Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Sep 25, 2011
Views: 13389
Financial situation shows improvements.
{]Xo \InsImv Ata-cn- km-nI cwK-n\v NndIp apf-bvpp F tXm Ign BgvN-I \In. Fm ImX-emb {]iv\-ġv ]cn-lmcw hcm Ime-tmfw CXv F{X-am{Xw mbnbmbn \n¡p-sav {]h-Nn-m h. ASp-p-h-cp {]kn-Uv sXc-s-Spv cwKs apJy Nm hnjbw Ata-cn t\cn-Sp km-nI {]Xn-k-n-X-s-bm-Wv. hn-p-h-cp sXmgn-en-m-bva-bpw km-oI amyhpw _dmIv H_m-a-bpsS sXc-s-Spp hnP-bs Imcy-ambn _m[n-p-sa-mWv hne-bn-cp--s-Sp--Xv. CXp-hsc \S Fm A`n-{]mb kt-I-fnepw _dmIv H_ma ]nn-em-Wv. P\--fpsS a\-n m\w ]nSn-p-hm H_m-abvv Ignnm-sbv Npcp-w. Xm hcp-p-hm {ian-p- ]cn-jvIm-c-sfmpw th{X ^e{]ZamIp-n-m-sb-mWv P\m-`n-{]m-bw. sXc-s-Spv cwKw NqSmbn Ign-p. ASp `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-bmbn Bcp-h-mepw AhcpsS apn-ep shp-hnfn hfsc hep-Xm-Wv. GXm-bmepw Imn-cpp ImWmw.
When we read national or international news papers, we will be forced to believe in something terribly dramatic economic catastrophe ahead of us. This world-wide economic meltdown is very identital to the events took place after the building of the tower of Babel. God destroyed the earth through a flood. Instead of rectifying their way of life to a life of repentance and restitution, they took a totally different attitude of survival in the next big flood. God came down and confused their language, and the whole masterplan of overtaking God's punishment was undermined. There is a total fear in the hearts of the ordinary people about tomorrow, so they are too cautious to spend their money in buying consumer items. No jobs-no income. The Banks are afraid to loan money even to their best former customers. It seems like a "God sent" fear in the hearts of the people, which will lead the economy to further deterioration in the days to come.