Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 5, 2011
Views: 16051
Gulf Pentecostal conference to be held in Sharjah, UAE.
jmP: K^v s]s-tm-kvX tIm^-dkns Npa-X-e-bn \S--s-Sp Ihj 2012 P\p. 35 hsc jmP hjnv sk-dn \S-pw. temI {]ikvX kphn-tij {]kw-K-I-\mb _njv tUm. sIv Da {][m\ {]kw-K-I-\mbncn-pw. ]I \S-p ] tIm^dkn tUm. Dadpw kwLhpw ip{iqj \bn-pw. Pn. ]n. kn. kn. Izb Km\-ip-{iqj \n-ln-pw. K^n \S-p Ghpw henb ae-bmfn s]s-tmkvXv kwK-a-am-bn-cnpw jmPbn \S-p--sXv `mc-hm-ln-I Adn-bn-p. Hcp-- ]ptcm-K-an-p-p. tUm. t]m tbmwKntm, tUm. tdmP tlmkva, ]m sI. kn. tPm XpS-n-b-h ap hj--fn s]s-tmkvXv tIm^-dkn {][m\ ip{iq-j-I-cm-bn-cp-p. 1998 m]n-X-ambnsb-nepw Nne Imc-W--fm apS-n-In-S tIm^-dkv ]p\-cm-cw-`n-p-hm Xocp-am-\n-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p. ]m hnլ tPmk-^v sNbam\pw ]m sI. H. amXyp {]kn-Up-ambn cq]n-I-cn I-n-bpsS FIvkn-Iyq-ohv tImUn-t\-am-cmbn ^vsfan G{_-lmw, kmw Ipgn-m-e, ]oamXyp hyv Fn-hcpw Iho-t\-gvkmbn ]m cmP G{_lmw ({]m-\), ]m tdmbn tPmv (^n-\mkv), _nt\mbv hokv (ayqknIv) sPbn-k tPmk^v (]- tIm^-dkv), ss{]kv Ipcy ({Kuv It{Sm), ]m en\p tXmakv (]-n-kn-n), sdPn tXmakv (ku-v) Fn-h {]hn-p-p. ap K^v cmPy--fn \np hnizm-kn-Ifpw ip{iq-j-Icpw kt-f-\-n ]s-Sp-pw.
IqSp-X hnh-c-ġv: ]o amXyp hyv: 00971 566936916
Why the name Rev Roy Daniel(Singapore)missed from this report? we read from manna circular (from sharjah) which is mentioned Rev kenneth will preach in convention and Rev Roy Daniel will preach in the Conference. then why the believers journal done this mistake ?? I keeps interest in reading this publication So pls make sure the news is perfect or not before you publish, Thanks