Friday, September 27, 2024 |


Press Release
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 24, 2015
Views: 11387

Press Release.
_neothgvkv tPW No^v FUn ]m kmwn amX}hns `h\n AXn{Ianv Ibdn \mewK kwLw h[nsav `ojWnsSpnbXpambn _s hnjbn ]m ] sNdnbm Xs `mKv \nv Dmb hogvNI AwKoIcnv {IaoIcWw hnbncn. _neothgvkv tPW sshkv sNbam {_Z hnk tPmns (jmP) kmn[yn \S a[y NbnemWv ]m ] sNdnbm CXp kw_amb Imcy {IaoIcnXv. AXpsImv Cu hnjbw kw_nv D Fm \oba\S]SnIfpw hnhm[fpw hmIfpw ChnsS Ahkm\nn.
Cu hnjbn tPWenthn {]mnIbpw ]npW \Ibpw sNbvX Fm {]obshw \n !
{_Z cmP Bcyn (sNbam) {_Z hnk tPmv (sshkv sNbam)


Displaying 2 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
sp (September 28, 2015)
Pr. P.C. will play any game to get the Chair. Kaserakkuvendi thara avanulla "sakuthi" ullavan. Kali venda monee...
johnson (September 25, 2015)
Gundaa vlilayattam pentacostil vardhikkunnu. Chukkan pidikkunnathu pastors um. Karthave....
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