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cmP Bcynens {]mh\

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 29, 2013
Views: 45885

A statement by Rajan Ariyappallil.
2008 P\p-h-cn-bn tIc-f-n- Fnb Rm hfsc bmZr-nI-am-bmWv _neo-thgvkv tPW ]{X-ns Npa-X-e-bn Fp--Xv. {InkvXob am[y-a-cw-Kv {]hn-p--h-cpsS Iqmbva F \ne-bn B {]h\w hfsc A-h-mbn tXmn-b-Xn-\m-emWv AXn Rm ]m-fn-bm-b-Xv. Hcp {InkvXob ]{X-sa \ne-bn am\y-amb \ne-bnepw ]-]mXw IqSm-sXbpw tPW {]h\w aptm-p-t]m-bn. Npcp-nb Imew sImv s]-tmkvXv ]{X--fn hmb-\-m-cpsS Fw av ]{X--sf-m hn-p. _neo-thgvkv tPW sh_vsskv kin-p--h-cpsS Fw Hcp amkw aqp-ew Ihn-Xv Ghpw Ap-X-am-bn. ]{X-{]-h-\-ns `mK-ambn apJ-]w t\mmsX At\z-jW dntmp-I {]kn-o-I-cn-Xv ]e-scbpw i{Xp--fmn amn. Agn-a-Xn-s-Xn-scbpw Zpcp-]-tZ-i-s-Xn-scbpw tPW \ne-]mSv i-am-n. tPW-ens \ne-]mSv icn-bm-sWv Imew sXfn-bn-p. Hfnpw sXfnpw _neo-thgvkv tPW-en-s\-Xnsc ]e `mK-p-\npw B{I-a-W- Dm-bn. Fm \n`-b-ambn aptmp Xs _neo-thgvkv tPW t]mbn.

2013se ]n. kn. F. F. sI.-bpsS sk{I--dn-bmbn Fs sXc-s-Sp-Xv sFI-I-WvtT\bmWv. AXv Ata-cn--bn GXp ]-W-n \S-n-bn-cp-s-nepw Bm-\-tv Rm hc-W-sav [mcmfw Bfp-I FtmSv Bh-iy-s-n-cp-p. Iho-\ m\-tv dh. kn ^nen-n-s\-Xnsc Hcp Iqw Bfp-I Btcm-]-W--fp-ambn cwK-p-h-p. ]n. kn. F. F. sI.-bpsS CXp-h-sc-bp ]Xn-h-\p-k-cnv P\-d t_mUn-bpsS `qcn-]w A\p-k-cn-mWv sXc-s-Spv \S-m-dp--Xv. Im\U tIm^-dkn hv Cu hnj-b-n P\-d t_mUn Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-s Fmbn-cpp Fs \ne-]m-Sv. `qcn-]w Bh-iy-s--X-\p-k-cnv dh. kn ^nenv Iho-\-dmbn Npa-X-e-tb-s-Sp-p. Atlw Npa-X-e-tb-s-Sp \m apX Uns^U ]{Xw hnai-\-hp-ambn cwK-s-n. Ipd-p-Imew Ign--tm F\n-s-Xn-scbpw Uns^U cwK-p-h-p. am\y-amb \ne-bn \S-p hnai-\-sf AtX at\m-`m-h-tmsS ImWpI F-Xm-bn-cpp Fsbpw _neo-thgvkv tPW AwK--fp-sSbpw \ne-]m-Sv. hnai-\- {]tbm-P-\-s-Sp-n Fp I-Xn-em-IWw acym-Z-bpsS Fm AXnh-c-p-Ifpw ewLn-v Fsbpw Fs ]nXm-hn-s\bpw Fs ktlm-Zco `m-hn-s\bpw HSp-hn k`y-X-bpsS AXn ewLnv Fs kl-[n-Wn-sbbpw Ah-tl-fnv Fgp-Xp-hm XpS-n. apn-Nm-Ip-hm XpS-p--h\v Hp ]nS-bvp-hm-\p Ah-Imiw t]mse kaq-l-at[y kXym-h shfn-s-Sp-p-hm Rm\pw bmYmy- adp-]-Snbmbn Fgp-tXn hp.

CXn-\n-S-bn Fs k-n-em-p-hm Nne X{--fp-ambn {ioam Sn. Fkv. _me AWn-b-d-bn \ow \S-n. Btcm X\n-s-Xnsc Cd-nb Hdn-Pn-\ Uns^U F ]n. Un. F^v. ]{Xw _neo-thgvkv tPW-ens Xncp-hm Hm^o-kn \nmWv Cd-n-bXv F ]cm-Xn-bp-ambn Xm t]meo-kns\ kao-]n-p. Fnv _neo-thgvkv tPW ]qp-sapw Iyq- sdbvUv sNbvXv sImp-t]m-Ip-sapw NnetcmSv ]d-bp-I-bp-m-bn. Fm ]cm-Xn-bn Ig-nm Fv t_m[y-s t]meokv A[n-Im-cn-I ]cmXn Xn--f-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. Fnpw sshcmKyw XocmsX Fs sNbam m\-p-\np amn-bn-m-sb-n `hn-j-p-I A\p-`-hn-tn hcp-sav tPW {]h-Isc `oj-Wn-s-Sp-p-hm XpS-n. \mn-ep--hsc _pn-ap-n-t Fv Icp-Xn ]n. kn. F. F. sI. tIm^-dkv Ignbpw hsc sNbam m\-p-\nv Rm amdn-\n-p. ]e \ne-I-fn Fsbpw _neo-thgvkv tPW {]h-I-scbpw Ctlw _pn-ap-n-p-sIm-n-cp-p. CXn-s-sbmw ]nn Xs sXn--cn-n Nne-cpsS Ic--fm-bn-cpp Fv F\nv t_m[y-ap-v.

Ign Znhkw \ncym-X-\mb {io. Sn. Fkv. _m-e F Uns^U ]{Xm-[n-]sc sXn--cn-n-p-Ibpw sXmb hm-I \In Ah {]kn-o-I-cn-np-Ibpw sNbvXXv Ata-cn--bn-ep Nne GPp-am-cm-bn-cpp Fv F\n--dn-bmw. \yqtbmv tIm^-dkns Iho-\-dm-Ip-hm Ipmbw Xn-n-n-cp Avemm-bnse D]-tZ-in-bmWv CXn {][m-\n-sbpw Adn-bmw. {io. Sn. Fkv. _mes \ne-]m-Sp-I-tfmSpw hnai-\-co-Xn-I-tfmSpw Xm]-cy-an-s-nepw Nne taJ-e-I-fn Xm \S-nb t]mcm-- hnkva-cn-p-n-. ac-WneqsS \n \npw amdn-tmb hyn-tbmSv sshcm-Ky-_p-n Imp-kq-n-t--Xn-. Ct-l-ns th]m-Sn ZpxJn-X-cm-bn-cn-p IpSpw-_mw-K--fpsS ZpxJ-n Rm\pw ]p tNcp-p. k-Ir-]m-ep-hmb ssZhw Znhy-k-am-[m\w \In {]nb-s--hsc Biz-kn-n-s Fv Rm\pw {]mn-p-p.

]Xn-\m-bn-c-I-W-n\v Bfp-I Hmtcm Znh-khpw kin-p _neo-thgvkv tPW sskv ]-t`Zw Cm-sXbpw apJw t\mm-sXbpw {InkvXob aqey-ġmbpw hN-\-k-Xy-ġm-bpw C\nbpw \ne-sImpw. Rġv BtcmSpw sshcm-Kytam i{XpX at\m-`m-htam C. Fm `b-te-i-sat\y kXy-n-\mbn \ne-sIm-pw. ss{IkvXh am[y-a-cw-Kv Hcn-epw Ipg-eq-p-Im-cp-sStbm kvXpXn-]m-TI-cp-sStbm thj-n tPW ImWp-I-bn. adnv t]m-f-n t]mcm-Sp ]S-bm-fn-bpsS cq]-n ImWmw. Cu t]mcmw Hcn-epw PUo-I-am-In-. kXy-n-\mbpw \oXn-mbpw hN-\-{]-Im-c-ap t]mcmw am{Xw. CXp-hsc \Inb Fm ]np-Wbvpw \n!

cmP Bcyn


Displaying 22 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
biju (August 18, 2013)
Who we are to judge others. please all who Knows Christ ways, please follow/obey word of god..
spadigam (August 9, 2013)
shame...samkutty for the cowardic act .He was just mum when Balan was alive and when he passed away coming with ugly comments.the most ugly face of journalism!!!samkutty and his friend supported me when i brought out the real picture of a then world famous preacher-master of lies.he published it.the man never repented.not even a tinch...but quiet amazingly sam kutty term him as the great annointed servant of God!!!!!that is his nature
chungathara (August 7, 2013)
@andrayos punyalan, Hallelujah pathram says Samkutty Chacko is helping the fake notes!!!

Fakes notes got a marketing manager!!!

andrayos punyalan (August 6, 2013)
Those who are in debate about TSB, please read the Aug 1 edition of HALLELUJAH magazine. Things are written very clearly. There is no need of any further explanation needed. Come back and comment later after reading the article about TSB. Samkutty, You have done an excellent job in explaining things crystal clear.
kiran (August 5, 2013)
often times i strongly disagree with mr. balan, but i am sure that his efforts will be graded by almighty. let me tell you as believers' we have no room for anger or revenge!!
pa$tor (August 3, 2013)
One bal gone but other baals of $ and postitions alive.

tsb fan (July 31, 2013)
TSB is gone. Defender is gone. All the agents are still here. What are you jealous people going to do now? I know some of you are very restless and mad. Beljourn is watching you.
vargis (July 31, 2013)
Bro. T. S. Balan may have made errors in his criticisms of Pentecostal leaders and believers. Many would think that some of his criticisms have been quite severe, which should have been put forward in a more constructive manner. However, nobody among malayalee Pentecostals has shown the courage and determination, like Bro. Balan, to challenge the evils in our midst. If anyone can do that without fear or favor, kudos to them.
supportraandbj (July 31, 2013)
bj - nalla kariyamananu cheyunneee... vella udippittaa chennayikkale thirichariyan kazhinajallooo. cd andrews nte eppozathe hobby piruvanu, athil moonu gunamundu 1. kettidam vakkan sabakku panam kittu, 2. keesha veerpikkam... 3. skymile koottamallo. deepasthambamm mahacharyam nammukkum kittanam panam.. cd valiya vishudn engil bank account stament alkkare kanikkatee, thaan personal checkukal kaipattiyilla ennu. sabamai uge uge (you go you go)
bj and ra supporter (July 31, 2013)
a believer and a pastor usa are absolutely right. those names mentioned are the main (whole sale) agents and many innocent people hurts just because of them. some of them are pasters too??? I can't believe it.publish their photoes also. that will be a small punishment for them . At least we can see the face and take care of them in public when we see them..who is Gaja Rajan(Agusta)cd andews must be the antrax punniyalan. time to bring them all in public. Good job BJ.
rassmanikayan,ny (July 30, 2013)
Dear cog believer, Please go ahead and publish it in Youtube, I don't think so anybody can sue you/put you in trouble.

cog believer (July 30, 2013)
in the nacog conference cd andrex, samy, cg oversear from india, one of the speaker from india, nacog ny convener etc. were well planed and decided to call to tsb and ask him to write against journal and pr kunjappy in the nacog conference. if journal can publish that i will provide the recording information. if law do not permit to publish here in us, some one can publish it from india. put it in the you tube let public know these crooked were what was doing to dis-troy others. andrex promise to these people tsb will write against journal and kujappy. i challenge them if they can refused it.
sp (July 30, 2013)
As Mr. Plaintruth said, start working against all these vellamadi viswasikal, pennupidi upadeesis, and thattuppu acchayanmar.
believer (July 30, 2013)
RA - Expose those crooks who tried to destroy PCNAK
antiagent (July 30, 2013)
oduvil aarkku ellathe ayi... agentmarkku.... evente okkee assanathil aaalu kilrthal athu thanal ennu vicharikkunavara eee agentumarr... rev. anthracs(atlanta),v kulam (chattanooga),kallu thoma,pr.meni mathen,pr.chitty varky(new york),v k thaanam(lakeland),moori george(orlando)gaja rajan(agusta)kannadi thampuran(dallas), evenmare onninum aduppikaruthi.. cd andrews (alkkar vilikkunna peru, karanam balante prasangam copy adichu cd il kodukkunathu kondu orginal peru vera annnu ttto) piruvinu karangi nadakkuka.. dayavu cheythu sabhakalil adippikaruthu... agentumarrr mudabadu... poyi thulayattee, allengil manasandra peduka...
jos silas, lakeland, florida (July 30, 2013)
i have seen a comment from " a pastor usa " here in this blog. please consider this as a request to him. would you be kind enough to have courage to reveal your real name rather than " a pastor usa " ?. i really wanted to have a one on one talk with you.
johncthomas kadammanitta (July 30, 2013)
Good..All the best..
plaintruth (July 29, 2013)
can you expose the dirty politics of all main stream churches...can you expose the power greed of all leaders...can you expose the hypocrisy of all false prophets...if you can do will appreciate your work.
toronto believer (July 29, 2013)
Good job in keeping the site running.

But now it is the time to hand over this website to the real Believers Journal. If you are not going to hand over this site to Believers Journal, then keep running it, but you can take over the work which T.S. Balan has started. We all know you both fought with each other by crossing all the boundaries. You also said things about TSBs wife as well. So now you have a mission ahead of you. Be the next Defender. If so, people are waiting to support and cheer you up. Now that TSB is no more, you will loos lots of hits. But carry out the work in a new level. We are waiting.
a pastor usa (July 29, 2013)
who are those american main agents of mr. t s balan? . we will give a hint. rev. anthracs(atlanta),v kulam (chattanooga),kallu thoma,pr.meni mathen,pr.chitty varky(new york),v k thaanam(lakeland),moori george(orlando)gaja rajan(agusta)kannadi thampuran(dallas).these are the main agents.but where is balan?? but, what is the situation of these agents right now?? is these agents going to study the lessons from this event?????????
bj reader (July 29, 2013)
Dear Arriyapally, Your statement and your stand is clear and correct. You showed a very real Christian character and stand for it. Wish you all the best.
nk (July 29, 2013)
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