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Pn.Fkv.tXmakv (76) \nXyXbn

G.S Thomas promoted to glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 21, 2013
Views: 20251

G.S Thomas promoted to glory.
Umfkv: \mcm\w PocIn\m XSn ]tcXcmb ambn imapthensbpw A imapthensbpw aI Pn.Fkv.tXmakv (Fb Cy ]m) sabv 20mw XnbXn Xnfmgv cmhnse 10:10 \v \nXyXbn tNsp. sabv 24 shnbmgvN sshInv 6:30 \\v s]mXp Zi\hpw, satmdnb tkhokpw, i\\nbmgv cmhnse 11 aWnv kwkvImc ip{iqjIfpw Umfknep sF.] slt{_m Nn shv \\SXWv. `mcy: kmdm tXmakv (ptam). a: kmw tXmakv (__n), o^ tXmakv (t_m_n), men tXmakv (_m_p). aa: sadnbw, Fenkt_v, kn_n (Fmhw bp.Fkv.F).


Displaying 3 Comments
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pastor p.k.samkutty,new delhi (May 29, 2013)
Pappachayan was a great source of encouragement for me in the Christian ministry. As a whole the family need the special grace at this moment .We do pray for them
pr.abraham thomas (May 21, 2013)

Air India Pappachayan was a man willing to help anybody need help.I still remember with thanks, he was the one picking my wife from hostel to church(PCK-Kuwait) and back (before we got married).Always with a smile talk to others. My condolences to Ammamma and Makkals and immediate family members.
p.m.john, new york (May 21, 2013)
on april 4, 1974 when i came to kuwait via air india jummbo jet, i was looking for my father in law who was working at kuwait airways. i could not see him. i had no visa with me because i am coming with "visa upon arrival". i saw many airport staff members in uniform. i approached one of them and said, "my father in law....". before completing my words someone caught hold on my hand and that was air india pappachayan. the we worshipped together in the same church for years in kuwait. we both familes came to usa in different times. we kept our loving fellowship without break. my heartfelat condolences to the bereaved family. see you in the land of glory pappachaya. we miss you
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