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Acn-sb{X? ]b-d-mgn

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 9, 2013
Views: 30035

Ariyethra? Payaranjazhi.
]v sNhnv tIhn-p-d-hp Hcm-tfmSv Hcm Acn-sb-{X-sbv tNmZn-p. adp-]Sn ""]b-d-mgn'' Fpw. CXp-X-s-bmWv hymP-hm-I-fp-ambn Cd-n-bn-cn-p am\ys ssknse adp-]-Sn. Rm Fn-sbn tNmZn tNmZy-n\v adp-]-Sn-bn-. ]Icw temI- a-\p-jyt]mepw ]d-bm-\-d-p Ak`yw Fgp-Xp-p. ]ns Fs IpSpw-_mw-K-sf Ah-tl-fn-pp. Rm adp-]Sn Fgp-Xp-Xv Fs t]cp shmWv. AXn-\m AXns D-c-hm-ZnXzw F\n-m-Wv. Fnpw \nc-]-cm-[n-Isf hen-n-g-p-p. CXmWv Cu am\ys X{w. ]{X-{]-h\w Adn-bm-hp--hcpw AXn-\mbn hnZym-`ymkw \S-n-b-hcpw Cu am\y-t\-m \-`mj Adn-bm-hp--hcpw Chn-sS-bp-v. ]{X-{]-h\w Id-kvt]m-kmbn ]Tn--X-. ]m Ipf-p-pg jn_p Cu am\ys ]T-\-s-p-dn-s-gp-Xn-bXv hmb-\-m hmbn-n-cn-p-a-tm. ]v Hcm \o Id-kvt]m-kmbn ]Tn IY tIn-p-v. CXp-X-s-bmWv Cu am\ys nXn. Hcmsf XIm \nc-]-cm-[n-I-fmb hop-Im-scbpw A]-hmZw ]dv Xmd-Sn-pXmWv Cu am\ys ]Xn-hv. Fm Cpdn B ]Wn Gi-n-.

\psS \mn tdmUn-eqsS bm{X sNp sskn-fp-Impw tamtm sskn-fp-Impw t\sc Ipc-p -Nm-Sp Hcp ]nbpm-bn-cp-p. CXns Ipc tIv ]e bm{Xmcpw `b-s-p. Nne-scms adnp hogp-Ibpw sNbvXpv. Nne ss[cy-im-en-I hn \nn-bm ]n ]-I-S-p-am-bn-cp-p. Ipdv Ign--tm ]n-bpsS Ipc-p-Nmw Imdp-Iġv t\sc-bm-bn. CXv Ipc-Xpw NmSn-bXpw ]e Imdp-Imcpw Adn--Xp-t]m-ep-an. Hcp Znhkw cmhnse IpS shfn-bn NmSn Xe XIv NX--cv Cu ]n tdmUn InS-n-cp-p. At\z-jn--tm-gmWv Xs Xn-an-Sp-p-ambn Hcp Sn temdnp t\sc hocyw ImWn--Xns ^ew BsWv . am\y\v Imcyw ]nSn-n-n-ImWpw Fv {]Xo-n-p-p.C{Xbpw Xd- \n-e-hm-c-n Fgp-Xp-Ibpw kwkvIm-c-an-m `mj {]tbm-Kn-p-Ibpw sNp Cu am\ys\ Fn-\w-Ko-I-cn--Ww.

s]-tm-kvXn\v CUy-bn al-mb kw`m-h\ \Inb hyn-bmWv Cu am\y. Hcp ssZh-Zm-ks aI-fpsS Nn{Xw tam^nw-Kn-eqsS Ao-e-amn amn- {]N-cn-n--- am\y. CUy-bnse BZy ssk_ tIknse {]Xn s]-tm-kvXp-Im-c Fp `mhn-p Cu am\y-\m-Wv. `mcX s]-tm-kvXn\v ]pfIw sImm-\p hI-bmWv Cu am\ys kw`m-h-\. F{X Pbn-en InS-p. F{X tIkp-I \ne-hn-epv? CsXms Adn-bm hmb-\-mv Pnm-k-bp-m-Ipw. AsXmw \nsf Adn-bn-m s_tP.tImw Xm-sd-Sp-p-p.

\nġpw kl-I-cn-mw

(CXv Cu am\ys sskn Fgp-Xn-b-t]mse sX-e-. Unkw-_ 31\p apv Ah-km-\n-t sX Ctmgpw XpS-cp-p) Cu am\ys\pdnv \nġ-dn-bm-hp Imcy- Rsf Adn-bn-p-I. \n-fpsS t]cp-hn-h-c- R cl-ky-ambn kqn-pw. AXn-\m Cm-cy-n \nġpw kl-I-cn-mw.

]n. kn. F .F. sI. Ata-cn--bnse ssZh-a--fptSXmWm-v. AXn Cu am\ys\pIm-cyw. ]nmv Fv hnfn-p--XmtWm kvt\lw. Ieym-W-kZy \S-p-- CSv ]pd-p- IqSn sImSn-nn-I \S-p--Xp-t]mse Cu am\ys\ \ Fn-\w-Ko-I-cn--Ww. BSp-Isf Xn Iqn-bn-Sn-nv cw IpSn-p Cu I Ipdp-s\ t{]mm-ln-n-p--h \msf ]m--]n-tn hcpw. Cu am\y-\p-thn ]Ww ]ncn-p-Ibpw sXmb hm-I \Ip-Ibpw sNp GPp-amv Atm IjvSw!

Cbm Fgp-Xp `mj-bn Fgp-Xm \qdp-I-W-n\v IY-I Fs ssIh-i-ap-v. tImk-t{S-j(`oI-c)Iymp-I-sf-m `oI-c-ambn ]nKm-an-I-tfmSpw ass\-hn-tbmSpw s]cp-am-dp am\ys ]oV\w kln--h-msX ]nam--n t]mbXv BcpsS k-Xn-bm-Wv. shq-n-d-bnse tdj IS-m-c-\p-am-bp ass\-hn-bpsS Npn-fn, ]-Tn-p-tm aq{X-]p-c-bn An-e-sa-gp-Xn-b-Xn\v kvIqfn \nv ]pd-m-nb am\y, cmjv{Sob ]mn-I-fpsS _m\ ASn-p-amn ASn-hkv{Xw Xn-n am\ys ]nXm-{io-bmb _m\-dp-sIm-t-s IY, \mK-emnse am\ys Npn-fn CsXmw Fgp-Xm-\p-v.

ZoL \mfpI Cu hymPs ]c-ami-ġv adp-]Sn ]d-bm-Xn-cp-p. AXv _e-lo-\-X-bmbn Iv Cu am\y Xe-bn Ibdn \nc-m XpS-n. ssZh-P-\-n-\n-S-bn sXn-m-cW ]c-m XpSnbXn-\m-emWv bmYmyw ssZh-a- Adn-bm {]Xn-I-cn-p--Xv. Xm¸cyw Dm-bn--. \n_-n--s-Sp-p. \qdp-I-W-n-\m-fp-I-fpsS ]npW F\np e`n-p-p. Fm-hpw Fs \n. ]ecpw ]d IY-I Cu am\ys apJw-aqSn Agn-p--Xm-Wv. C{X-tbsdt NXn--s-Sp-Ibpw hymP-hm-Ifpw `oj-Wnbpw sImv thZ-\n-p-Ibpw sNbvXp F-Xn-\m Xs ]d-bp-p. C\n Bcpw Cu am\y \nanw thZ-\s-S-cp-Xv. \m¸-Xn-e-[nIw Bfp-IfpsS ]cm-Xn-I hp Ign-p. C\nbpw Ccw Imk skp-I hf-cm ]mSn-. Hcp tPmenbpw sNmsX Imdpw hoSpw _nkn-\kv m]\w Dm-epw Hs amPn-n-eq-sS-bmtWm Fpw Khsav GPkn-I At\z-jnv kXyw ]pd-p-sImp hc-s. F\npw Fs IpSpw-_-n\pw FXnsc C\nbpw A]-hmZw Fgp-Xn-tbmw. I--Y-I-fp-ambn Cu am\y {]Xy--s-Spw. adp-]Sn ]d-bm Cm--tm sIm\w Imp am\y R- ]n ]dv c-s-Sm {ian-p-Xv hmb-\-m Xncn--dn-p-.


cmP Bcy-n


Displaying 13 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a pastor (April 10, 2013)
Dear angry bird, Please don't get angry. We all know that he has no business with PCNAK. Still he is writing. People from USA must be giving him info. Just ignore him. Don't pay any attention to him. May God bless you all.
angry bird (April 10, 2013)
As long as some one stays in their backyard no one is going to have any problem. The moment he start medling with other peoples' business, there will be a problem. If some one act like a 'spiritual man' treat him like a spiritual man. if some one act like a worldly man treat him like a worldly man.

Vaalan wants his sympothizers to believe that he is a spiritual man. but the fruit will tell what kind of tree is this?

Vaalan has nothing to do with PCNAK. It is an organization in a different country (not in India). The participants has the right to choose who is going to be the leaders. Everyone has the right to disagree with the leadership. But going after someone's personal life and digging the past and exposing it in the electronic media with attitude of grudge, has to be stopped. And it has to be stopped by any means. This is nothing to do with 'spiritual'.
a pastor (April 10, 2013)
Please focus on spiritual matters. If you try to correct this type of people you won't achieve anything. Pray for T S Balan also. He has a "spirit" too. He should not be going to eternal HELL. My prayers are with you all. God forgive them.
a believer, cochin (April 10, 2013)
tsb is not a pastor or pentecostal believer now. he is a back slider in the hands of hindu god and goddess similar to his brother in law pastor johnson p nair. he divorsed his wife and become a worldly man in the hands of hindu gods. devil works hard to destry the children of god's spirit of unity. tsb is in the hands of devil to write vulgar wards against pentecostal leaders,pastors and believers. he destroyed many pastors and churches in india and abroad.that proves his devil anointment. he makes advantages of the pentecostal pastors and believers have personal grudges and enmity. one side pays him to write vulgar against another in his publication. this is his business to make money. pentecostals, if you have money give it to north india where the servants of god labouring in the villages with out proper food,shelter and cloths. this is the "end time".
k a thomas - sharon kottayam (April 10, 2013)
My request to (1). RA - Dear Brother, please use your time for the glory of God. Do not use this site for war.Showing personal grudge is not journalism.

(2). TSB - You need to be little more mature. Dont dig into the past of a person once Lord justified him. Showing personal grudge is not journalism.
angry bird (April 10, 2013)
To dr aby, sa

How long a person can sit on the tree because of a mad dog? At least he need to scream to let the people around that area know that t here is a mad dog in that area. Is it wise or not? I really thought this vaalan has a call to cleanse the house!! But he dissappointed me big time.

I just dont wanted to disagree with you, but a thought that came to my mind.
a believer from delhi (April 10, 2013)
My request to (1). RA - Dear Brother, you have shown your maturity in responding to allegations. It is painful, if somebody attack family members. However, in my opinion, please ignore such allegations and concentrate on your job, Lord's work, your family etc. Use this site for the spiritual edifications of believers. (you are spending lot of money and time on this site and it should be for the Glory of God) (2). TSB - Nobody has authorised you to accuse the 'Bride of Christ'. If God has justified a person, you are nobody to judge him. If you get lot of information from 'your sources', others can also get it (RA has proved it). If you talk about something which has happened 30 years ago now it has no meaning at all. Hence this type of so called 'journalism' should be stopped further. (3). Believers who visit this site and TSB's site - Please remember that whatever we say or do, it should be for the Glory of God. Let us stop mud-slinging and get ready to receive the Lord.
dr aby, sa (April 10, 2013)
Bro. Rajan Aryappally I think it is high time that we avoid Balan and his 'literature' and spend your valuable time in something constructive. If we find stray mad dogs on the what do we do? Just be away from it. It will die naturally very shortly as you said and you need not move even your little finger against it. Let him bark and don't forget the old proverb 'barking dog seldom bites'. Same is my humble advice to all my brothers who contribute on different boards on BJ. Let us avoid him for a while and he will stop his barking. When a dog contracts rabies, his days are numbered. Let us mind our own business and get going defending the most holy faith the Lord has entrusted to us and let us unite against all unholy practices in our congregations including the false/fake leaders and prophets and let us start a cleansing in our own home! Let us not conform to the wicked world and NEVER compromise with its practice. Hope every sensible person will agree with me.God bless you all.
sk, thiruvalla (April 9, 2013)
dear rajan, valante pastor (babu)ineyum vidaruthu. 27 varshamaayi oru sabhayil maathram nilkkunnathinte rahasyam anweshikkanam.babu malabaril kaanikkunna vyabhijaaravum perumbavoor sabhayil kaanikkunna vyabhichaaravum velichathu konduvaranam. babuvinte makan perumbavoor sabhayil kaanikkunna pennu piditham maalokare ariyikkanam
vaalan (April 9, 2013)
Vaalanu 16th nu eni 10 days kidakkunnu. Kalla rascal fake kadha undakkan time edukkukayanu. Allenkil Andrewsnodu chodhikkan nokkuvarikkum.
atlanta (April 9, 2013)
Vaalan kadha meneyan time edukkunnu
aryappally supporter (April 9, 2013)
If the tabloid writes about Rajan Samuel, it is fine and we might tend to believe. But if he writes about his father and the rest of the family that proves that he has no backbone. If he does let him confront only Rajan Samuel not his family. In any of the comments here or any of Rajan Samuel's writing did they mention about his family. This itself proves that he is loosing his grip.
joy,houston (April 9, 2013)
Appreciate RA for your courage and detailed reply to this valan.

Don't worry, let him write against you or your family.Nobody will believe. I know all of you personally and none of his stories are true.All the stories are like cenema stories,imaginations from his dirty mind. Expect more dirty stories .Tell him if he is capable to write like this why can't he write stories good for "A" cenemas.He can make money.RA we are with you.
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