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Money become part of standardize by Bro. Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 3, 2017
Views: 7867

Money become part of standardize by Bro. Rajan Ariyappallil.
CXv P\-d I¬h³j³ Imew, FÃm {]Øm-\-§fpw aÕ-cn-¨mWv ASn-Øm\ kuI-cy-§Ä Hcp-¡p-¶-Xv. Ip¼-\mSv I¬h³j-\p-th­n Hcp-¡nb Øncw tÌPv at\m-l-c-am-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. tÌPn-\nS-bn hnim-e-amb {]bÀtN-¼dpw at\m-lcw. FbÀ I¬­o-j³ {]bÀ dqw. FÃm P\-d I¬h³j-\p-IÄ¡mbpw Hcp-¡nb ]´-ep-Ifpw AXn-a-t\m-l-cw. F¶m Fhn-sSbpw Ft´m Hcp Ipdhv A\p-`-h-s¸-Sp-¶p. Pohsâ Ipdhp Xs¶-bmWv ^o sN¿p-¶-Xv. KmbI kwLhpw A²y-£X hln-¡p-¶-hcpw {]kw-K-I-cp-saÃmw Ahc-h-cm Ign-bp¶ coXn-bn Cf-¡p-hm\pw Poh³ \ÂIp-hm\pw {ian-¡p-¶p-­v. F¦nepw ]cn-{i-a-§-sfÃmw hrYm-hm-Ip¶p F¶Xv am{Xw _m¡n-bm-Ip-¶p. sshIm-cn-I-amb Nne Cf-¡-§Ä CS-¡nsS D­m-Ip¶psh¦nepw AsXÃmw Xm¡m-enI {]Xn-`mkw am{X-ambn amdp-¶p. sF. ]n. Fkv DtZym-K-Ø-tc-¡mÄ Ka-tbmSpw Xe-¡-\-t¯mSpw \o§p¶ ]e-{]-kw-K-Icpw BtcmSpw kwkm-cn-¡p-hm³ t]mepw Xp\nbmsX \S-¶-I-ep-t¼mÄ ChÀ {]kw-Kn-¡p¶ tbip asämcp tbiphmsW¶p tXm¶n-bm Ipäw ]d-bm-\m-Iptam? s]mXpsh DbÀ¶p tIÄ¡p¶ Btcm-]Ww ]Ww hm§n t{]m{Km-ap-IÄ hn¡p-¶p-sh-¶-Xm-Wv. {]mÀ°\ apX {]kwKw hscbpw C§s\ hnÂ]\ \S-¯p-¶-Xm-bmWv ]cm-Xn. tÌPnse Ccn-¸n-Shpw C§s\ hn¸\ \S-¯m-dp-­-s{X. Nne-cpsS {]kwKw tIÄ¡p-t¼mÄ Btcm-]-W-§Ä icn-bm-sW¶p Dd-¸mbn hniz-kn-¨p-t]m-Ipw.
C¶v an¡ tÌPp-I-fnepw A\Àl-cmWv {]kw-K-I-cmbn F¯p-¶-Xv. ssZh-Ir-]bpw {]kwK]mShw DÅ-h-cmb [mcmfw {]kw-K-IÀ kZ-Ên-en-cn-¡p-t¼m-gm-Wv NneÀ tÌPn tImamfn tjm \S¯n Cfn-`y-cmbn aS-§p-¶-Xv. {]Xo-£-tbmsS hcp¶ P\w hni-t¸msS aS-§p-¶p.
C¶v HutZym-KnI Øm\-¯n\pw ip{iq-jbv¡pw ASn-Øm\ LSIw ]Ww am{X-ambn amdp-¶Xv henb A]-I-S-¯n-te-¡mWv k`sb \bn-¡p-¶-Xv. GXv A\m-ßn-I\pw ]n•m-ä-¡m-c-\p-sams¡ ]n¶m-¼p-d¯p IqSn k`m {]Øm-\-§-fn \qWpIS-¡p-I-bm-Wv. {Zhyw sIm¬­v ssZh-¯nsâ Ir]-I-sfbpw \•sbbpw hnebv¡p hm§phm³ {ian-¡p-¶-hÀ¡v e-`n-¡p¶ ssZhnI in£bpw A¯-c-¡m-tcm-SpÅ k`-bp-sSbpw At¸m-kvX-e-•m-cp-sSbpw \ne-]mSpw Adn-b-W-sa-¦n At¸m-kvXe {]hÀ¯n-I-fpsS ]pkvXIw teJ-\-§fpw \¶mbn hmbn¨p a\-kn-em-¡-Ww.
F\n¡v ZpxJIcambn ]et¸mgpw tXm¶nbn«pÅXv k`m{]Øm\§fpsS Nne LSI§fnse¦nepw HutZymKnI `mchmlnIfmbn Ccn¡p¶hÀ B Øm\¯n\v tbmKytcm AXpambn _ÔanÃm¯htcm BWv. k`bpsS t\Xm¡•mÀ ]ecpw ]Ww hm§p¶hcpw (ssI¡qen) in¦nSnIsf Øm\am\§Ä¡mbn XncnIn Ibäp¶hcpamWv. X§fpsS \ne\n¸n\pth­n hn«phogvNIÄ sN¿p¶hcpw A\mßoIscbpw A\Àlscbpw DÄ-s¡m­pt]mIp¶hcmWv. ssZhoI ip{iqjsb¶ Xncn¨dnthmsSbpw H¶maXmbn {]kmZn¸nt¡¬­Xv ssZhs¯ am{XamsW¶ Xncn¨dnthmsSbpw t\XrXzw hln¨m CsXm¶pw kw`hn¡nÃ. ChnsS knwlmk\hpw A-[nImc¯nsâ sNt¦mepw Dd¸n¡phm\pÅ {ia¯n t\XrXzw \jvSs¸Sp¯Xv s]s´t¡mkvXnsâ aqeyhpw ssZhhN\¯nsâ ]cn]mh\Xbpw BWv.
AgnaXnbpw kzP\]£]mXhpw s]s´t¡mkvXv {]Øm\§fn sImSnIp¯n hmgpIbmWv. am^nb kwL§sf-t¸mse DÅhÀ `cWtI{µ¯n hnekpItbm AXn\pÅ Ahkc§Ä tXSpItbm BWv.
2017þ \ap¡v Bgamb Hcp am\km´cw Bhiyambncn¡p¶p. BZnaImes¯t¸mse ]nXm¡¬•mÀ ImWn¨ ]mXbneqsS Hcp bm{Xbv¡mbn \msamcp§Ww. AXn XymKap­v, kaÀ¸Wap­v, XyPn¡ep­v. hN\¯n\pap¼n hndbv¡p¶ A\p`hhpap­v. ChnsS F´pe`n¡pw F¶Xnt\¡mÄ hcphm\pÅ temIs¯¡pdn¨pÅ {]Xym-ibnte¡v \mw aS§nhcWw. ]Ww Aà {]Ya Bhiyw. ssZhIr]bmWv.


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rajan mathew (February 5, 2017)
this is a very good observation.we are loosing the real grace of god.we are following mammon.unless we change our attitude we are going to pay for that. we need to come back to god. now days we are showing our wealth and positions. we call bribery "grace".when i was a small boy i still remember the preachers were "pastors k.e abraham, t.g. oommen, p.m. philip, george varghese, v.t. joseph, c.k daniel, k.e. mathew, m.v. chacko (mundiappally),c.i.cherian and also pastors like km joseph, k.m. john, kc john, etc. but now days we never heard about some of the preachers. its very sad to see those things. money will come and go.
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