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FUn-tm-dn-b : Fmw kpXm-cy-am-Is

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Mar 22, 2013
Views: 16680

Editorial : Let everything be transparent.
Agn-aXn CybpsS im]-ambn amdn-bn-cn-p-p. Fhn-sSbpw Agn-aXnbpsS \mdp IY-I. DtZym-K-cpw cmjv{So-b-mcpw Hs Agn-aXntkp-I-fn {]Xn-m-\p \n¡p kw`-h- [mcm-fw.

ths--h-cpsSbnS-bnepw Cv Agn-aXn k-km-[m-c-W-am-bn-cn-pp FXv F{Xtbm ZpxJ-I-c-am-Wv. {Inan-\-ep-Ifpw Agn-aXnmcp-samw Cv kwL-S-\-bpsS t\Xr-Xz-n-se-p-Itbm t\Xr-Xz-tm-sSmn \n¡p-Itbm sNpp FXpw sRn-np bmYmyfm-Wv.

Ip-\ms hkvXp CS-]m-Sp-ambn ]pdp ]d-b-s-Sp IY-I-fn Agn-a-Xn-bpsS aW-ap-v. Bcv I-hSw \S-n-bmepw CS-]m-Sp-I-fn kpXm-cyX thWw. Io-j CS-]m-Sn Fp ]d-bp-tmgpw AIp \npw {]N-cn--s-Sp IY-I Hpw Bim-ky--a-. hkvXp CS-]m-Sn bmsXmcp hn[ Agn-a-Xntbm Io-jt\m C Fv sF. ]n. kn. t\XrXzw hy-am-n--gn-p. Fm FXn-cm-fn-I ]c-kv]cw sNfn-hm-cn-sb-dn-bm Cu Xw hn\n-tbm-Kn-p-p. ]pXnb CS-]m-Sn-s\-p-dnpw ]gb CS-]m-Sn-s\-p-dnpw FXn-cm-fn-I ]c-p IY-I kXya-s-n Cq- {]m-\s Ah-tl-fn-p-I-bm-Wv. kXy-ns IWn-I-sb-nepw Ds-n C-c-msc s]mXp Npa-X-e-bn \npw amn \n-Ww. ]pXnb hkvXp CS-]mSpw kpXm-cy-am-I-Ww. ImcWw CXn-\p-thn e`n-p ]Ww ssZh-P\w \Ip--Xm-Wv. am{X-a hkvXp hmp--Xpw ssZh-k-`-bvm-bn-m-Wv. AXn \npw e`n-p em`w ths-p-sh-p-hm CS-\n-e-m Xm-dm-I-Ww. {]tXy-Inv Ah hnizm-kn-I-fm-Ip-tm.

Nne hj-ġp apv sXmSp-]p-g-bnsae Hm^-t\Pv hkvXp hn-tmgpw Bd-p-f-bn hkvXp hmn-b-tmgpw Nv Hm^v tKmUn CS-\n-e-m-sc-p-dnv Ccw Btcm-]Ww Dbn-cp-p. ]e-\n-e-I-fn \S-nb At\z-j-W-n\p tijw CS-]m-Sn hymPw Csö {]Jym-]\w t\XrXzw \S-n-b-nepw s]mXp-P-\w AXp hniz-kn-n-n F-XmWv bmYmyw. \nb-a-\-S-]-Sn-I-fn-tep Xncn-m kXym-h ]pd-p-h-cp-sa hnizm-k-m-cmWv `qcn-]--hpw. Agn-aXn k-km-[m-c-W-bmbn amdn-bn-cn-p-tm AXn\p XS-bn-Sm Hcp ]cn-[n-hsc km[y-a-. Fm ssZh-k-`-bn C-c-msc t{]mm-ln-n-p-hm ]mSn-. GXv CS-]mSpw kpXm-cy-amtb \Sp Fpw Io-j I--hSw A\p-h-Zn-n Fpw ]m tP_v tPm ]d-Xv ChnsS {]k--am-Wv. ChnsS Ctm ]W-n-t\m-Sp Bn hn-n-cn-p-p. {KlWn ]nSn sImv N-q-m IXp t]mse F nXn-bn-emWv s]-tm-kvXnse `qcn-]w t\Xr-m-\o-b-cpw.
s]-tmkvXp k`-I Imem-\p-kr-X-ambn `cW ]cn-jvIm-c- hcp-p-Ibpw Bo-bhpw [\-]-c-hp-amb Imcy--fpsS CS-]m-Sp-Iġp icn-bmb am\-ZWvUw \n-bn-pIbpw thWw. kpXm-cy-ambn CS-]m-Sp-I \S--Ww. ip{iq-j-Iscbpw hnizm-kn-I-sfbpw t_m[y-s-Sp-t--h-cmWp t\XrXzw. Fm-n-ep-ap-]cn Db-c-n-ep--h-t\mSv IWv t_m[n-n-t--h-cm-sW t_m[yhpw Dm-I-Ww.


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dr aby, sa (April 3, 2013)
ellaam suthaaryamkunna oru dinam ethrayum vegam samaagatham aakaan pokunnu. Avide namukkaarkkum onnum marachu vaykkaan pattilla. ellaam pura mukalil ghoshikappedunnathu pole aakum.
a. s. mathew (March 24, 2013)
contd:- The love for money has greatly multiplied in recent times among the so called religious hierarchy. From my own personal, also in the experience of many people I know in the U.S.; due to this economic recession in the U.S., we all could learn a great social and spiritual lesson. Once the Ministers came to visit us, we treated them with financial helps very liberaly, they showered with praise- prayers and prophecies. Now, when we say our situation, their voice will be turned shallow, and they will not call us again even though telephone calls are very cheap now. If visiting Ministers who are having genuine love towards us, they will love us more while we are faced with financial problems. So, what is the basis of their love? MONEY! The love of GOD and the brethren, that is being deteriorated

greatly but the love for money has greatly increased...very sad predicament.
a. s. mathew (March 24, 2013)
Once the ungodly son left the place, his dad gave him a Bible with curreny notes inside the Bible, and told his son, when you are in need, open the Bible and God will provide. The son was faced with the financial problems and had to borrow money from his friends to return home. When he came back home by train, his father welcomed him at the railwasy station, the son told the father about the money crisis. The dad asked the son "did you open the Bible as I have told you" ? The answer was no, but the dad opened the Bible in front of the son and the son had a great shock, because he had to suffer while the money was inside the Bible given by father. Some of the most read verses in the Bible are Psalsm 23:1, John 3:16. Some other verses never read by the great minsters are "But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil 4:19. "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" 1 Peter 5:7.
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