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t_mhkv ]cmPb hmkvXhw Fv ?

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 27, 2013
Views: 22265

Boaz Failure - the truth.
s]mhqcnse Aip Bmhns \ndhn kmbpPyw ASbp \|tbmnse GPmb Inc, ktlmZc t_mhkns\ B{Ianp \Inb Ghpw ]pXnb Xami hm \n Ip Imambncnw. Fm RfpsS At\zjWn a\knemb kXyw CXmWv.

\|tbmnse aonwKn ]sSph 38. AXn ]mam 22. hnizmknI 16 AXn cp t] thmp sNbvXn. Atm ktlmZcm XncsSpXp BscbmWv ?

taen t_mhkns\ t]mse ss[cyw D ktlmZcm cwKp hcmXncnm ]pXnb \nba Dmw Fv ]dmWv hnfdn ]nSn ko\nbam t]mbXv.

Atm H tNmZyw Atacnbn s]utcmlnXy `cWw BtWm? ktlmZcm v iw Ct? Asænepw Cu hjs ]nkn\mv tIm^dkn ]mc shm {ianXpw hnizmknIsf hnSmsX ]nSnp \nm hn`eamb {iaw \SnbXpw \|tbmnse Nne ]mdpam BWtm. ktlmZcm FnhnsS DWw? AtacnbpsS ap {]knUv G{_lmw en ASnaXzn\v ISnm Csn \|tbmnse ^mnwKv s{]b F t]cnen kwLS\bpsS XenhsS HmitbmsS s]utcmlnXy `cWw \Sp Nne ]mdpamsS CwKnXn XSbnSphm ]pXnsbm ktlmZcmsS kwLS\bpw \|tbmn DSseepm BcmWv AXnImcWm ?. As\bpmsamWv \|tbmn \nap dntmv kqNnnXv. shbpSpns ]nn adp Cu IfnI C\n \Sn Fv ]dbm H thZn DmXns\ Bw XSbm Bhntm !

t_mhkv ]cmPbss hm sImSp GPpw ap sk{Idnbpamb Cu hnX ]nkn\mns sdmbpw sk{Idnbmbpw acnv tXmv Xpw ]mSnbXv Atacn P\ġv \hw Adnbmw. C\nbpw HmUnt\j XcsSpn Iho\mdImw Ctlw {ianmXmbpw Adnhpv. Fm ]nkn\mv F kwLS\sb FXn Ibpw CmXmmw {ianhsc C\nbpw XpSdv ]nkn\mnw Bhiyw Ctm .. Chs\ kqjnI. Atacnbnse k`IfpsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw {iv.. Cu Nmcs\ kqjnm \n ZpJnt..


Displaying 4 Comments
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nybeliever (June 29, 2013)
I hear that the biggest paras for this year's conference want to be conveners in thefuture. How nice!
a beleiver (June 28, 2013)
PCNAKinu against aayi ninna new yorkile otta pastor maareyum vyakthiksleyum varum varshangalil nadakkunna PCNAKinte official positionil ini muthal kayattaruthu
attendee (June 28, 2013)
i was there at the ny meeting. here is the story and you be the judge. in ny, there are over 60 churches and pcnak beliongs to all keralites. only 15 churches and 22 pastors attended out of 38 attendee. none of the big churches were present. 14 brothers voted, boez received 9 votes, the other fellow got 5 votes. all pastors join with him to support him but, in pastors selection, no brothers were allowed to sit. those are so-called pastors with very few members in their churches. don't blame ny in general. we will put a stop to this practice in the future. there are pastors with dignity. there are some "chotta" leaders in ny think they are running the show. rev. sp was not present. this will show who is against pcnak. not even one-forth was there. wake up brothers. don't fall into the trap. be your own boss. don't let someone else run your life. be free. this is the fact check.

dallasman (June 28, 2013)
Aaranu ee vishudha sahaodharan? Kalluthoma anno? Shame on you IPA people. Nobody care about Chitty Feasting Prayer leaders and Regions leaders. "Vella thecha shavakallarakal" They lost their credability long time ago. Wait and see what the Lord will do to them.
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