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Amw hj-n-tev \n-tbmsS

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jan 9, 2012
Views: 19903

Gratefully in to the 5th year.
\mep hj-.........-]n-n ]mX-bn-tev Xncnp t\mp-tm C{X-tmfw \S-nb Ir-Ir] F{X-h-en-b-sXp Xncn--dn-bp-p. Amw kwh--c-n-tep ]mZ-aq-p-hm klm-bn k-i-s apn \n-tbmsS inc-kp- \-an-p-p. tami-pv P\nmXncn-p-hm\pw P\np Ign--tm sImsm-Sp-p-hm\pw X{- sa\ ^d-thms\-tmse _neo-thgvkv tPW-ens\ Cmbva sNp-hm X{- Hcp-n-b-h [mcm-fw. Fm tPW-ens \ne-]m-Sns\ Ccp-ssIbpw \on kzoI-cn hmb-\-m \Inb ]np-W-bvmbn \n. Npcp-nb Imew sImv Ghpw IqSp-X hmb-\-msc t\Sp-hm Ign tPWens \ne-]m-Sp-I Fpw t\cns ]-m-bn-cp-p. Zpcp-]-tZ-i-s-Xn-scbpw Agn-a-Xn-s-Xn-scbpw apJw t\mmsX t]mcm-Sp-hm tPW Fpw ap]-n-bn-ep-m-bn-cp-p. B\ne-]mSv XpScpw F-Xn\v cp-]--an-.

B[p-\nI Ime-L--n\p tbmPn \ne-bn ]{Xs Hcp-n-sb-Sp-p-hm tPW-en-\p-I-gn-p. Hmw ew apX aīn-I-f-dn ]pd-n-d-nb tPW-ens ]mX ap ]{X-fpw ]np-S-tc-n-h-p. C-sa-bn-en ]n Un F^v t^mam-n kuP-\y-ambn ]{Xw Ab-p-sImv tPW BZyw Cu cwKv Imshp. -a-p--hcpw ]nm-se-sb-n. Im e-tmfw t]m-Wv tPW Cu sabn-en e`n-p--Xv. IqSmsX sskn \npw tPW kuP-\y-ambn e`n-p-hm kuI-cy-sam-cpn Hw ]pXnbhm-Iġmbn Hmtcm Znh-khpw sskv kin-p--h-cpsS Fw hn-p. 25 e-tmfw hmb-\-m- Ignhjw tPW sh_v sskv ki-I-cm-sb-n. tPW ]gb Fgp-p-Im-sc-tmse Xs ]pXnb Fgp-p-Im-scbpw t{]mm-ln-n-p-Ibpw ]p {]Xn-`-Iġv Ah-kcw Hcp-p-Ibpw sNp--Xn Fpw {i sNep-p-p. AXp-sImp Xs {]Xo--bp-Wp Nne Fgp-p-Imsc aptmp sImp-h-cp-hm tPW-en\v Ignp FXv A`n-am-\-tmsS Hmp-hm Ign-bpw.

hmb-\-mmbn ]pXp-a-bp hn`-h- Fm e-nepw \Ip--Xnepw tPW {in-p-h-cp-p. Ipdv ]c-kyhpw IqSp-X teJ-\-fpw tPW-en Ds-Spn. hmb-\-msc hn-p--\n-e-bn ]c-ky- am{Xw Ipn-\n-d-bvp ]Xnhv ssien-bn \nv tPW amdn \S-p. hj-n Hcn- am{Xw IqSp-X ]c-ky-fpambn tPW P-Zn\ ]Xnv Cd-n-h-cp-p.

tPW-ens \ne-]m-Sp-Isf icnshbvp [mcmfw DZm-l-c-W- FSp-p-Im-p-hm-\p-v. hnai\ cwKv {Inbm--I-amb kao-]-\-amWv tPW Fpw kzoI-cn--Xv. AXn-\m Xs FXnp-Isfm AwKo-Imcw hmb-\-m-cn \nv t\Sp-hm tPW-en-\p Ign-p. k`m cmjv{So-b-ntem {Kqp-I-fn-I-fntem ]w ]nSn-m kao-]\w kzoI-cn-Xv hmb-\-m-cn tPW-ens\ kzoIm-cyX \In. Fpw t\cns ]v, P\-]-v hN-\-ns ASn--d-bn tPWepw Dm-Ipw. C{X-tmfw klm-bn k-i-\v \n-I-tc-p-p. XpSpw am\y hmb-\-m-cpsS klm-b- k-l-I-c-W- At]-n-p-p.

Fm am\y-hm-b-\-mpw ]pXp-h--cm-iw-k-I

{InkvXp-hn \n-fpsS
kmwIpn amXyp.
No^v FUn-.


Displaying 4 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
pheba (January 30, 2012)
May the Lord use Believers Journal. Believers Journel will come in No.1.
gkj (January 19, 2012)
May the Lord use Believers Journal more in the coming days. Congrats!
a. s. mathew (January 12, 2012)
The high volume readership of 2.5 million people of the Believers
Journal in 2011 shows something very significant. The Russain
historian Maurice Dobb wrote that the Russian Orthodox Bishops were
in a hot debate about the color of their priestly garment while the
hungry mass of people were fighting for a piece of bread in
Petrograd during the time of the Russian revolution. The Bishops had
plenty of food, but greatly concerned with the "color of the dress".

Today, the color issue is not an issue at all because white color is the most undisputed color of holiness. But the the high level
politics and money game among the leadership, so the believers are
totally fed up in all denominations.
a. s. mathew (January 10, 2012)
May God shower His blessings upon the "Believers Journal" to stand
firm for the Biblical truth, on the other hand fighting against
all the modern and old man-made laws and traditions; but only to
exhalt the name of the risen Saviour. In the religious world,
both business and politics have infiltrated but the believers are
not at all aware of this dangerous marching trend. It is quite
surprising to read that the Believers Journal had 2.5 million readers
in 2011. Let us pray that it will be 5 million in 2012. With GOD
all things are possible, and when we honor GOD, HE will honor us.
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