Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 26, 2013
Views: 95197
Funeral of TS Balan to be held on Saturday.
Un^U amknIbpsS No^v FUn Sn.Fkv. _me Xnhmbn shv Pqsse 24 _p[\mgvN lrZbmLmXsXpSv \ncymX\mbn. Un^U amknIsXnsc \nehnen H tIkns hnNmcWmbn aIt\msSmw sNqcn FnbXmbn. tZl kzmkvXyw A`hsXns\XpSv Bip]{Xnbn Fnsnepw Ayw kw`hnn. XpSv arXtZlw aqhmp]pg \nem Bip]{Xnbn h tijw s]mhqcntev sImpt]mbn. ihkwkvImcw 27 i\nbmgvN Dv 12:30 \v s]mhq imtcm k`m skantcnbn \Spw. i\nbmgv cmhnse 10aWnv ( \|tbmv kabw i\nbmgv shfnn\v 1 aWnv) s]mhq imtcm k`bpsS t\{XXzn kwkvImc ip{iqjI \Sw. t^mtm{Km^nbpw, hoUntbm FSpXp, ssehv sSenmpw DbncnX Fv aI A\njv _me {]]nnpv . kwkvImc ip{iqjIġv tijw Fs hniZoIcW {]mh\ tPWen DmbncnXmWv.
Sn.Fkv. _mes \ncymWn Fsbpw, tPWenap ZpJw Spw_mwKsf Adnbn.
cmP Bcyn
i can understand spreading the truth of god for correcting others is spiritual. but mixing it with other people names and their personal details and also concluding it with the bible references and gospel is blasphemy. you can help innocent people by spreading gospel correctly and strongly in faith till the end, when a person lose that faith, you stand back and blame others just as pilot did wash his hands. anyone who appreciate such practices, beware of the rapture. no man judge no man except god. when this law or doctrine is being forgotten nothing will be acceptable unto god, i mean nothing.