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]m hn. n. G{_lmw kuv Cym Akwokv Hm^v tKmUv kq{]v

Pr. V.T. Abraham South India Assembly Of God Superintend
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 6, 2015
Views: 9142

Pr. V.T. Abraham South India Assembly Of God Superintend.
Iq: kuv Cym Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv P\-d kq{]--dmbn ]m hn. n. G{_lmw hopw sXc-s-Sp--s-p. tUm. sFkIv hn. amXyq (P-\-d sk{I--dn), ]m A_vZp Icow (P-\-d {Sj-dm), ]m ohv Pb-cmPv (A-kn. kq{]-v), ]m Pn. ]o (I-n AwKw) Fnh-cmWv ]pXnb `mchmln-I.
kuv Cym Akw-o-kv Hm^v tKmUv {]Xn-\n-[n-bmbn G. Pn. sF. bntev ae-bmfw Unkv{Snv apkq-{]pw ]p\-eq _tY ss__n tImfPv ap {]nkn-m-fp-amb tUm. ]n. Fkv. ^nen-ns\ sXc-s-Sp-p.
P\-d kq{]-mbn hopw Xnc-s-Sp--s ]m̬ hn. n. G{_lmw ae-_m Unkv{Snv kq{]mWv. anI kwLm-S-I\pw {]kw-K-I-\p-amb Ctlw aqmw Xh-W-bmWv Cu m\-tv Fp--Xv.
alm-cmjv{S, Im-S-I, B{m, Xan-gv\m-Sv, tIc-fw, tKmh Fo kwm-\--fmWv kuv Cym Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv ]cn-[n-bn D-Xv. tUm. sFkIv hn. amXyp ae-bmfw Unkv{SnIvSv ap Akn. kq{]pw ]m A_vZp Icow Im-SI ap kq{]-p-am-Wv.


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