Monday, October 7, 2024 |

tPmnbm bqv s^temjnn\v ]pXnb kmcYnI

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 10, 2014
Views: 16817

New leadership for Georgia Youth Fellowship.
New leadership for Georgia Youth Fellowship
Avemm: tPmnb kwm\p Avemm ]Wnse s]tmkvXv bphP\fpsS sFIy th[nbmb tPmnb bqv s^temjnns 2014se `mchmlnIsf ent_Wnep Imhdn Akwn Nn hv \S P\d t_mUn aonwKn sXcsSpp. dnmUv amX| ({]knUv), _ns\m ^nenv (sk{Idn), {^mnen Nmtm ({Sjd), _nt\mbn kmapth, t_mhkv kJdnb (t_mUv sa). Avemm ]Wnep hnhn[ k`IfpsS klIcWtmsS \S kXynepw Bmhnepw Bcm[n s]tmkvXv bphP\ġv HnpIqSn ssZhs Bcm[nhm {IaoIcWfmWv tPmnb bqv s^temjnns `mchmlnI HntmncnXv. thjnv ss\v (aebmfw, Cwojv), GIZn\ Ihj, Xmep ]co, kvt]mvkv (_mkvIv t_m, thmfn t_m), hmjnI Ihj, s]mXp Bcm[\ Fo t{]m{KmapI 2014 \SpXmsWv {]knUv dnmUv amXp Adnbnp.


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