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t\mv Atacn aebmfn s]tmkvXv tIm^dkv Hꡧ ]ptcmKan.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 29, 2014
Views: 14474

PCNAK 2014 preparations progressing.
PCNAK 2014 preparations progressing
\|tbmv: 2014 Pqsse 3 apX 6 hsc anjnK emknwKv Ihj skdn shv \SsSp t\mv Atacnbnepw Im\Ubnepap aebmfn s]tmkvXv hnizmknIfpsS Bob ktf\amb aebmfn s]tmkvXv tIm^dkv (]nkn F FsI) 32mw aXv almktf\ns Hꡧ ]ptcmKanph. Atacnbnse hnhn[ ]Wfn {IaoIcnn {]tamjW aonwKpI hnPbIcambn aptdp. hnhn[ k`m hn`mKfn \nw ip{iqjImw hnizmknIfpambn \nch[nbmfpI ]sSpp.

CXphsc aonwKpI \S sk{S ^vtfmdnU, kuv ^vtfmdnU, sSkn, jnmtKm, Avemm XnSnb ]Wfn \nw \ kzoIcWammbsXw tIm^dkns hnPbn\mbn Xfm IgnbpsXmw sNmsav k`m ip{iqjImw ssZhafpw Ddv \InbnpXmbn tIm^dkns sk{Idn tPmtam hKokv Adnbnp. {]apJ ]Wfnsemw tIm^dkns XpS {]tamjW aonpI \Sphm {IaoIcW Bcw`np Ignp. Hetlma, Umfkv, lq̬, s]knhm\nb, \|tPgvkn XpSnb efnepw, sabv amkw 4 Im\Ubnepw {]tamjW tbmK \Sw.

tImW^dkn kw_nhm XmcysSph F{Xbpw thKw cPnkv{S sNbvXv Xmak kuIcyhpw apw DdphtXmsWw sh_vssknepw ]mp ]pkvXInepw k`IfpsStbm, m]\fpsStbm, ap {]m\fpsStbm ]ckyw \hm B{Klnh F{Xbpw thKw NpaXemambn _sSWsaw `mchmlnI Adnbnp. tIm^dkns A{Kln\mbn \mjW Iho\ tUm. cmP tPmv, sk{Idn tPmtam hKokv, {Sjd ]n.Pn. hKokv, bqv tImUnt\ sPbnw tPm FnhtcmsSmw ]m _m_p tXmakv (]nknn), ]m G{_lmw amX| ({]mY\) IqSmsX \mjW tem Inbnephw {]hnph.


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