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Captain Samuel passes away
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 15, 2012
Views: 63095

Captain Samuel passes away.
Xyiq: kp{]kn kphntijI {]kwKI\pw anjWdnbpamb Iym]v imapth (78) Xriqcn \ncymX\mbn. Xyiqcn {IaoIcnncp aonwKv Imk BbXns\ XpSv hn{ian\mbn Xriq s]stmkvXv Nv Hm^v tKmUv ]dhm\nbnse ]mgvkt\Pn Fnb Iym]v imapth oWnX\mbn RmbdmgvN apX InSnembncpp. sabv 15 \v cmhnse 7.30 \mWv Ayw DmbXv. acWkabv `mcybpw sImpaI\pw SoawKfpw Xs kao]w Dmbncpp. ihkwkvImcw 15 mw XobXn sshInv 4 aWnbvv Xriq s]stmkvXv Nv Hm^v tKmUv ]dhm\n k`bpsS NpaXebn s\npv aIvt]e skantcnbn \Sp. k`m ip{iqjI ]m kn. H. tUhnkv ip{iqjIġv t\XrXzw \In.


Displaying 41 Comments
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babykutty,saudi arabia (December 19, 2015)
I salute the grate man of God. He lived a life as an example to others and he run his race wounderfuly. Let us examne ourself and follw his footsteps. Praise the Lord.
kamal gill (November 19, 2014)
Yes. He was real solder and captain as well but lord call him very early. I always miss u
gigi (November 26, 2013)
Cap Samuel helped me to grow in the word where he unwrapped lot of mistries in the word of God I know and belive when we were in heaven he will be one of the brightest honnored person among the Bride
dinesh(bhopal) (April 20, 2013)
i like saint am samual ministry

laly mohan george.saudi arabia. (January 13, 2013)
i never had an opurtunity to listen his messages when he was in the world with us .but by gods grace i am listening his mess.from you tube .i strongly blve .he was a true soldier of christ jesus .&a faithful minister 4 christ sincere prayers for his family 7also 4 his ministeries. may lord raise many more soldiers worldwide.
shiju (November 19, 2012)
Really his absence is an irrecoverable loss of the church. He was so faithful minister to his master. However God decided to wind up his time in this earth and He want us to keep the real doctrine that he showed to us. Deepest condolence!
jinu,mumbai (October 29, 2012)
captain samuel was the living apostle of this century...he showed us the true way for his life..and his faithful family..for me he was sent by god to prepare his church...he brought the true fellowship... and the true doctrine.....i am glad i would say that i honoured and it was a great privalege to be with him at places and pray with him...and i now know that the way he showed us is the only way... and would follow it as my apostle did.....he had great authority...he did he ministry with authority...he was god himself...
anil (jammu) (October 24, 2012)
He was a real saint of God. It is my prayer that all the belivers of MMI will meet with him at our real home (Heaven). Let all of us complete work of our journey to Lord Jesus Christ. And at there we will meet our beloved ones. Praise the Lord

tony skaria (August 18, 2012)
my deepest condolence
maeryl lapaz lamprea (June 5, 2012)
I miss you so much papa. You taught me many things about life and God when you where here in Philippines. I will never forget the number of times you came to visit us along with those delicious donuts.You are great example as a servant of God. Pastor A.M. Samuel, you will be greatly remembered and we know that you are now with our Loving Father.
kuruvilla n thomas (May 27, 2012)
Deepest condolence indeed great was he and cannot be forgotten. May God bless the ministry till He comes in Glory.
mathukutty, kumbanad (May 24, 2012)
I know him personaly for the past many years. Most of the Pastors select Kerala for their Ministry, This couragious great servent of God selected North India particulary in Jammu Kashmir. its a great loss to India Ministry. May God comfort the family members.
sam kuwait (May 24, 2012)
i still do not know, cap samual belongs to which church but i know one thing he was a true warrior of christ. he has been stood for holiness and separation. he has been beaten by many christian opposed groups. his demise is a loss for the whole pentecost movement. i am sure he is resting in peace with christ ‘to him that overcometh will i grant to sit with me in my throne’
joy, neerattupuram (May 23, 2012)
it was shocking news for me. even though i am not a member of his church so far, i felt very sad. i would like to convey my heartfelt condolences to his family and his loved ones. today ie 22nd may i cme to know when i opened his site as usual. as far as i know him through the net he was a true warrior of jesus christ. he was a man of god who can be a true example for each xian.

jinu dubai (May 19, 2012)
I newer get a chance to hear any of his messages earlier, but after he passed away i come to hear about him and i start to hearing his messages in yutube, its really touches my heart and much hunger to hear all his messages, he is the really man of God in this century we can follow! i really want to follow his footstep am praying for God's grace!

if any of you want to hear his messages please search his channel in yutube name: foodofspirit
a. s. mathew (May 18, 2012)
I never had the opportunity to meet this great man of God, who has suffered beating in many places in the ministry. Indeed, his life and ministry have greatly influenced and touched thousands of

believers. He finished his race successfully. My deepest condolence and prayers for his family.
ramakrihsna/hyd (May 18, 2012)
pastor a.m samuel is the spiritual king of india he completed his race and passed to heaven. he show the footprints that we were to walk on those footprints. As a pilgrim and soldier he fought with the satanic spirits till his last breath of his life and won the battle. so the people of the world could realized that there is no time to spend on the physical things we can overcome them and be in a spiritual way jesus is coming soon.
+3, anand, gujarat (May 16, 2012)
Pastor. A.M.Samuel was one of my mentors in my ministry in North IndiaI worked with him in Jammu &Kashmir Punjab etc.A courageous man of God who preach the Gospel with out fear He was a visionary and a missionary.He trained many missionaries for North India.I express My self and my family's condolences to Ammini Ammamma, Finny and family Susan and Thimothy . May the peace of God comfort them.
roy mepral (May 16, 2012)
My deepest condolence to the family and co ministers. I had the privilege to attend his meetings several time. He spent his days on this planet well and saved several souls for eternity.
believers journal (May 16, 2012)
dear friends,

latest headlines & articles of captain samuel passes away,

we are receiving lots of comments from many people from all over the

world. we are planing to collect all comments from our site and forword

to his family some times next month. please put your full name and place

in the comments. also please do not submit the same message more than



believers journal

rajan ariyappallil

atlanta, ga, usa
pr thomas john philadelphia. (May 16, 2012)
Pr.capt.samuel was a good soldier of jesus christ.he fisished his course.our prayers and condolences to all family members.R I P .
rajan ariyappallil, atlanta (May 16, 2012)
I had an Opportunity to worship with Captain Samuel(A.M. Samuel) and his team in Adampur, Punjab on 1982. I remember those days and his powerful message and testimony. He was a great servant of God who run the race victoriously. Our deepest condolence to all his family members. May the peace of God be will you. One day we will see him again.
finney samuel (May 16, 2012)
I wanted to be there for the funeral but our father had taught us some principles - if any one of us dies, the other will not quit the field to pay the last respects. When the battle is on, there is no time for that. According to his desire, his body has been laid to rest in Thrissur, Kerala, India in a normal grave with no markings. Please continue to pray for the big worldwide family he has left behind. He was a true disciple to the core. Many people said many things about him, but we saw and knew him. That is the reason that we, as a family, are following his footsteps. He laid a good foundation with the stones and rocks others threw at him. He has not left a house or a bank balance for us - just the Word. He was a pilgrim, pray that we may follow the example he has set before us. He has not appointed anyone to be his successor. He said, "Let God raise the successor". Pray that God's will be done
a.j.joseph, indore (May 16, 2012)
My brother,A great servant and a soldier of the Lord completed his course of Journey and passed away to be with the father for his eternal glory. We the family members convey our heart felt sorrow to the family members. God may may console them all. With prayer.

philip samuel/ hyderabad (May 16, 2012)
Dear Pastor Finney.

Our Condolences to the bereaved family and worldwide believers . We Thank God that This Generation Saw a Man Pastor A.M Samuel That Lived The Gospel.. He could have been in some Comfort Zone during these days. Preaching even from his bed at Alapuzha shows his passion and mission. He is one of my mentors and I had been baptized by him. The World mocked him , Preachers Accused Him for Preaching the Truth in its Purity, He was tortured and put in jail sevral times, but He Choose The Masters Route of betrayal, Suffering and Pain for the Glory that is set for him..His messages were very hard.He calls the spade, a spade and was severe on pastors,believers, lovers of money, prosperity gospel and sin. He spoke practically about how to live a holy life. Pray for his family and for the Ministry that he has left behind Its Our Loss but its Heavens Gain. He has Gods Stamp of approval.. Regards, Philip Samuel( Titty) Hyderabad
rajamma thoppil (May 16, 2012)
Pastor A. M.Samuel was a great soldier of Christ who run the race victoriously. He will be missed very much. May the Lord of all comfort be with the family of God.
finney samuel (May 16, 2012)
Please visit our web site for the latest updates
finney samuel (May 16, 2012)
we are very much grateful for your prayers and support. we are very much grateful to god for giving him to be our dad. the world said many things, but we saw him, that is the reason i along with my sister and children were able to take the word in our hands before he passed away. god gave him the grace to lay a strong foundation with the stones others thre at him. till the last he was in the ministry. he was very weak physically for the past one month, we wanted him to take rest. but he refused his last message was on this sunday in allapuzha where he preached from the stage laying on the bed. my mom and sister and son were there'll with him when he breathed his last in thrissur, instead of going to vadasserikara for one week rest he decided to go to thrissur for one week bible class. i was in nepal busy with the ministry, i asked him if i could come and see him, he refused saying do not leave the battlefield. when he breathed his last i was in nepal, now i am on the way to kerala, i
joy chembakasseril (May 16, 2012)
captain samuel as he was popularly known in christian circles, the decoration of honor to his name was an inheritance he received since his retirement from the iaf. he was a visionary and a missionary in the mission field in north india. christian world losses another starlet and his passing away is an irreparable loss. make the lord grant us serenity to accept this reality. my condolences to the bereaved family.
+3 (May 16, 2012)
You can check the clicks of Captain A.M. Samuel at and www.foodofspirit,the official sites of Captain A.M. Samuel and Maranatha ministries International Videos
pastor a j samuel, indore (May 15, 2012)
Pastor Baby was a real man of God. My dear brother, who stood up for the Truth. He has finished his race and now is with the Lord in heavenly abode. My family and I would miss him greatly. Condolences to Ammini, Finney &family, Susan & Timothy. May the peace of God be with you.
lealson koshy, atlanta (May 15, 2012)
A great man of God who practiced what he preached, ….he fought a good fight, he finished his course, he kept the faith….may our good Lord comfort dear aunty, Finney Pastor and family, Susan and Timothy, and all others ….and use them all in more mighty manner for God’s glory.
joseph abraham (May 15, 2012)
He was truely a man of God,who believed in principles, I know him personally.My family greevs with the sorrow full and loved ones.Our deepest condolence to all family members and the believers.
thomas john,ohio (May 15, 2012)
A great servant of God is lost.It is a great loss for the world particularly forAsia. Our deepest condolence to all his family members.May God help every one to fellow his foot step.
jose anakuzhikal,fl (May 15, 2012)
Our belived Babychayan was a great man who served God through many prosecutions and trials. He fought an excellent fight and finished his race and kept the faith. One day we will see him again.
pastor jacob,miami (May 15, 2012)
A quick and unexpected departure indeed.But his hope was strong to be with the Lord.Let him enjoy with the Lord.What we can do is to pray for the grieving family to be comforted!
+3 samkutty delhi (May 15, 2012)
A courageous man of God with deep conviction,trained many missionaries for India.Praying for the family
james samuel, nj (May 15, 2012)
He was a true man of God. He stood for true gospel. A great void has been left in church realm. We would miss him. Our prayers and condolences to Pastor Finny & family.
pastor shibu cherian, atlanta, ga (May 15, 2012)
Captain Samuel was a great missionary in North India, particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. The world has lost a true servant of God who was not afraid to stand up for what he believed. May God grant comfort to the family members & believers worldwide!
pastor john thomas (May 15, 2012)
A great man of God. Praying for the bereaved family.
pr. a.c. oommen, ipc hebron (May 15, 2012)
our deepest condolence to all family members. he was a couragious god fearing man of god. he did stand firm always on what he believes. i was very close with him when he was in the pcnak which held at houston, years ago. i know he is in a better place now. our sincere prayer is with his dearest one.. let god comfrot them with his peace....
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