Thursday, July 18, 2024 |

kphntij {]hIbpw \mev hnizmknIfpw hml\m] ISn acnp

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 24, 2012
Views: 15773

Gospel worker and 4 believers died in a fatal accident.
tX\n: Zn s]stmkvXv anj kphntij {]hIbpw aqv hnizmkn ktlmZcnIfpw Hcp BIpnbpw Xangv\mnse tX\nbn _kpw hm\pw IqnbnSnv acWaSp. G{]n 11 \p sshInv tX\n sk Sn. ]n. Fw. k`mlmfn ]pXnbXmbn kphntij thebvv sXcsSphpthn \Snb {]tXyI {]m\m tbmKn ]sSpv _Kpv s^bvv tlmantev aSnt]mb ip{iqjIcpw hnizmknIfpamWv A]ISns]Xv. cm{Xn 10 \p tX\n sslthbvv kao]w Amnhnfv ]men AXnthKn FXnsc h kzImcy _pambv Ch kcnncp hm IqnbnSnv ]qWambv XIcpIbmbncpp.

_eKpv Sn. ]n. Fnse ip{iqjI IkvXqcn `mbv (55), hnizmknIfmb tPymXn (48), aI tPmbv (12), \thman (45), eoe (43) Fnh kw`h ev shv Xs acWaSp. KpcpXcamb ]cpt 5 ktlmZcnam tX\n saUn tImtfPn Ignbpp. ChcpsS kuJyn\mbpw acWshcpsS IpSpw_mwKġmbpw {]m\ At]npp.

hm AbXv: Nmtm. sI. tXmakv


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