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B\n amX| (sNý So) \nXyXbn

Annie Mathew (Chellamma Teacher) Promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 13, 2013
Views: 14962

Annie Mathew (Chellamma Teacher) Promoted to Glory.
Umfkv: s]tmkvXp ]{X{]hIw, KpUv\}kv hmcnIbpsS m]I sNbamambn ]tcX\mb hn.Fw. amX| AhIfpsS kl[nWn B\n amX| (sNý So82) s^{_phcn 3 RmbdmgvN Umfkn shp \nXyXbn {]thinp. ]tcX ]w aebn ]p]pcbvI Spw_mwKamWv. imcocnI Akzmyw aqew `h\n hn{ian Bbn amXmhv {]obshsSbpw, k`mwKfptSbpw {]m\matybm Xm {]obw sh IXrkn[nbn tNsXv.

`uXnI icocw sl{_phcn 8 shnbmgvN sshInv 7 aWnv KmeUnep sF.] slt{_m k`mancn s]mXpZi\n shbvIbpw, XpSv i\nbmgvN 9 \v AkvacW ktf\hpw \S.
a: cmPp aX|sUbvkn (imtew Hm^vskv {]nnwKvtImbw, ^nn amX|tamfn (HmetlmaKpUv\}kv amt\PnwKv ]mSvW), cy amX|ennn (kuZn Atd_yKpUv\}kv amt\PnwKv ]mSvW), shn amXp{]ob (Umfkvimtew {Smv skmsskn).


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