Wednesday, July 17, 2024 |

slt{_m- ss__n tImtfPv D]-hmk {]m-\bvv A\p-{Kl kam]vXn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 2, 2013
Views: 17321

Hebron Bibile College fasting prayer comes to an end.
Ip-\mSv: slt{_m ss__n tImtf-Pns Npa-X-e-bn \S--s 10 Znh-ks D]-hmk {]m-\bvv A\p{Kl kam-]vXn. A\p-{K-lo-X-cmb ssZh-Zm-k-m-cpsS hN\ ip{iq-j-bn XpSam-\-amb {]m-\bpw sImv thdn A\p-`-h-ambn. \qdp-I-W-n\v ssZh-P-\hpw ssZZm-k-mcpw D]-hmk {]m-\--I-fn XpSam-\-ambn ]s-Spv A\p-{Klw {]m]n-p.


Displaying 2 Comments
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mathew (April 4, 2013)
Indian Christian leaders cannot tolerate one hour with out a Chair. There will be always another chance. So it is better for us to keep silent until God's time and seek God's face for His wisdom. Pentecostal leaders must learn from two Popes(Previous and Present). Main thing we need to understand"WHO GOD IS?"
dr aby, sa (April 3, 2013)
Fair competition is always good. malsarichaanenkilum upavaasam nannaayi. ellaa prashnangalkkum praardhanayiloode nishchayamaayum parihaaram kittum.
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