Wednesday, July 17, 2024 |

ae-bmfn tIm^-dkv

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jul 19, 2011
Views: 12479

American Viseshangal : Malayalee Conference.
Avemm-bn \nv ]Xn-\p aWn-q ss{Uhv sNbvXv H-e-tlm-a-bn Fn-bXv \jvS-am-bnmsbv ]d-bmw. \mn \npw AXn-Yn- {]kw-K-I-cmbn Fnb ]m cmPq-ta-{X, ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm, ]m kn Ipcy, ]m Fw. Ip-n Fn-h-cpsS hN\ ip{iqj ae-bmfn s]s-tmkvXv tIm^-dkn ]s-Sp Fm-hpw hfsc A\p-{K-l-am-bn. hN-\-ns Bg--fn-tev Cd-n-bp Nn-I \h ssNX\yw \Ip--Xmbn. hnti-jm ]m Fw. Ipn hnhm-l-tam-N-\-n\pw ap-sa-Xnsc \S-nb {]Jym-]-\- Ghcpw ssIb-Sn-tbmsS kzoI-cn-p. ]gb Iqmbva _- ]pXp-p-hm\pw Ata-cn--bn hnhn[ CSfn-embn NnX-dn-mp {]nb-s--h-tcmSv Hcp-anv Bcm-[n-p-hm Ign--Xpw ad-m-\m-hm A\p-`-h-am-bn. \mn\n-s-nb ]{X-kp-lr-p-, ip{iq-j-I, Ch-sc-sbm-sbpw IXv Ip-\mSv Ihjs Hm-Ifntebvv Fs \S-n. C\n Nv Hm^v tKmUv, G.-Pn tIm^-dkp-Ifpw XpSv \S-p-I-bm-Wv. Hcp kok Ah-km-\n-p-p. C\n ASp--hjw. tIm^-dkp-I-fpsS ]pXnb Npa-X-e-m `mcw inc-n-ten Ign-p.


Displaying 3 Comments
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bibin (July 29, 2011)
pas kunjappy( caste nokkee alukale divide cheyunnu!! )
joy chembakasseril, usa (July 27, 2011)
pc-naakku oklahoma caampranssuu, valareea bhanghiyaayi nadannu ennu ariyunnaathil athyaayi sandhoosikkunnu ! varaan pattaathhathil adhiyaan athiyaayi gheeadhikkayum, kannuneerr vaarrkkayum cheayithukollunnu !eehhea hee heea
kora (July 19, 2011)
Aarandude ammakku pranthu vannal kanan nalla rasamanu. Until the things that Kunjappy trumpets on the stage to ilakkufy the mallu crowd, happens to one of his family members, he will keep on doing this. Not impressed by his message in PCNAK. Sorry.
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