Friday, September 27, 2024 |

]nkn\mv 2016 {]Ya In Umfkn \S

PCNAK 2016 first national committe held in Dallas
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 20, 2015
Views: 8913

PCNAK 2016 first national committe held in Dallas.
Umfkv: 2016 Pq 30 apX Pqsse 3 hsc Umfkv ]Wn shv \S 34mw aXv ]\mns {]Ya \mjW tem Inn sk]vw_ 19\v C tImUn\ tlmen shv \S. \mjW Iho\ dh. jmPn sI. Um\ntb AyX hlnp. tIm^dkns hn]peamb HꡧfpsS ]ptcmKaXnsbdnv \mjW sk{Idn {_Z nPp tXmakv hnhcnp. 2016 Umfkv tIm^dknte _UvPv \mjW {Sj {_Z tXmakv hokv AhXcnnp. \mjW bqv tImUnt\ {_Z G{_lmw tam\nkv tPmv bphP\ġmbn H {]h\sfdnv {]kvXmhnp. teUokv tImUnt\ kmdm tPmns\ IqSmsX hnhn[Xefntev `mchmlnItfbpw sXscsSpp. 2016 tIm^dknt\mS_nv ]nkn\mv 2016 kph\o {]knnIcnm Xoam\nIbpw AXns tImUnt\dmbn ]nknn tImUnt\dmb tPmkv ]n amX|hns\ sXcsSpIbpw sNbvXp.

hm: tPmkv ]n amXqkv, ]nknn tImUnt\


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