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\ne kphn-tijw {]kw-Kn-p-I: {_Z cmP Bcy--nsNbam

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 8, 2015
Views: 15536

Preach the gospel.
hopw Hcp Ihj kok IqSn Fn-bn-cn-p-p. P\-d Ihj-\p-I-fpsS Xnc-m-Wn-tm. tImSn--W-n\p cq]-bmWv CXn-\mbn sNe-h-gn-p--Xv. Fm hjhpw BtLm-j-ambn Ihj-\p-I \S-p--h AXp-sImv Fp t\Sn F At\z-jWw \S-m-dn-. ]p {]h-W-X-Ifpw Zpcp-]-tZ-i-fpw Fmw sImv \psS kaqlw aeo-a-k-am-bn-cn-p-p. apJy-[mcm s]s-tmkvXp {]m-\--fpsS ]Tn-n--ep-I hni-Z-am-m\pw \h-{]-h-W-X-I-sfbpw Zpcp-]-tZ-i--sfbpw JWvUn-p-hm-\p \ Ah-kcw IqsS-bmWv P\-d Ihj-\p-I. \n`m-Ky-I-c-sap ]d-bs sXmWq-n-sbm]Xp iX-am\w {]kw-K-Icpw Ccw Imcy- ]cm-ain-mdp t]mep-an-. D]-tZ-i-n-\mbn \ne-sIm-p-p-shp \mw Icp-p ]e {]kw-K-Icpw \yqP-\-td-j {]m-\--fp-sSbpw {]kw-K-I-cm-Wv. cv e--fnepw Ah thj--I-tbmsS BSn, Iqen hmn-a-S-p-p.

kar-n-bpsS kphn-tijw P\-ġv \Ip ktiw hfsc sXmb \ne-bn-em-Wv. ChnsS A\p-`-hn-phm Ign-bp km-nI Db-Ifpw Hs hnI-e-amb \ne-bn Ah-X-cn-n-p-tm bYm {InkvXob Pohn-X-n A\p-`-hn-t IjvS-XI-sf-p-dntm ]oU-I-sf-p-dntm XymK-s-p-dntm Cq- \ni-_vZ-cm-Wv. tbip ]d-Xv Hcph Fs ]nmse hcp-hm Cn-m Xs-m XyPnv Xs {Iqiv FSp-p-sImv Fs A\p-K-an-s Fm-Wv. {Iqins hgnbn-eqsS e`y-am-Ip Inco-S-s-p-dn-mWv thZ-]p-kvXIw ]Tn-n-p--Xv.

ssZh-h-N\ ip{iq-j-bpsS thZn-Ifn ssZh-\maw al-Xz-sa-Sp-p-hm CS-bm-IpI Fp--XmWv {][m-\w. {]kw-K-I kzbw ]pI-gp-hmt\m Xm Ign-hph-\m-sWpw ap--h-sc-m t{ijv-T-s\pw {]I-Sn-n-p-hmt\m D CS-a {]kw-K-th-Zn. ssZh-h-N-\-s-p-dnv Bg-amb Adn-hv, {]m\mPo-hnXw, ssZh-Ir] Fmw {]kw-K-I\v AXy-m-t]-jn-X-am-Wv. ]g- {]kw-K--fp-ambn thZn-I-fn Id-p s{]m^-j-W {]kw-K-Isc Hgn-hm-p--XmWv BoI A\p-{K-l-n\v Ic-Wo-bw.

{]kw-Kn-p--Xp-t]m-Is Hcp kZ-ns\ A`n-kw-t_m-[\ sNbvXv hnd-b-en-msX cv hmv ]d-bp-hm Ign-hn-m--ht]mepw ]W-n-sbpw kzm[o-\-n-sbpw ]n_-e-n P\-d Ihj thZn-I-fn \n¡p--Xp-Im-Wp-tm ]e-tmgpw kl-Xm]w tXmm-dp-v. Hmw \qm-nse k`-bn Xs {Zhyw sImv BoI Ir]-I-sf hmp-hm {ian iotams A\p-`hw Asm-kvX-e-{]-hr-n-I-fpsS ]pkvX-I-n tcJ-s-Sp-nbXv {\-km-cw, hopw-P-\-\w, hnizm-k-kv\m-\w, {]m-\m-Po-hn-Xw, hnip--Po-hn-Xw, tbip-{In-kvXp-hns aS-n-h-chv CsX-m-amWv kphn-ti-j-n ASn-bn-cn-p--Xv. ChnsS ]Wn-Xp-bp km{am-Py- Xmevm-en-I-am-Wv. Fm ssZhw inev]n-bmbn \nn-Xpw ASn-m-\--fp--Xp-amb \K-c-s-p-dn-p {]Xymi hnizm-kn-I-fn \nd-bp-hm CS-bm-Ip hn[-n B-{]-tbm-Pn-X-amb {]kw-K--fmWv Cns Bh-

BobthZnp tbmPn-m-- XcwXmW Xam-i-Ifpw Ime-l-c-W-s DZm-l-c-W-fpw sImv P\s Nncn-n-p-hm {ian-p tImamfn {]kw-K-Isc Hgn-hm-p--XmWv \-Xv. {]mkw Hnv {]kw-Kn-p Nne {]kw-K-I D]-tbm-Kn-p hmp-I-fpsS Aw Ahp-Xs Adn-bmtam F-v kwi-bn-t-n-bn-cn-pp. ]pkvXIw tImn-b-Snpw {]kwKw tImn-b-Snpw tPn anSp--cm-Ip--h-cp-v. Fm Asm-kvX-e-\mb ]utemkv sImcn-yv teJ\w Fgp-Xp-tm Xm ]d-bp Hcp hmIyw {it-b-am-Wv. "Rm Im-hn \npw {]m]n-p-Ibpw \nġv G¸np-X-cn-Ibpw sNp-Xv ....' CXv Im-hns tai-sb-p-dn-p {]kvXm-h-\-bm-sW-nepw CXn AS-n-bn-cn-p bmYmyw Im-hn- \nv {]m]n-v P\-n\v sImSp-pI Fp--XmWv Ir-ip-{iq-j-Is IS-a.

Fm Cv Ipdp-p-h-gn-I-fn-eqsS P\-ns ssIbSn t\Sp-hm-\p hrYm {ia-amWv ]e ip{iq-j-Icpw sNbvXp-h-cp--Xv. AXp-sImv a\p-jy-cpsS apmsI ]pIgvN e`n-p-sa--msX ssZh-k-n-[n-bn bmsXmcp {]tbm-P-\hpw Dm-Ip-I-bn-. \n-e-amb kphn-tijw P\-n\v \Ip-hm-\p Ah-k-c-amWv \psS Ihj thZn-I. {]m-\m-]qw AXv D-c-hm-Zn-Xz-tmSpw B`mc-tmSpw sNp-hm {]kw-K-I {in--s. P\s {InkvXp-hn-tepw BoI A`n-hr-n-bn-tepw \S-p-hm AXv apJm-ncw BI-s.


Displaying 4 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
sp (January 14, 2015)
Dear Thomas Chandy,

For some of our stagemania people, they need to be incharge of some organizations or part of conventions to show their beauty. some of them change their clothes for every session of the convention or conference. its a SHOW. Just show...
thomas chandy (January 14, 2015)
Let me ask a question to all Convention Organizers really what you doing, certain type of business, making money, accommodate peoples in the stage. Every day greetings for ten people’s, prayer for fifteen peoples. Also three peoples to five peoples preaching every session. In one session morning or evening there is not enough time for more than two peoples. Give a preacher at least 45 minutes to 1 hour. What is this fashion parade? Come to basics shame on, if it continue don`t attend these types of Ulsavems.

sp (January 10, 2015)
In between a "thangu" for Pr. Joy. Please think about the hard work of these servants of God. How many souls were saved even though they are saying jokes to attract people.
sp (January 8, 2015)
Who is going to hear if its nirmalam. Every body wants prosperity and calvinism.
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