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Chembanalil Mathayichan promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 4, 2013
Views: 22369

Chembanalil Mathayichan promoted to Glory.
l}̬: n. Fw ambn (90) sN\men s\nae, G{]n 04mw XnbXn sshInv 6:40 \v Xm {]obw sh Imhn \nZr{]]np. tIcfnse BZyIme s]tmkvXv Sp_mwKhpw \mSv sF.] Feow k`m AwKhpambn ]tcX ZoL hjambn l}Wn atfmsSmw Xmaknp hcnIbmbn. l}̬ sF.] slt{_m k`m AwKamWv. s]mXpZi\w G{]n 12mw XnbXn shnbmgv sshInv 6:30 --w kwkvImc ip{iqj i\nbmgv cmhnse 9:30 w sKbnvth Ia}Wnn Nv, 760 nb sebnv knn hmUv, sh_vs, sSIvkmkv 77598. hpw \Snbtijw `uXoI icocw t^mdv ]mv Cuv ^|Wd tlmw (21620 K^v {^oshbv, sh_, sSIvkmkv 77598) skantcnbn kwkvIcnXpamWv. `mcy: A. a: tPmbntam, ptam, tPbnwkv, t_m_n, tdmbn, sdn, F_n, tjfn.IqSpX hnhcġv: ]n.Fw. amX| 7138051206hm AbXv: tPmbn Xpa
Live memorial and Funeral Services online for T.M Mathai:


Displaying 10 Comments
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sam abraham, dallas, texas (April 11, 2013)
Our Deepest condolences to the Chempanalil family members on behalf of Maducolil Families & Pastor Y. Chacko & Family, Kottarakara. He was a great man of God, Everybody called him "Pappa." May our God give them all eternal peace.
monpastor, thelliyoor (April 6, 2013)
May the peace of God be with the grieved family...Monpastor & Family, Thelliyoor.
mulamkuzhyil mathukutty, tn (April 6, 2013)
I remember the old days we worship together in IPC, Elim church Kumbanad. He was my sunday school teacher. My heart felt condolence to all children and grant children. Pray that God comfort them with a hope to meet their Dad/Appachen in heaven.
rajan ariyappallil (April 5, 2013)
our condolences to the bereaved family. a great man of god went to be with lord. its a great loss for us. i remember the old days we worship with him and his family in ipc elim church,kumbanad, may our god give them all eternal peace. rajan ariyappallil national secretary pcnak 2013
i p c elim kumbanad (April 5, 2013)
Our condolences to the bereaved family. A great man of God went to be with Lord Jesus Christ. Its a Great loss for Elim Church,May our God give them all eternal peace.
sabu seattle (April 5, 2013)
Our deepest condolences and heavenly hope to all the family members. May the Lord of Peace be with you all this time of sorrow. Even in our deepest cry, and even in our greatest joy, the Lord is with us. our deepest cry will become a greatest joy one day..

Mathaichan worked hardly with my dad to start the IPC church in Nellimala. The meetings were held in his house for a longtime too.

Great man. Enjoying his eternity with the Lord.

May the Lord give peace to all the family members.
pastor john thomas (April 5, 2013)
Our condolences to the bereaved family. A great man of God went to be with Lord Jesus Christ. May our God give them all eternal peace.

Pastor, Southwest Church of God, Houston
abraham thomas,pasadena (April 5, 2013)
A lovely appachen gone to his eternal home in the glory land.Always a

smiling face, now smiling before our Lord Jesus Christ.
dawn kuruvilla (April 5, 2013)
Another Malayalee Pentecost Pioneer went to his desired haven. He served the Lord with great passion. It’s a privilege to call him “PAPPA” and live in Nellimala/Kumbanad and this will only increase our faith.
varughese thomas, mesquite (April 4, 2013)
May the peace of God that passeth understanding be with all the family members. I and my wife Valsamma Karottu express our condolences on Chempanalil Mathayichayans passing. Babu.
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