Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: May 8, 2012
Views: 22507
American Viseshangal : Strikes in America - Stronger than ever..
temI sXmgnemfn Zn\amb sabv 1 temIsapap sXmgnemfnIfpsS {]IS\ Actdp Zn\amWtm. CSXp]w iamb tIcfn \npw Atacnbnsenbhv Ccw PmYIfpw kacfpw Hpw ChnsS ImWm Ignbnmbncpp. Fm kwLSnX P\ in FmsWv ChnsSbpw IpXpSn. kmnI AkaXzw henb {]iv\ambn temIsapw amdpp. Atacnbnepw AXns AebSnI ImWpp. Dh\pw Cmh\pw Xnep Acw hnpIbmWv. Hcphiv temIw ]ptcmKXnbntev IpXnbvptm adphiv ]nWnmcpsS Fw hnpXv BimP\IamWv. CXn\v ]cnlmcw ImWphm kmnI hnZKvZtm `cWm[nImcnItm Ignbpn FXmWv bmYmyw. kmnI AkaXzns\Xnsc t]mcmSphcpsS thZnbmb thmkv{Sov ]nSnS {]m\mcpsS t\XrXzn sabv 1\v \S PmYIfpw kacfpw NnebnSfnsenepw A{Iantev hgpXn hoWp. AkwXr]vXcpsS Fw IpdbpIb IqSpIbmWv Fv Cu kw`hw hnfndnbvpp. CXns\mw ]cnlmcw \Iphm Ignbp Hcp `cWw BWtm \psS {]Xymi. AXv ChnsSbXm\pw.
Come on, there is actually a significant movement going on here with these people?
Lot of folks in Keral read this, don't give them the wrong impression. Or are you a leftist, or did you just want some material for an article?