Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 9, 2013
Views: 21112
Driver Soman died in a car accident.
sF.] P\d sk{Idn ]m apss{Uhdmb tkma hml\m]ISn acnp. ]pdaw sF.] lmfns ap]n hv Xm kcnn ss_w Sn temdnbpambn Iqn CSnmWv A]ISw DmbXv. s\Sp{]w sF.] k`bnse hnizmknbmb tkma A]ISw Dmb kw`h ep Xs acWaSp
brother tharakan mt: i do sincerely apologize to you for not writing a condolence message on behalf of brother soman with whom i had no earlier contacts or connection; also my apology to you in bothering you for writing about everything under the sun!. even before you felt about my plethora of comments, i felt that i was running without a brake, wrote too many comments; so deliberately curtailed the comments considerably. if god be willing, i may write a comment touching only very important topics, once in six months. in my comments, i have never personally attacked even those people who tried to attack my theological views; if i have offended anybody, i do sincerely apologize to them in christian love. i do openly admit the fact that the vast majority of the readers had an aversion towards my radical theology hitting the antiquated demominational fundamental theology of man-made array of holiness. anyway, i thank you for reading my comments, god bless you and love you brother.