Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Oct 6, 2011
Views: 15163
Church should not be a cover for selfish personal needs.
sF.]n.-kn. Ce-\pambn _-sv _neo-thgvkv tPW \S-nb A`n-{]mb kt P\-hn-Imcw {]Xn-^-en-n-p- -Xmbn amdn. Ctm \ne-hn-ep kwhn-[m-\--tfm-Sp hnizm-kn-I-fp-sSbpw ip{iq-j-I-cpsSbpw Aajw Ah-cpsS A`n-{]m-b--fn {]Xn-^-en-p-p-sh-Xv FSpp ]d-tb-n-bn-cnp-p. k`sb Bob ImgvN-m-tSmsS \bn-p--Xn A[n-Im-c-n-se-n-b-h ]cm-P-b-s-n-cn -p-p-sh A`n-{]m-bs FXnp-hm Bpw Ign-bn-. k`-bpsS \ F-Xn-e-pdw kz Xmev]-cy- kwc-n-p t\Xm--msc P\w aSp-n-cn-p-p. `mc-X-n am{X-a temI-sapw hfp ]-en-n-cn-p Cy s]s-tm kvXp ssZh-k-`-bpsS kz-sap ]d-bp-hm Fpv? Fm kzImcy IpSpw_ {Sp-IfpsS ad-hn t\Xm--m km-Zn-p tImSn-I k`bvp e`n-t-n-bn-cp ]Ww hgn-Xn-cn-p-hn km-Zy-at? P\ kaq-l-ns \-bvmbn k`bvv Fp sNp-hm Ign-p.
temI-msc en-n-p Xc-n k`-bpsS BoI \ne-hmcw XmWn-cn-bvpp FXv Bp \ntj-[n-p-hm Ign-bpw. k`sb A\p-Xm-]-n-tepw Bob Hu-Xy-n-tepw Icw ]nSnp \S-t--h-cmWv Bob t\XrXzw. Fm A[nImc Itkc Dd-n-p-hm s]mdmp \mSIw Ifn-bvp t\Xr-Xzs P\w aSp-n-cn-bv p-p-sh bmYmyw Ft t\Xm--m ad-p-p. Fm-m-epw Fm-h-scbpw hnUvVn-I-fm-m Bpw Ign-bn-. ChnsS Bhiyw ImX-emb am\-km-camWv. `n-bpsS thj-a AXns in-bm-Wm-h-iyw. hnip-nbpw th]mSpw D]-tZ-i-kw-c--Whpw Hs t Pn se {]kw-K--fn am{X-a Pnhn-X-n-ep-S-\ofw {]Zin-n-p-tm am{Xta Ah A\p-I-c-Wob t\XrXzw BIp-I-bp-q. hfp-h-cp Xe-ap-d-bpsS Bob `mhnsb apI-cp-Xn-sb-nepw k`-bpsS \ -em-mn {]hn-p-hm \psS t\Xr-Xz-n\p Ign-bs Fp {]mn-p-p. P\w \Ip ap-dn-bn-p-I Ah-K-Wn-p--h Ime-ns Nph-sc-gpv ImWmsX t]mIp-I-bm-Wv.
the leader of the church should be----- the holy spirit. the church should be run by spirit-filled servants of god. they should be nominated unanimously based on their reputation and competency in the christian spiritual arena and not by electoral process, just like in the political field, we are not trying to groom any politicians here, are we ? at the same time i am not adverse to the idea of having few representation in the kerala assembly, so that we can raise our voice there, just in case if there is a need to it. what i mean to say is politics, if at all, should be outside the church and not inside and also we can send some noisy ones to the kerala assembly, let them make noise there, we at the same time can have peaceful committee meetings at kumbanad.this is possible, we christians are a sizable number in kerala now. the nomination for the church can be from believers too not just from the priesthood, provided the believers can devote full-time into the church administration !!