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Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv amXyp sI. ^nenv sk{Idn, sI. tImcpXv {Sjdm

Church of God Kerala State Office bearers
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2012
Views: 16182

Church of God Kerala State Office bearers.
apfpg: Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv sk{Idnbmbn ]m amXyp sI. ^nenpw ]m tXmakv Fw. ]pfnthenbpw {Sjddmbn ]m sI. tImcpXpw sXcsSpsp. 15 AwK IuknenemWv sXcsSpv \SXv. P\phcnbn \S Ihj\n ]pXnb Hmhknbdmbn ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv sXcsSpsncpp. P\m[n]Xykwhn[m\w Nv Hm^v tKmUn insSpXns `mKambmWv CXphscbpw CmXncp {Sjd XkvXnI ]pXpXmbn kyjvSnsncnpXv. `cWn HmhknbtdmsSmw Iuknen\pw IqSpX A[nImcw ssIhcnIbmWv.

tv sk{Idnbmbn sXcsSps ]m amXyp sI. ^nenv 2008 apX ae_m taJem UbdIvSdmbn {]hnphcnIbmWv. XSnbq Itmv IpSpw_mwKamb Ctlw Xriq ammpdw Nv Hm^v tKmUv AwKamWv. NmnKUv _tY ss__n tImtfPn ]T\w \Snb Ctlw \mep hjw t\mnybn kphntijI\mbncpp.

Ign 19 hjambn ]memSv {]hnpp. ChnsS ]Xn\mep k`I Ctlw m]np. ]memSv Unkv{SnIvSv ]m IqSnbmWv. `mcy: tPmbvkn. a: imtcm, Ae.

tPmbnv ksk{Idnbmbn sXcsSps ]m tXmakv Fw. ]pfnthen ZoL hj kun Atd_ybn kphntijI\mbncpp. kphntijw \nanw [mcmfw ]oVI Gphmnbnp Ctlw Pbn hmkhpw CtXmS\p_nv A\p`hnnpv. hmcym]pcw k`bpsS ip{iqjI\pw ]\wXn Unkv{SnIvSv ]mdpw Nv Hm^v tKmUv \mjW KthWnwKv t_mUn sadpamWv. `mcy: sUbvkn. a: tPm, imapth Nv Hm^v tKmUv {Sjddmbn sXcsSps ]m sI. tImcpXv ]\wXn amdIpfn kztZinbpw tImbw Inpgn k`m ip{iqjI\pamWv. t{SbvUv bqWnb cwKv kPohambncpp. apImev Ctlw. `mcy: X. a: sn, sk, s_k.


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joseph (February 11, 2012)
who will be the next asst overseer?

my sugeestion is pr p g samuel, the most senoior and eligible pastor in cgi kerala state, the one who served as activing overseer even in the time of pr p a v. we should honour him eventhough he is away from plotics
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