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Disqualify those who own private trusts - Joseph Thannickal (IPC Ex Treasurer)
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Oct 25, 2011
Views: 23782

Disqualify those who own private trusts - Joseph Thannickal (IPC Ex Treasurer).
HmXd: hcp-hm t]mIp sF. ]n. kn. sXc-s-Sp-p-ambn _-sv tPW \S-p kt-bpsS Adn-bn-p- Ip. A`n-\--\w. k`-bpsS \sb emmn {]hn-p--h apn hs-nse k`bvv {]tbm-P-\-ap-p. {]kn-Uv, sk{I-dn XpS-nb m\--fn-tev a-cn-p--h ]q kab ip{iq-j-I Bbn-cn--Ww. Ahv av sskUv _nkn-\v ]mSn-. am{X-a kzImcy {Sp-I \S-p--h FIvkn-Iyq-ohv m\--fn hcp-hm ]mSn-. AXn-\m Ac-msc a-cn-p--Xn \npw Atbm-Ky-cm-Ww. AXn\v `c-W-L-S-\-bn t`Z-K-Xn-h-cp--W-sa-n AXn\pw Xm-dm-I-Ww. k`-bpsS kv hyn-I-fn-tev Fp-Xv Hgn-hm-p-hm AXmWv t]mwh-gn.. kpXmcyamb sXc-s-Spv \S-s FmWv Fs {]m-\.


Displaying 17 Comments
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roy d (November 15, 2011)
It is true that persons who opt for president and secretary are to be full time minister and have real spiritual vision. Now a days the IPC elections are worse than political elections.
a. s. mathew (November 5, 2011)
JOSEPH: What you have said is very correct and an open fact. Two of the most lucrative business opportunities in India are politics and religion. With less education, they can be very successful in creating wealth. See the wealth amassed by the politicians in India? See the number of religious personalities in various religions of India who could make millions of dollars under the pretext of religion! The believers never catch the secret game plan of these religious business people. As you have stated, even though the money is collected for evangelization and social needs, but the higher percentage will end up in their own pockets and converted to real estate- automobiles-bank account-mega mansions etc. How they can construct
mega mansions while huts are in front of their mansions? "Ambani Spirit".
When some of these leaders die, they have crores of Rs. to share with their
children. They have passages to quote
from the Bible about Abraham etc etc.
joseph (November 2, 2011)
Some pastors become fat cows in a short period. Many talk about 'unreached' areas and 'urgent' needs, but the funds goes to buy rubber estates or construction of mansions. NRIs, beware of these spiritual jackals! Let your funds glorify the name of Jesus and His mission. Use prudence in dispensing your tithes and offerings!
a. s. mathew (October 29, 2011)

but the reality and joy of following
Christ became a very clear in life.

American Kerala Churches will have to take extra efforts in evangelizing north India because the response to the gospel is very open there. Believers of
each congregation should select one or two
believers and pay their expenses to visit north India and meet the Ministers who are truly working for the
Lord. Watch their most important needs,
and the visiting brother can give a
report about the work. Investing $1000.00 can bring more souls to Christ
in North India, than wasting that money
in Kerala for a some fancy religious
shows. We believers have a great
responsiblity to equip those true servants of God working in many parts of India through a lot of personal pains and financial struggles. We must watch the
spirit of making the biggest and fanciest Church buildings in the U.S.,
but try to allocate more
a. s. mathew (October 29, 2011)

but the reality and joy of following
Christ became a very clear in life.

American Kerala Churches will have to take extra efforts in evangelizing north India because the response to the gospel is very open there. Believers of
each congregation should select one or two
believers and pay their expenses to visit north India and meet the Ministers who are truly working for the
Lord. Watch their most important needs,
and the visiting brother can give a
report about the work. Investing $1000.00 can bring more souls to Christ
in North India, than wasting that money
in Kerala for a some fancy religious
shows. We believers have a great
responsiblity to equip those true servants of God working in many parts of India through a lot of personal pains and financial struggles. We must watch the
spirit of making the biggest and fanciest Church buildings in the U.S.,
but try to allocate more
a. s. mathew (October 29, 2011)
the gospel of jesus christ reached kerala through st. thomas in the first century itself. the gospel of christ has been proclaimed in almost 99% of kerala, so spending huge amount to conduct the same crusades every year is turning like a religious festival. every believer has to undertake the job of evangelization with his or her friends and neighbours. when a very close friend of mine motivated me in 2004 to take a missionary trip to india, i was not sure to say yes or no. but he never gave up and we made a trip in february 2005. my mindset was totally changed. after landing in delhi, we travelled all the way to the pakistant border through haryana-punjab-himachal pradesh. i never had such a spiritual delight in life by watching the dynamic believers in those states. on the other hand, i got some practical experience in self- deninal and taking the cross of jesus. had to sleep in some most uncomfortable places- extreme cold weather-dangerous road journey;
a. s. mathew (October 29, 2011)
THEPRAIZE: Thank you for your kind response. Some of these regular visitors to the U.S. might have suffered sacrifices at the early part of their ministires; God will keep His promise to bless them and their children for the suffering they have taken for the kingdom business. In a free economy, certain percentage of "greed" to make profit has a key role to play, but when the greed becomes a ruthless greed, that will lead the whole system into serious danger. Those Ministers visiting once in a while to raise money for their ministry is justifiable, but if they totally change the ministry as a "foreign visit ministry" many times in a year, then we will have to watch them very carefully. Most of these independent Ministers have no account to show the donor, and they simply brainwashed the donors " God will bless you for your donation but you don't have any right to question me, how I spend the money". It is time to wake up to question this ministry business".
thepraize (October 28, 2011)
@asm i completely agree with you,there has to be a concerted,well co-ordinated effort among all nris atleast in the usa to strictly stop generous donations to these self proclaimed athmeeya gurus.
believers need to be educated on how their truthful,hard earned money is lavishly misused in india.there has to be mass awareness campaigns by way of articles and exposing if need be corrupt preachers [cannot name one cuz all of them these days are corrupt],once the dollar flow stops, i am sure all these trusts will find the right place and every single pastor will learn the hard way,the value of prayer.i know pentecostal preachers [sorry to be specific] who visit usa every year for 6 months in usa during summer,tactfully alternating between east coast and west coast,which makes me realise how merciful and patient our god is,slow to anger,lest these pastors would have perished for all their wicked ways.
a. s. mathew (October 27, 2011)
THEPRAIZE: You have very clearly stated two critical issues with regard to the high pressure money collectors for their foundations/trusts etc. The believers are afraid to say no to the high pressure tactics because they are totally afraid of some divine retribution. On the other hand, these foundation/trust personalities have no concern in asking huge amount from the unsuspecting believers. As Jesus went to the Temple and threw away the commercial enterprises, now the believers must take a united stand to question these money hoarding business under the sign board of religion. These foundations are family enterprises and simply passing from one generation to the next generation of the same family. The compassionate believers must invest their hard earned money at the most desperate grounds where the believers/ non-believers/Christian Ministers are deeply hurting financially to pay their bills in food- clothings-education-healthcare etc etc.
thepraize (October 27, 2011)
My thoughts are this: financing any private individual trust,whatsoever and whosovers' it might be shud be completely stopped and that can happen thru wilful acts of all NRIs.Chooshanam or exploitation of faithfuls' finance in the name of God shud stop and only faithfuls can do that.
Recognized corporate trusts,like IPC,COG,AG shud be financed as per needs. Faithfuls come under pressure from the self proclaimed anointeds,also these self proclaimed anointeds are highly intimidating when it comes to collections,in short change has to begin from the faithfuls and has to be well co-ordinated to end this malice.
I welcome,all respected reader's thoughts.
a. s. mathew (October 26, 2011)
Based on the wild trend in establishing
trusts and foundations etc, it seems like that the "prosperity gospel" took
complete hold on to many religious leaders; and they are totally forgotten
to read the Bible to learn about the
consequences of loving money. Jesus has
said very plainly and affirmatively
that a follower of God can't love money
and God at the same time. Either love
God or love money! When we love money,
we will be constantly working to make it
grow and hold on to it firmly. The worldly people love money above everything and we can't blame them. But the so called God's children are
too blinded and irrational in their
insatiable drive for more material things of the world, that attitude is
totally ungodly. " Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" 1 John 4:11. God loved us by
giving us His only begotten son.
Please read James 1:27. We have
to be, or, not to be (October 26, 2011)
a very good suggetion. those who are working for ipc official should be work for ipc.......... not ..for their private projects...............
tom kottayam (October 26, 2011)
What a great suggestion. IPC is a socity act registred organization. I hope those who has their on privete Trust do ther own bussines
loves (October 26, 2011)
good suggestion. but nadakkatha enthoru nalla swapnam!! it's never going to happen because, those who make the laws in ipc have a project or trust or some money making agenda. if this is implemented ipc will be a better place...but the sad part about ipc is that no one there wants it to be better. so lets continue do the same old politics.
h b (October 26, 2011)
Good suggestion. if we can make this in to practice, it will be good for the future of IPC. Jesus said " you cannot serve two masters"- means your loyalty automatically goes to one master than the other. Leaders' loyalty will be with their private enterprises because they have term limit in leadership position(if they have one). May God raise up a group of good and godly leaders!!!!!!!
sam dallas (October 26, 2011)
Great Suggestion
a. s. mathew (October 25, 2011)
That is a great suggestion. The believers will have to stand firm against the modern day mentality of
building up many materialistic enterprises with a religious title.
These trusts and foundations are simply
operated as a family religious business;
not at all to propagate the gospel or to wipe the tears of the widows and
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