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hnZym`ymk klmbhpambn ]n. ssh. ]n. F

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 9, 2012
Views: 22672

Education help by PYPA.
kwm\ ]n.-ssh.-]n.F bpsS B`n-ap-Jy-n hnZym`ymk klmbw \Ipp. ]n. ssh. ]n.F \Sp GI-Zn\ skan-\m-ddnt\mSv A\p_nv km-n-I-ambn ]ntmw \nevp hnZymn-Iġv hnZym-`ym-k -k-lmb hnX-cWw Dm-bn-cn-p--Xm-Wv. sabv 24-mw XobXn Xncp-h-\--]p-cv 200 t]pw sabv 26-mw XobXn I--\- bn 150 t]pw 31-mw XobXn ae-_m-dn 100 t]p-am-bn-cnpw klm-b-hn-X-cWw \evIp-Xv. Cu klmbw Bhiyap--hcpw Al-cp-amb hnZymn-I IqSp-X hnh-c-ġmbv Xmsg-m-Wp t^m \-dp-I-fn _-s-tS--Xm-Wv. kwm\ ]n.-ssh.-]n.F {]-kn-Uv: hnk imap-th 9447236394, sk-{I--dn: km_p Nm{]v 9847458905


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wpa (May 9, 2012)
What about coastal area???

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