Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 18, 2013
Views: 20407
Father of Pastor Monis George promoted to glory.
\|tbmv: sF.] imtew s]tmkvX m_\m Nns ip{iqjI\mb ]m tam\nkv tPmns ]nXmhpw, Ghq Imn ]p hon ]m C. tPmv (95) sk]vw_ 16 XnfmgvN cmhnse \ncymX\mbn. lrZbmLmXw k`hnXns\ XpSv sNq skzdn tlmkv]nen sImpt]mIbpw AhnsSshv Ayw kw`hnIbmbn. kwkvImcw 20mw XnbXn shnbmgvN cmhnse Ghq sF.] skantcnbn \Spw.
`mcy: ]tcXbmb s] tPmv
a: ptam, tPmjzm, s]m, ]m sI.sI. tPmv, Genbm, tPmkv, ]m tam\nkv tPmv (bp.Fkv.F) A\nb, tamf.
Heartfelt condolence and prayers to the bereaved family.