, that is money and power. Every church of god members should unite and oppose any and all movement so he will not become Overseer. He might have had Christ in him years ago (centuries), but now he is like a fan turning even after the switch of off. Lets all unite and defeat all his plans to become an overseer.
binu (September 14, 2015)
When I hear this post " overseer ", the picture coming to my mind is KSEB overseer . So many other good names available, why this church give this name for this dignified high post ?
sp (September 11, 2015)
Aarundu Evide Kaanattee...."Sakuthi" erangi varunnee ullu....
cog pastor (September 9, 2015)
vere aarundu overseer akan?

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