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hml-\m-]-I-S-n hnizmkn IpSpw_w sIm-sp

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 30, 2013
Views: 19116

Family killed in tragic accident.
Be-pg: sImm-c-c D-q sF. ]n. kn. k`mw-K--fmb hnizmkn IpSpw_w hml-\m-]-I-S-n acn-p. ]tc-X-\mb D-q X-m-bs aI _nPp X- (38) `mcy {]nkn, a-fmb jmtcm, Btcm Fn-h-cmWv ac-W-a-S--Xv. sImm-c--c-bn \npw Fd-Wm-Ip-f-t-p bm{X-bn Ch k-cn Imdpw Sn temdn-bp-ambn Iqn-bn-Sn-mWv A]-I-Sw Dm-b-Xv. N-\m-tcn Be-pg dqn ]n-p-p F e-m-bn-cpp A]-ISw \S--Xv. IqSp-X hnh-c- ]nmse.


Displaying 5 Comments
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sony abraham, uk (April 1, 2013)
indeed a sad Condolences to their dear ones... we all are partially to blame for not playing our part in the society.....atleast in kerala where around 25 percent are christians....i believe we have a decisive role to play........ the believers / christians in Kerala should participate in exerting pressure on the government authorities for social causes......why cant we demand for a law on 1) banning speeding vehicles 2) imposing heavy fines on speeding drivers 3) cut down on honking to acceptable levels...... the church needs to participate in community building initiatives rather than merely preaching inside the church......the church and its preachers need to participate in decision making for the needs to conduct seminars on social issues in collaboration with the local authorities.. remember we are called the light of the world, which is not to be confined in the 4 walls of the church.....we need to awake and contribute to the society
litson karimpennoor (March 31, 2013)
Shoking news...a innocent family left us very early.espcially thinking abot that small's very unfortunate.all tipper should be banned...Kerala govt should take some immediate action over this.the tipper lorry's are taking many innocent lives.the owner's of the tippers is thinking only abot the to earn more within the small period of time.they are not thinking abot the co-travellers.they don't have any kindness with others who is living in the same society??innocent people's are strugling to live the Govt should take some further step against these type of killers...

Our Condolence to the family members who Conneted to them..May their Soul Rest In Peace.(Litson,Bangalore)
v.k.scariah & fly,mesquite,usa (March 31, 2013)
We are deeply mourned the unexpected tragedy and praying to God to give the courage and peace to the relatives of the bereaved family and friends.
a. s. mathew (March 30, 2013)
Very shocking news to read that the whole family met with a very tragic accident and left us all. Heartfelt condolence and prayers for the bereaved family.
doctor aby, s.a. (March 30, 2013)
Very sorry about this very sad incident. May God comfort the bereaved family members with Heavenly peace.

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