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Pentecostal conference for Sasi Tharoor becoming controversial
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 23, 2014
Views: 20058

Pentecostal conference for Sasi Tharoor becoming controversial.
Xncp-h-\--]pcw: iin-X-cq-cn-\p-thn s]s-tm-kvXnse D]-tZ-in-am-cpsS kt-f\w hnfn-p-q-n-bXns t]cn Db hnhmZw Ah-km-\n-p-n-. sF. ]n. kn.-bnse Iukn AwK-amb Zm\n-tb Im-\n¡p--Xn BWv CXns ]nn Fv Hcp hn`mKw Btcm-]n-p-p. F-m X\n-n-Xn bmsXmcp ]p-an-söpw m\mn-p-thn {]mn-p-hm Nne kvt\ln-X Wn--X-\p-k-cnv t]mbn {]mn--Xp-am-{X-ta-bpq Fpw ap Btcm-]-W--sfmw sXm-sWpw Zm\n-tb sIm-\n¡p--Xn tPW-en-t\mSv ]d-p. hmm Nm\-emb dntm Cu kt-f\ Zriy- shfn-bn hn-tXm-sS-bmWv kw`hw hnhm-Z-am-b-Xv. sI. ]n. kn. ssat\m-cnn hn`m-K-ns Xncp-h-\--]pcw Pnm sNbam-\mb sdPn sI. tP-_mWv aonwKv hnfn-s-mWv Adn-bp--Xv.

Ctlw Xncp-h-\--c-]pcw sF. ]n. kn. k`mw-Khpw Zm\n-tb sIm-\n¡p--Xns ktlm-Z-c-\p-am-Wv. s]s-tmkvXv hn`m-K- km[m-c-W-bmbn Ce- ka-b--fn ]w ]nSn-p ]Xn-hn-. hj-ġp-apv s]s-tm-kvXp-Im ]oUn-n--s--tm CS-Xp-]--n-\-\p-Iq-e-ambn Hcp XcwKw D m-bn-cp-p. Av \S sXc-sSp-n a[y-Xn-cp-h-Xmw-Iq-dnse ]e \ntbm-P-I-a-WvU-e--fnepw CS-Xp-]--ns hnP-b-n\v AXv Imc-W-am-Ip-Ibpw sNbvXp. AXv Ign Ncn-{Xw. Ctm CS-Xn-s\tbm he-Xn-s\tbm A\p-Iq-en-p-Itbm {]Xn-Iq-en-p-Itbm sNt kml-N-cy- Chn-sS-bn-. -A-Xp-sImv Xs ]w ]nSn-t Imcy-hp-an. s]s-tmkvXv k`-I-fpsS t\Xm--m Bcpw Xs GsX-nepw ]s A\p-Iq-en-Ww Fv Bh-iy-s-n-p-an-. Fm Nne s]s-tmkvXv ip{iq-j-Icpw Hp-cp ]{X-fpw m\mn-I-fpsS ]w-]n-Snv s]s-tmkvXv kaq-l-ns ]npW Ahp-s \ne-bn {]N-cWw \S-n-bn-cn-p-p. CXn-\p-]n-n km-nI CS-]m-Sp-I \S-p-sh Btcm-]-W-amWv ]d-p- tIġp--Xv. sF. ]n. kn.-bpsS Iukn AwK--fmWv CsXmw sNbvXn-cn-p--Xv. A-c-ms-Xnsc \S-]-Sn-sb-Sp-p--Xn\v Nqw ImWn-p-I-bmWv sF. ]n. kn. t\XrXzw sNt--Xv. s]s-tmkvXv hnizm-kn-I-sfbpw ip{iq-j-I-scbpw Hn-sm-Spv shn-\m-W-b- kz-am-p--h Cu am-ns i{Xp--fm-Wv. s]mXp kaq-l-ns apn \psS kaq-l-n\v Dmb A]-am-\-n\v Imc-W-m-cm-b-h kzbw Nnn-p-Xv \v. s]s-tmkvXv kaqlw Hcp cmjv{So-b-]mn-bp-sSbpw ]-m-c-. Ah Fpw \njv]Icpw {]_p--cp-am-Wv.


Displaying 2 Comments
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a. s. mathew (April 25, 2014)
What happened to the first part?
a. s. mathew (April 25, 2014)

Mr. Modi went to Kerala and tried to meet the Christian Bishops, and he got a cold shoulder from them; but two of the Orthodox Bishops received him with stretched hands. The Marthoma Metropolitan got VIP treatment in Gujarat and some of the Episcopal religious hierarchy have an altered notion that Mr. Modi is a changed person. One Christian Gujarathi friend told me " Mr. Modi has Christians working with him in his office and he repeatedly asked them to pray for him". When he took control of Gujarat, Gujarat became the No 1 state in India in the religious persecution, especially of the Christians. Now, Gujarat is at the very bottom level. Did GOD work through the earthquake?

If the Pentecostal Pastors got money from Mr. Taroor, that is quite

unethical and highly questionable! He approached them for their votes, there is nothing wrong with that; and if the Pentecostal Pastors prayed for him, that is great. Let us see the real truth behind
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