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An Open letter to Malayalee Pentecostals from Pastor Sunny Philip
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 24, 2013
Views: 41328

An Open letter to Malayalee Pentecostals from Pastor Sunny Philip.

Ign hjw (2012 ) lmanev\n \S 30maXv ]nkn\mn henb `qcn]tmsS Fs 31maXv ] \Sm `ctaevvnXmWv Av apX hnPbIcamb H tIm^dkv \Shm BmYambn {]hn. Fs IqsSbp Sow AXn\mbn Fs klmbn.

Fm Bcw`w apX Cu hjs tIm^dkns\ Fp hne sImSppw XIt ASp F hminbn {]hn H Iq cwKp hnpv FXp ]ckyamb clkyw BWv. Ah AXn\mbn sh_v sskpI D]tbmKn. A]hmZ ]dp ]cp. AdnpsImv aphscbpw AhsS psfbpw Spw_sfbpw \innhm t\m Fs IqsS {]hn F GI ImcWm sk{Idnsb F{Xtbm B{Ianp. s{Sjdm, bqv tImUnt\ Fnhtcbpw shdpsX hnn. Fn\v? Rsf Gn H tIm^dkv \mbn \Sm {ianXn am{Xw.
Cu sshInb thfbnepw Ccw lo\amb {ia \SXp Imtm ZpJw Dv. CXv \psS I}Wnnbn D H sNdnb Iqw AhsS CwKnXw \SmXn \Sp ]Icw ho BWv F `qcn`mKw ssZhP\nw Adnbmw. Fm P\d t_mUnbn FSp Xoam\w t]mse Ch tIm^dkv \Ss Chsc D]{ZhnXp \nq Fv ]dbm \psS CSbn Banmtm !

CXns Fmw \Sphn Rsf Gn ZuXyw R \mbn sNbvXnpv. Ghpw at\mlcamb H ew R Ip ]nSnp \nġmbn Hnbnpv. Fm kuIcyfpap at\mlcamb tlm AXnt\mSp tN tIm^dkv lm _pv sNbvXnpv. A`njcmb ssZhZmkmsS hensbm \nc {]kwKIcmbn e`nnpv. Ign H hjambn tIm^dkns A{Kln\mbp XpSsc {]m\ \Sv.

]nkn\mv \psS kaqlns s]mXp kzmWv. kn ^nennstbm, IqsS {]hnhsStbm A Pqsse 7 \v R CXv ASp Soan ssIamdpw. Ctmtg R Ahambn AXn {]h\ Bcw`nnpv. R Fmw \mbn sNpw Fv hopw Ddp X. AXn th klIcWw FmhtcmSpw BhiysSp.
RfpsS H hjs ]cn{ia {]Xn^ew \n IS hv A{Klw {]m]nXmWv. A{Klns] H tIm^dkp]cn RbmsXm APbpw C. AXpsImv ]nkn\mv \ne\n Ww Fm{Klnhw Cu sFIythZnsb kvt\lnhambph s]mXp \mbn Rsf klmbnI. tIm^dkn IS hv A{Klw {]m]nI.

\nfpsS kIe tNmZyw Rm adp]Sn Xcmw. Rmambn s_sSphm 516 286 0345 F \cn hnfnI.

{InkvXphn \nfpsS ktlmZc
]m kn ^nenv (] 2013 \mjW Iho\)


Displaying 20 Comments
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george koshy (November 27, 2013)
dear brother,

according to my understanding god gives you an anointing for the purpose he had entrusted you. as you wrote that you have been entrusted to do this ministry, why you are appealing to the people around you? is it for you to get any sympathy from them? i think what you should do is . gto be in his presence at least for a few days with this problem. i am sure that god will change the stony heart and give them a heart of flesh where they will realize which god they serve. brother do this and show the victory you will have in jesus name. i will wait for this meeting and will hear the sound of victory shout of joy from your tent.

god blessed you so please remain in his blessings.

pas george koshy (
truthteller (June 27, 2013)
Let us think about this for a moment.

We are Malayalees who live in the greatest country in the world. Most of us are successful, hard working and are financially very well to do.

There is a broke sick old man- Valan, who has accomplished little more than jail sentences is scaring us from doing what we know is right, and we are falling prey to it.

He can't do a thing in india as nobody pays attention now he thinks he can dictate the lives of American Malayalees!!

Some people are scared of their past coming out and others use this for their political advantage. Please know, if you did not stand with the community, you don't ever aspire to be anything in this community in the future, you will be exposed.
believer ny (June 15, 2013)
I agree with truth teller. The letter illegally stolen and posted by valan shows that the convener told the truth from the beginning. I know the guy. He tells the truth and that is what gets him in trouble. So let us close that chapter and focus on pcnak. It will be a shame if people still use the lies as an excuse not to go.
sp (June 7, 2013)
Every leader should answer two questions.

1. Whose am I?

2. Who am I?

truthteller (June 6, 2013)
Dear fellow American believers and Pastors,

Hope to see u all at the conference.

If you are avoiding the conference - there could only be one reason, you are afraid of the gossip newspaper and you have something to hide.

Before condemning please read the letter that the convener published which was copied by the gossip,(it will disappar now, since it is the biggest blunder because we now know what really happenend) what did he do wrong? nothing.

So not to cooperate by blaming personal behaviour will not work anymore. You are not coming because you have skeletons in your closet.

Some of us have decided to keep a list of all of you pastors who are scared who will not come. Your day will come. We know the stories. Jesus has forgiven all of us, there is no one withhout fault. Have some kahunas and attend.
a.s.mathew (May 26, 2013)
"jesus said," do not hold on to me, for i have not yet ascended to the father. go instead to my brothers and tell them.." john 20:17.

how jesus was treated by the disciples three days back? they all kept away from him due to their fear. the right hand peter denied jesus thrice. if the christian religious hierarchy of top ranks in the indian chrsitian denominations, especially among the kerala christian denominations are put into jesus's place, the

statement would have been presumably this. "mary, tell those ungrateful cowards who stood far away from me while i was undergoing severe agony and rejection, especially to peter that i am coming with the biggest whip to whip them all and going to throw them to the lake where i ordered the pigs to jump". how jesus addressed them? even the politicians forget the past and try to make amends; but in the churches where love and forgiveness are supposed to be key roles, buttering and everybody is fighting ruthlessly??
a believer (May 25, 2013)
they will reap what they are sowing now. God does not make mistake. No one can get away from it. Fear, beloweds!
concerned (May 25, 2013)
If you are a young parent living in usa today, one of your main concern is the bullying of your child by other children. it happens physically in class rooms, play grounds and school buses. then it continues in cyberspace. A number of children as young as 12 committed suicide this year because of this. the only community that enjoy bullying in usa is the malayali pentecostal community. here the bullies have free reign. cyber bullies are hugely rewarded here. at least some among us send hem money so that they can live lavishly. they in turn continues the bullying and seek for new targets to keep the money flowing. others use phone for bullying- to discourage people from attending the conference, to tell speakers not to come, to stop pastors and churches from financial contributions etc. etc. after doing all of this, they break bread every sunday, speak about the love of god and worship god in tongues. what a holy people we have become!
joseph ny (May 24, 2013)
pcnak guest speaker pastor noble p. thomas is the best choice for the conference. i heard he got the visa. i am coming to the conference to hear this young speaker nobile's message especially first time us vaster.
joy chembakaseri (May 24, 2013)
'---press on in our service for jesus, spurred on by our love for the lord,he promised that if we are faithful, one day we will reap the reward---'

'---it isn't the tranquil and placid seas that bring forth the sailor's skill, it's the wind and waves that pound his ship that toss it about at will---'

'---we need to keep a forward gear, moving,without the possibility of a reverse, in our walk with "jesus" we need to refuse to go backward---'

apostle 'paul' said-- press towards the goal [philippians 3:14]

'---when long and steep the path appears, heavy is our task-- our heavenly father says---- "press on my child" ---

all best wishes and blessings to -- pentecostal conference of north america !!!

a believer (May 24, 2013)
Hi all that suffer persecutions from inside "Be still and know that I am God" Psalms 46:10.
pr. thankachan usa (May 24, 2013)
Attn: PCNAK haters if you guys want to end this conference I have an idea. After Detroit conference Vote for south Carolina 2015. He can finished this conference like he finished the word Malayalee Pentecostal conference.
marthoma beliver ny (May 24, 2013)
jacobite man's comment is correct. I can see some fake pastors and not born again brothers are the cause of the fighting. They thinks they are prefect and every one else are sinners. Looks at the young people from their church they do not take this bull from their pastor or elders they are going to English churches why? because of this kind of fighting. I have an advice for the Pentecostal people. Find the name of this all fake pastors name and bring their real story and kick them out from your church then they will learn it.
man from saudi arabia (May 24, 2013)
i agree with that man earlier.

nobody should ever punish anybody for being bad because nobody is perfect.

i wish we had a confernce in sa like pcnak.
jacobite man (May 24, 2013)
Why you people fighting among each other.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". so nobody threw the stones at her because they were all sinners and so they left. then Jesus said to the woman "go and sin no more".

Pentecostals pastors/leaders, Can anyone take up this challege? If you cannot, stopy hurting other people.
observer-tx (May 24, 2013)
SP and RA,

Prove it to the world that you will organize a confernce without any debt. Then, everybody will shut down with all their comments. America, Keep these (pcnak haters) from your future conferences.
pastor -----ny (May 24, 2013)
I only had benefits from the conference. I will and encourage my church to attend.
binu, oklahoma (May 24, 2013)
I have already booked.
saji-ny (May 24, 2013)
I am planning to attend the confernce. I really don't care about any of these opposition.
well wisher of pcnak (May 24, 2013)
dear team,

i am coming to the conference because i like the conference. in pcnak, i enjoy the meetings in general. i like the speakers, enjoy the fellowship with my friends, my children play and attend the meetings, share good times with friends. i pray for the officials because they are our leaders and they need guidance from the lord. forget about all other interruptions. this is north american conference not sp, ra or anyone's. you do it for yourselves. i pray for pcnak and all other conferences. it is all started for the north american community. let us go and attend if you can. if you cannot, pray for them.
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