Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 24, 2013
Views: 41328
An Open letter to Malayalee Pentecostals from Pastor Sunny Philip.
Ign hjw (2012 ) lmanev\n \S 30maXv ]nkn\mn henb `qcn]tmsS Fs 31maXv ] \Sm `ctaevvnXmWv Av apX hnPbIcamb H tIm^dkv \Shm BmYambn {]hn. Fs IqsSbp Sow AXn\mbn Fs klmbn.
Fm Bcw`w apX Cu hjs tIm^dkns\ Fp hne sImSppw XIt ASp F hminbn {]hn H Iq cwKp hnpv FXp ]ckyamb clkyw BWv. Ah AXn\mbn sh_v sskpI D]tbmKn. A]hmZ ]dp ]cp. AdnpsImv aphscbpw AhsS psfbpw Spw_sfbpw \innhm t\m Fs IqsS {]hn F GI ImcWm sk{Idnsb F{Xtbm B{Ianp. s{Sjdm, bqv tImUnt\ Fnhtcbpw shdpsX hnn. Fn\v? Rsf Gn H tIm^dkv \mbn \Sm {ianXn am{Xw.
Cu sshInb thfbnepw Ccw lo\amb {ia \SXp Imtm ZpJw Dv. CXv \psS I}Wnnbn D H sNdnb Iqw AhsS CwKnXw \SmXn \Sp ]Icw ho BWv F `qcn`mKw ssZhP\nw Adnbmw. Fm P\d t_mUnbn FSp Xoam\w t]mse Ch tIm^dkv \Ss Chsc D]{ZhnXp \nq Fv ]dbm \psS CSbn Banmtm !
CXns Fmw \Sphn Rsf Gn ZuXyw R \mbn sNbvXnpv. Ghpw at\mlcamb H ew R Ip ]nSnp \nġmbn Hnbnpv. Fm kuIcyfpap at\mlcamb tlm AXnt\mSp tN tIm^dkv lm _pv sNbvXnpv. A`njcmb ssZhZmkmsS hensbm \nc {]kwKIcmbn e`nnpv. Ign H hjambn tIm^dkns A{Kln\mbp XpSsc {]m\ \Sv.
]nkn\mv \psS kaqlns s]mXp kzmWv. kn ^nennstbm, IqsS {]hnhsStbm A Pqsse 7 \v R CXv ASp Soan ssIamdpw. Ctmtg R Ahambn AXn {]h\ Bcw`nnpv. R Fmw \mbn sNpw Fv hopw Ddp X. AXn th klIcWw FmhtcmSpw BhiysSp.
RfpsS H hjs ]cn{ia {]Xn^ew \n IS hv A{Klw {]m]nXmWv. A{Klns] H tIm^dkp]cn RbmsXm APbpw C. AXpsImv ]nkn\mv \ne\n Ww Fm{Klnhw Cu sFIythZnsb kvt\lnhambph s]mXp \mbn Rsf klmbnI. tIm^dkn IS hv A{Klw {]m]nI.
\nfpsS kIe tNmZyw Rm adp]Sn Xcmw. Rmambn s_sSphm 516 286 0345 F \cn hnfnI.
{InkvXphn \nfpsS ktlmZc
]m kn ^nenv (] 2013 \mjW Iho\)
dear brother,
according to my understanding god gives you an anointing for the purpose he had entrusted you. as you wrote that you have been entrusted to do this ministry, why you are appealing to the people around you? is it for you to get any sympathy from them? i think what you should do is . gto be in his presence at least for a few days with this problem. i am sure that god will change the stony heart and give them a heart of flesh where they will realize which god they serve. brother do this and show the victory you will have in jesus name. i will wait for this meeting and will hear the sound of victory shout of joy from your tent.
god blessed you so please remain in his blessings.
pas george koshy (