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]m kw tPmns\smephsS t\XrXzw sF.]n.knv Bhiyw

Need more leaders like Sam George for IPC
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 7, 2015
Views: 10961

Need more leaders like Sam George for IPC.
sF.]n.knbn Cv \SsImncn sIgn t\{XXzn ISnmWnSphm ]m kw tPmv, ]m hk G{_lmw, ]m ^nenn tXmakv FnhsS t\{XXzw sF.] F _lp {]m\n\mhiyw BsWv tIcfnepw, hntZinap sF.] ip{iqjImw hnizmknIfpw B{KlnmXmbn sF.] bpsS hnhn[ tI{fnenw Adnbphm km[np. sF.] Cv \SsImncn Xcw XmW ]m\epIw, thmn ]Ww F cm{ob knmn hgsX. kXynw, kXy D]tZinw \nesImphscbmWv sF.]n.knv Cv BhiyapXv.
NpaXesh Iukn Xoam\w Adnbnhsc AdnbnXv hgnhn Xoam\sav ]dbp Cu ]{Xm]nXt\mSv tNmZnmXv Iukn Xoam\nm \S]Sn FSp t\Xmhns \obas Fm ]dtbXv. Iukn aonwKns Xte Znhkw Iukn Nt]mepw sNmsX Xnhmbn apnb tlmen IqSn FSp Xoam\{]Imcw (\nehnepmbn _nUnwKv Inn AdnbmsX) _nUnwKns tat\mmcmbn Nnesc \ntbmKn \S]Sn hgnhn \S]Sn Asöv \ntjZnm km[ntam? {]knUns \S]Sn FmWv hgnhn \oba\atbm. sF.] {]knUns\m Fp tXm\nbhmkhpw sNm BcmWv A[nImcw sImSpXv. ]m kmw tPmns\tmeph A[nImcn hm NnesS \m]on ham\w \ntam Fv `bw DXpsImpw _n\manIġqw Kpmbnknw A\oXnw Dqhnems `bw sImpw \Sp Hmemv `ojWnv aqJ ]mns adp]Sn {]XojnpsImpthWw `mhnbn {]XnIcnm. Asbn Cu ASpImev ]pdndnb Zn{SqvsF]nkn.sImw F sh_vsskv t]mse ]eXpw ]pdndnbm Cu ]I am\y amsS IX\ IYI amtemcdnbpw. ]m kmw tPmns Iv Fv honfn {]knoIcn Cwojnep Iv hmbnm AXn FgnXnbncn hnhcw Cwojv Adnbmhp Bsctmtnepw ]cn`mjsSpnbnsn Cu hnUnw {]t_mZnnnmbn. AXn FgpXnbncnXv ]m kmw tPmv \ntbmKnp Fv Am. sF.] sP\d Iu kn FSp Xoam\am\samWv. AXn Fsnepw sXptn Iuknen ]cmXnsImSpIbmWv thXv AmsX hynlXybmWv Dtisan AXns\ t\cnSm ]ew cwKpshsamWv \mp \nw e`n dntmv. ]m kmw tPmv sF.] {]m\nw iq{iqjbnepw sNbvX XymK]camb {]h\ sF]nknm a\knemn Ignp. AXns\dn ht\mfw ]pIgvn {]t_m[\nepw hnnpv. ASp Ces {]NcW`mKamb NnesS X{amb hynlXy hnetmInmsbv P\ a\knemn Ignp.


Displaying 3 Comments
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asaan (October 19, 2015)
Building paniyan chance kittiyappol pillaikku presidentinte karalu vare kaanaan patty. Thoolika padavaalo atho panivaaloo...
sam kitty dallas. (October 8, 2015)
IPC needs sacrificial and dedicated leaders like Pastor Sam George who proved his leadership through practical life. People like fake Pillai is trying to put him down by receiving bribes from people who lost power, the value of Pastor Sam George is going up. Pillai is a Kooli ezhuthukaran who will do anything for money. American malayalees know very well that Mr. Pillai has no ethics and values who is making his income from these false probodhanam. See how he changed in months for money and positions. A pakka liter.
asaan (October 8, 2015)
kasinuvendy manushyan inganeyum kaalumarumo? ennale vare pallu paranja president ippol nallavanyi. Bharatha yathra kalakky. Kasinu vendy enthum ezhuthunnathu kashtam. Ente pilleee.....
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