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FUn-tm-dn-b : am[y-a- i{Xp-tfm?

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 23, 2013
Views: 21147

Editorial : Media viewed as enemies?.
Hcp kaq-l-n am[y-a--fpsS {]m[m-\yhpw ]pw Fm-sWv {]tXy-Inpw hnh-cn-t Imcy-an-. Hcp kaq-ls icn-bmb Zni-bn-tep \bn-p-hm\pw sXp-I-sf Nqn ImWn-p-hm\pw Agn-aXn ]pd-p-sIm-p-h-cp-hm\pw am[y-a- hln-p ]v F{Xtbm hep-Xm-Wv. {]tXy-Inv Hcp P\m-[n-]Xy cmPy-n am[y-a-ġv henb Npa-X-e-bmWv hln-p-hm-\p--Xv.- hn-`n coXn-bn-ep am[y-a-{]-h-\--fp-v. `c-W-Im-sf A\p-Iq-enpw Ah-v kvXpXn ]mSnbpw Agn-a-Xn-I-sfbpw sXmb \o--sf-bp-samw Inpw I-Spw `c-W-Im--fn \nv km-nI t\-ap-m-p Hcp hn`m-Kw. Fm FXnp-I-sftbm \jvS--sftbm hI-h-bvmsX kXy-n-\p-thn \oXn-t_m-[-tmsS \ntbmKw t]mse {]hn-p asmcp hn`m-Kw. `oj-Wn-s-Sp-nbpw mv sabn-enwKv \S-nbpw [\-k-mZ\w \S-p--hcpw Dv Fp-Xv kXyw Xs. Fm icn-bmb ey-t_m-[-tmsS kaq-l-ns \-bvmbn \nkzm-ambn \ntbmKw t]mse ]{X-{]-h\s ImWp--hv \ tIn hcp-Xv henb hne-bm-Wv. CXn-\n-S-bn Poh t]mepw _en-bn-tn hcp F{Xtbm ]{X-{]-h-I-cp-v. CXv skp-e cwKs Imcyw.

{InkvXob am[y-a-{]-h\w Ipd-p-IqSn hyXy-kvX-amWv. \ncp-]-{Z-h--fmb teJ-\-fpw Nc-a-hm-Ifpw k`m hm-Ifpw sImv t]Pp-I \nd-v \S-p--XmWv bYm {InkvXob am[ya {]h\w FmWv Nne [cnp hn-cn-p-Xpw ]Tn-n-p--Xpw. sXp-Iġv t\sc hnc Nqp--h-scbpw hnain-p--h-scbpw Dsm-p-hmt\m kln-jvW-X Imp-hmt\m ]e-tmgpw s]-tmkvXv t\Xr-Xz-n\v Ign-bp-n-. hnain-p-Xv ]m]-amWv Fp t]mepw [cnp hn-cn-p--h-cmWv \psS t\Xm--fn ]e-cpw. ]mw mpw KpkvXnbpw Ign-v ^o Un Cd-n-b-h h _nkn-\-p-Imsc tXm n-p \ne-bn tImSo-iz-c-m-cmbn amdn-b-Xns clkyw am[y-a- ]pd-p-sIm-p-h-cp-tm Ah-tcmSv Fs\ kln-jvWX Impw. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-s-Xn-scbpw Agn-a-Xn-s-Xn-scbpw sXmb \ne-]m-Sp-Is-Xn-scbpw \S-p t]mcm--fn ssZhoI \ntbm-K-an-söv ]d-bp-hm BmWv Ign-bp--Xv.

thZ-]p-kvXIw ]Tn-p-tm Ghpw henb hnai-I tbip-{In-kvXp-hm-bn-cp-p-shv ImWp-hm Ign-bpw. Xm t]mcm-Sn-bXv As aXkaq-l-tmSpw, aX-ta-em-f-m-tcmSpw cmjv{Sob t\Xr-Xz-tmSpw Bbn-cp-p. Xt-S-tmsS Xs \ne-]m-Sp-I-sfbpw t_m[y--sfbpw {]kvXm-hn tbip-{In-kvXp-hm-bn-cpp Ghpw henb hnai-I. cmPm-hns\ Ipdp--s\pw aX-ta-em-f-msc sh-tX ih---d-I-sfpw hnfn-m Xm aSn-n-. tZhm-e-bs hmWn-`-im-e-bm-nb I]-S-`--mp t\sc Nm-hm-sd-Sp-Xpw Ncn-{X-bm-Ymyw. AXn\v Xm sImSp hne {Iqim-bn-cp-p. Fm kXyw Dbs-gp-t pI Xs sNbvXp. B kXy-ns hym]\w XS-bp-hm Hcp inpw km[y-am-bn-.

Cv s]-tmkvXv t\Xm--mcpw CtX am\-kn-Im-h--bn-em-Wv. ]{X-m i{Xp--fm-sW aphn-[n-tbm-sS-bmWv ]ecpw am[y-a-{]-h-Isc ImWp--Xv. hnain-p--hsc ASn-am\pw `oj-Wn-s-Spn hmb-S-n-p-hm\pw hrYm {ian-p-I-bm-Wv. hnai-\-nse s]mcp Xncn--dnv Ime-ns Nph-sc-gp-p-hm-bn-v `c-W-]m-fn--I Hgn-hmn aptmp t]mIp--XmWv bYm t\Xm-hns Ign-hv. Hcp s]-tmkvXv t\Xmhv am[y-a-s-Xnsc tIkp-sIm-Sp-p-hm\pw `oj-Wn-s-Sp-p-hm\pw AWn-Isf t{]cn-n-p--Xp ImWp-tm kl-Xm]w AmsX Hpw tXmp-n. am[y-a- sNp-Xv kaq-l-ns \-bvm-bp henb ZuXy-am-Wv. AXns\ XS-bn-Sp-hm-\p {ia- hn^eamsWv Xncn--dn-bp-hm-\p kmam-\y-_pn {]m]n-p-I. ImcWw am[y-a- kaq-l-ns i{Xp--f-.


Displaying 20 Comments
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a. s. mathew (October 2, 2013)
brother joy chembakaseri; thank you so much for writing that comment. my repeated request to the former commentators like you is with the sole intention to expose such past events of the men and women of god, which is quite unknown to this generation. it is terribly sad that this generation is caught up in the religious-political fight. when rev. oral roberts came to tvm, we saw a small advertisement in manorama at the top left corner; myself and my father went there. i was in the degree course in the college at that time. bus load of believers came from andhra and tamil nadu, the crowd was very surprising and the stadium was filled hours before the meeting was started. even though the assembly of god church was mainly leading the function, all the pentecostal denominations were united, even other denominations were actively participated from behind in that crusade, which was perhaps the largest gathering in the history of trivandrum until that day. thank you.
joy chembakaseri (October 2, 2013)
contd 2- as i didn't really know who rev roberts was nor did i quite clearly understand all that he preached!towards the end of the preaching,rev roberts made an alter call to the gathering-- while at the altar call,he also said with a distinct voice and i clearly remember hearing that as a five year old-- he said,the holy spirit is showing him a man in clutches,with both legs twisted-- he told the man to throw away the clutches and walk up to the stage in faith-- jesus of nazerath is healing you right now-- as a five year old i saw with my tender eyes-- jesus of nazerath healing that man-- i saw that man walk up on the stage,like a normal human being,jumping and dancing in rejoice to his healing.children of god,i am witness to this healing and it is not a set -up or gimmick,because i saw it from a very close point,right near the stage,sitting on my grand fathers shoulders! rev oral roberts was a great man of god mightly used by god in several parts of the world in yesteryears!
joy chembakaseri (October 2, 2013)
contd 1-- rev oral roberts from united states was the preacher at this huge rally,the that time i did not know who oral roberts was nor did i know where united states was!all i see in front of me is a tall sharp looking white man,an imposing personality,with a black leather case bible,a very flexible bible on his left hand,reading versus form it periodically to punctuate his lengthy speech while cracking jokes once in a while,but as a five year old i quite didn't understand all of that!my grand father was a proud police man who took much pride as a police man and was also a tall big grand father who went through sufferings in life,was a very religious god fearing person,took pride in the fact that he was the only pentacostal in the police force then!i was carried all around by my grand father and i was sitting on my grandfather's shoulders listening,oh no,not listening,making a monkey face with an impish glee on my face looking at rev roberts- contd 2
joy chembakaseri (October 2, 2013)
i was barely five years old clinging on to my grandfather's hands, were at sir chandrashekaran nair stadium in trivandrum visually seeing a huge gathering almost outpouring the huge stadium.this went on for about a week and was the talk of the town,even in a hindu country like india.during those days the schedule for a convention was for a week not like two or three days as it is now,when the expenses of conducting meeting were relatively low and that people's daily life were relatively at a slower phase,were they had more time to spare for almost anything.people had time to spare,that,they used to come and lean on at the farthest spot just to listen the preacher for curiosity sake and not that they are really interested and they listened with keen attention.i came to know later on when i grew up that,only the late prime minister mrs indira gandhi could attract such a huge gathering,when she visited the city,due to her personal charisma. rev oral roberts from usa was the contd 1
a. s. mathew (October 1, 2013)
believer london: thank you so much for your great response. brother, some people are born to worship their own leaders and look down other children of god, they are totally short-sighted. while i was attending the seminary in the u.s. in 1971, the students were brainwashed to believe that their seminary-college president was the only fundamental man of god, and threw mud at dr. billy graham and rev. oral roberts as liberal and worldly; they were the leading evangelists at that time. when i challenged some of them for their lack of knowledge about the international influence of dr. billy graham and rev. oral roberts, they reported that to the president and he made a harsh statement within a day or two that those people who don't like here and his leadership, get out soon. now that institution is very small, almost disappeared. we need to pray for those narrow-minded people very fervently, because they are brainwashed.
believer london (October 1, 2013)
thanks asm for d comment...the only reason i try stay away from writing in bj because i feel a little bad when somebody writes against anointed men of god like thangu, tharu, ani, tinu and p g vargis.....
a. s. mathew (October 1, 2013)
Brother JOY CHEMBAKASERI: Thank you so much for your most sincere response.
joy chembakaseri (September 30, 2013)
to asm--- please don't feel that way. "don't worry be happy", remember that song! i enjoy reading you and i like your spontaneousness! i write when something ignite my thoughts when i see or read something and i wait for that something or somebody to strike that spark to flare-up my thoughts! every now and then i also come across someone shhmart,who are shhmart, because they think they are and maybe they are or who knows who they are and its all in the game. you know, 'ego' is a big problem even among some so called spirituals! but he who said who he is knows all that is and he who said 'cast-all-burden' will bear the burden and bear the burden as per his promise-- so don't worry-- be happy-- don't worry be happy !
a. s. mathew (September 29, 2013)
when i don't see any new comment, i was motivated to write some comments, and feel somewhat funny to see my name too many times. why the old timers who were very active in writing comments are keeping away now like joy chemabakaseri-thepraize-find the truth-thomasvemmalil-alex jacob-beliverlondon-james mathew-truthteller-jesusman-issac-roy thiruvella-pastor john kerala and a whole lot of other people. we all can make the "believers journal" as an interesting publication through expressing our views on many subjects

in true christian love and mutual respect. i missed some other names, please forgive me. everybody's co-operation is greatly requested.

joseph (September 27, 2013)
i didnt understand the result of this survey-pjj should continue- cct got top position. (he wont come to kerala now) so pgm will be the next overseer and if pcc get the chance he wil be a good overseer-pleasing everybody
joy chembakaseri (September 27, 2013)
'medias' are an invaluable part of a society,so are 'media-criticisms' too!they in turn need to "earn" trust and confidence from the society to have a credible voice in society. "earning" trust and confidence is a simple process -- 'speak the truth and nothing but the truth',in all fairness. but that's not what some medias are doing, whether its print-media or the visual-media, although some are doing astoundingly a great job! people have presumptions and assumptions about some print-media and visual broadcast media! there are many who has an inclination towards a particular group or political party, because of the patronage given to them! this is were the media lose credibility! same is the case about critics and criticism in the media! there are fair and positive criticism as well as unfair and negative criticism.

but, critics and criticism are vital part of the media and society! they are the watch-dogs of a system or a mechanism or a society !!!
suneesh doha (September 27, 2013)
Certainly I agree with the evaluation of BJ. Rev PG need to get a chance

born 1952 Next jan he will be 62,so others come to an agreement.
shaji sydney (September 26, 2013)
Rev P C is with us now . He is satisfied about survey
jose manila (September 26, 2013)
How will be the preference ballot.Last time was it preference balet.

Anyhow let Rev pj continue

achenkunju ny (September 25, 2013)
Good survey.R A deserve appreciation
pr regie (September 25, 2013)
believers journal should take a survey for ag ipc and sharon also why cog only. anyway appreciate you
pr john kerala (September 24, 2013)
brother a s mathew your evaluation is right. i am a living testimony
roshan doha (September 24, 2013)
Special appreciation for beluevers journal and team. You did what is right.
sunny joseph (September 24, 2013)

a. s. mathew (September 24, 2013)
Good editorial: In the Church world composed of all Christian denominations, there is an underlying man-made theological barrier that we (both the ministers and the believers) are not permitted to expose the deceitfulness of other people. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it" Jer 17:9. If we close our eyes and say that "let God deal with that", then we are turning totally irresponsible. While I met many Catholic believers, they are all very jubilant about the new Pope Francis, but the high level religious hierarchy of the Catholic Church is feeling irritated and confused. Years back, Speaker of the Kerala Assembly, Mr. Alexander Parampithara said. How we can call the "Bishop's house as Bishop palace?" How the shepherd can have palace? Only a few people had the gut to question such total contradiction in the spiritual realm. "Money became our God, we began to worship that and we are in trouble now" Pope Francis.
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