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hni-Z-amb adp-]-Sn-bp-ambn : Bcy--n Chn-sS-sbpv

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 3, 2013
Views: 35593

I am very much here says Ariyappallil.
Hcphnizmkn F \ne-bn Rm a\-n-em-n-bn-p-Xv ]nimNv \mW-an-m--h Fm-Wv. F{X HmSn-mepw ]nsbpw ]pdsIhpieywsNp ]nimNpw \mWnp t]mIp \ne-bn-emWv hymPhm-I-fp-ambn Hcph Cd-n-bn-cn-p--Xv. ae-bm-fn-bpsS kzX-kn--amb kzmhw t]mseAbh-s honsehnh-c- Adn-bm P\-e-gn-I-fn-eqsS Hfn-t\mw \Sn ckn-p-I-bmWv Cu An-\h am\y. Rm am{Xw am\y, hnip-, D]-tZ-i-n\pw hnip-n-p-ambn t]mcm-Sp B, X\np am{Xta ]{X-{]-h\w Adn-bq, temI-nse kI-e-Im-cy--tf-p-dnpw X\np am{Xta Adn-hp-q, Xm I-S-p-tm temIw Ccp-mIpw, Cs\ anYym-[m-c-W-I-fp-ambnPohn-p Ctlw tNmZnXv Rm FhnsS Fm-bncp-p. Hgn-p-am-dn-bmepw hnSmsX ]np-S-cp Ct-l-ns tNmZy-ġpadp-]Sn ]d-tb _m[yX F\n-n-. Fnepw Nne tNmZy- F\npw tNmZn-p-hm-\p-v.

Un^U-dn\v Uyqn-tv Dm-n-bXv tPW-ens Iyq--dn-emWv Fv Ctlw Ip-]n-Snp FmWv Fgp-Xn-bn-cn-p--Xv. CXp kw_--amb BZy-hm-bn Hcm Ip-]n-Snv Adn-bnp Fm-bn-cp-p. ]no-Sp hm-I-fn Xm Ip-]n-SnpFm-bn. Ctlw ]d--Xp-sIm-p-am{Xw tPW sNbvXp F vm]n--s-Sptam? Hcn--eqsS Dd-np ]d-bs tPW Ccw ]cn-]mSn \Snbnn-. ImcWw adp-]Sn ]d-bm thZn-bp-tm?

]n. kn. F. F. kvt\ln-p Cu am\y ]nmv Fpw ]nm--m Fpw hnfn-m Xp-S-n-bXv Rm sk{I--dn-bmbtijw Atm? Ign Xh-Ws Iho-\sd A[n-t-]n Ctlw B Iho-\-tdm-sSmw {]hn-n-cp- sk{I--dn-sb-p-dnv tami-amb Hcphmp-t]mepw Fgp-Xm-Xn-cp--sX-p-sIm-mWv? Ct-l-ns Ahn-ip- -Iq-p-sI-p-Ifpw _-fpw Ccw {]h-\--fn-eqsS ]pd-p-h-cp-p. [\m-]-l-c-W-n\v Rm K^n Pbn-en InS-n-cpp Fp {]N-cn-n-p Ctlw K^n \npw e- ASn-p-am-n apn Ata-cn--bn s]mnb Xs kvt\ln-X-s\-p-dnv CXp-hsc Hc--chpw Fgp-Xm--sXv? AI-p--hsc hn[n-m A[n-Imc]{Xw Innb Ctlw CsXmpsagp-Xm--sX-m-Wv? hymP tUmIvS-td-p-Im-sc-p-dn-s-gp-Xp Ctlw Xs kvt\ln-X-scv Xm Xs ]d-bp Nne-sc-p-dnsgp-Xm-dn-. Rm\n-{Xbpw Fgp-Xp-hm ImcWw a\-]q-ambn Fs Ah-tl-fn-pp F kXyw am\y-cmbhmb-\-m a\-kn-em-p-hm-\m-Wv. t^m hnfn, Iun-bnsetIkp-Imcyw CsXmw AS Aym-b-am-Wv. Btcm-]n--s ka-bs Fst^m temKv Rm shfn-s-Sp-n-bn-p-v. IuntIknse t`mjXzw Ata-cn- ae-bm-fn-Iġ-dn-bmw.sskn Hcp hyn Fgp-Xnb SmIvkv kw_--ambhm-bnse t`mj-Xzhpw \nġp a\-kn-em-btm? SmIvkv ]ncn-m Bh-iy-amb kwhn-[m-\-apcmPy-am-Wn-Xv. `mc-X-a Cm-cy- n Ata-cn. tImSn--W-n\v \nIpXnIpSn-in-I-bp--h-cpsS \mnPohn-p Cu hyn vCm-cy-n tIcfmKhsans\ klm-bn-p-hm Ign-bp-atm.

]n. kn. F .F. sI. aonwKv ]cm-P-b-s-Sp-m {ian-p Cu hyn 10tUmf ]ncn-hns\ ]cn-l-knv Xs sskn Cn-cn-p-Xv Hmp-a-tm. AXn\p sXmpXmsg Cn-cp Hcphm Ctmgpw AhnsS Dv. \nġpw kl-I-cnmw F t]cn. kn.Un I-hSw, sskvUnssk-\nw-Kv, ]pkvX-I -I--hSwFn-h-bn-eqsS am\y-ambhcp-am\w Dmn ]{Xw \S-pp F-`n-am-\n-p Cu hyn amk--fmbn \S-p Cu ]ncn-hn-eqsS F{X t\Sn. Unkw-_ 31Dw Ignv 4 amk--fmbn Fnpw ]ncn-p-p. Ata-cn--bntem K^ntem Hcp ssZh-Zm-k t]mbm sXm- sNsv ]cn-l-kn-p Cu hyn \S-p--sX-m-Wv. ]n. kn. F.F. sI.]Ww ]ncn-p-Xv aonw-Kns Bh-iy-n-\m-Wv. Cu hyn ]ncn-p-Xv Xs DZ-c-]p-c-W-n-\v. CXns t]cv R-fpsS \mn sX Fp Xs-bmWv. `n-sb-Sp-p--Xn sslsSv kwhn-[m\w D]-tbm-Kn-mepw Fp-t]-cn-mepw AXv sX Xs-bm-Wv. imco-cnI {]bm-k--fp--tmgpw K^ vbm{X \Sn ]Ww ]ncn Bġv ap--hsc ]cn-l-kn-m Fv Ah-Im-i-am-Wp-Xv?

ap--hsc ]nXr-iq-\y Fp hnfn-pXv ]Xn-hm-nb Cu hyn-bmtWm \mSp \m-m Cd-p-Xv? X-bn-m--h F vap--hsc A[n-t-]n-p Cu hynbmtWm \mp-Imsc \m-p-Xv? kz- Ip-d-hns\pdn-p A]-IjXm t_m[-ap--h X\n-n-m-Xv ap--hp-sp ImWp-tm AXns\ ]cn-l-kn-p Hcp-Xcw am\-knI tcmK-apv Fv tInpv. _neo-thgvkv tPW sskn hp-sIm-n-cp hmbpw Iapw (Ctm s_tP.-tImw) Fs Adn-thm-sS-bmWv {]kn-o-I-cn-p--Xv. AXns D-c-hm-Zn-Xzhpw F\n-p-v. Cu hyn-s-Xnsc Fgp-Xn-bm Cu hyn-bpsS sskn {]kn-o-I-cn-ptam? AXp -t]mse Xs kzmX{yw Cm-cy-n F\n-p-ap-v Fv a\-kn-em-p-I. s_tP sskn Ia-s-gp-Xp--h-cpsS A-am apdn-bpsS IX-I-S-m-sX-bmtWm InS-p--sXv tNmZn-p-hm Ign Cu hyn-bpsS \ne-hmcw F{X Xmgv-Xm-sWv hmb-\-m Nnn-pI. CtX tNmZyw XtmSpw Xs IpSpw-_mw-K--tfmSpw Bsc-nepw tNmZn-m Fm-bn-cnpw Xs amkn-Im-h-. Ccw `mj-I D]-tbm-Kn-p-hm Ign-bp hyn Hcn-epw kwkvImcw D-h-\m-In Xo.

_neo-thgvkv tPW ]{Xn \nv Rm Humbn Fv Cu am\y Fgp-Xn. FmWv kw`-hn-Xv? ]n. kn. F. F. sI.bp-ambn D _-n Cu am\y Dm-p {]iv\--fn _neo-thgvkv tPW {]h-Isc A\m-h-iyambn Ds-Sp-t Imcy-an-m--Xn-\m Rm kzta-[bm B Npa-X-e-I kvt\l-]qw Hgn-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. tPW-ens t]cn Hcp ]Whpw Rm ]ncn-n-n FXv Auv Uos-bnkv klnXw t_m[y-s-Sp-n-bn-p-ap-v.

Rm Hp-IqsShy-am--s. \mbn A[zm-\nv IpSpw_w ]pep BfmWv Rm. ]{X-ns t]cn ]ncnpw `oj-Wn-sSpnbpw ]Ww Dm-m-dn-. A\m-h-iy-ambn Hcp ]Whpw Fs ssII-fn hn-p-an-. AXn-\m Xs AXp-\n-an--ap Hcp im]hpw Fs Xe-ap-d-bps-S -ta Rm sIn-sh-n-p-an-. AXv Fs a\-km-n-bn Fst _m[y-hp-am-Wv. hopw hy-am--s.tPWsskv aptm-p- t]m-Ipw hfsc i-ambnXs. hymP hm-Iġpw Ip{]-N-c-W-ġpw DS adp-]Sn \In cwK-p-m-Ipw. ImcWw C\nbpw Ccw Icn-m-en-I ssZh-P-\s `oj-Wn-s-Sp-p-Itbm sXn-m-cWmP\-I-amb hm-I-fp-ambn cwKp hcn-Itbm sNp-tm kXyw P\--f-dn-bp-hm D thZn-bmbn Cu sskp-m-Ipw. aqp ]Xn-m-p-apv Dua-Iv Cdnsbv Cu I]-S-am-\y ]d-bp-tm ]v Ipdp- BnIp-nsb ]nSn-p-hm ImcWw Ip-]n-Sn--Xp-t]mse Bbn-cn-p-p Imcy-. Ctm Cut̬ doPn-b-Wns ]n. kn. F. F. sI.tbmSp \ne-]m-Sn-s\-p-dnpw bmsXmcp aSn-bp-an-msX sXmb hm \In-bn-cn-p-p. GXp t`mjvIpw {]N-cn-n-p-hm aSn-bn-m Cu am\y ]d-bp--Xn Fn\p sNhn-sIm-Sp--Ww. C\nbpw {]Xn-I-c-W--fp-ambn Cu sskv i-ambn cwK-p-m-Ipw. R At\z-j-W-n-em-Wv. \mK-emn-sebpw ssltd-n-sebpw tImS-Xn-hy-h-lm-c--fp-sSbpw t]meokv tIkp-Ifp-sSbpw hniZ hnh-c- Bh-iy-sa-n hmb-\-mmbn R Fgp-Xpw.

adp-]Sn ]d-bp-hm Xt-S-aptm DuasBhiyw F\n-n-. s]mXp-Imcy {]k-n-bp--sXmw Cu sskn Dm-Ipw. {]Xn-I-c-W-n-\mbn am{X-a-.

AI-p--hsc hn[n-p am\yt\mSv Hcp hmIyw am{Xw sshZym \o \ns-s NnIn-npI

Bcy-n Chn-sS--s-bpv




Displaying 50 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
angrybird (April 8, 2013)
Actually vaalan is exposing himself now. His readers will know who real vaalan is. He is celebrating the destruction of a well known church that happened in Dallas. He is enjoying in 'spirit'!!!! Vaalan neither started a church nor maintain a church in his life. Vaalan was a pastor of a church and end up in problems with it later. I don't understand why so many entertaining him. I sincerely hoping god will take care things.
tom (April 8, 2013)
Everybody knows why TSB writes rubbish. We know the spirit that is behind defender. My suggestion is that Rajan should not use the same language to defend yourself.
annoyed (April 7, 2013)
If valan calls RA a thara just for replying to his baseless critiisms, how grand a thara is valan who is the mudichooda mannan in this?
chacko... (April 7, 2013)
Dear Rajan, If you want Valan's Nagaland Kathakal, I know a lot from one family who were there in Nagaland while Valan was there. They told us everything about Valan's Nagaland life.
stanley dallas (April 7, 2013)
Sahodharan vaalan avarukalkku, thaankalude pathram defender ennullathu maatti 'KAAMA SUTHRA' ennaakuvan apekshikkunnu
just today (April 6, 2013)
creatiive criticism always need to be promoted because that will produce results. destructive criticism should not be promoted because it affects the whole person emotionally and physically. it produce negative energy. it also develops long lasting hate towards the author.

it is good not to judge someone based on appearances and someone's story. there is always some stories on the other side. i am glad about this site. i love pcnak . no matter the perception of the people it is an occasion of joy and reunion of the hard working malayalee pentecostal community. let god rejoices in the unity of the brothers, not because of all are perfect!!! let us depend on the grace of our savior who is the only one able to redeem us from this world.
vaalan kurukkan fan (April 6, 2013)
my annan vaalan kirrukkante defender vayichu njanum kirukkayanna annan made 250 children ( spl award programme be organized for super human activity).anno njanum annante patha pinthudaram.
shaji pullad (April 5, 2013)
Well done bro. keep it up the gd wk... all the best !!!

aniyan andrews lock lake (April 5, 2013)
pcnak will go as planned. don't listen what t s balan saying. he is not only the one against pcnak ,satan is also against the unity of god's children. with prayer every thing is possible. saul is waiting for a chance to distroy the anointed one. the reason he has lost his anointing.he is foreseein with his evil eye the failur of pcnak but ra you see through the prophets eye, not with the servants can see victory.
philadelphia man (April 4, 2013)
vaaalanu urakkamilla. poyi prardhichittu kidakku sahodara.
from ny (April 4, 2013)
Hi ra, vaaalan kallam ezhuthunnu. kannadachu thuppunnu. pcnakine patti chummathezhuthunnu. pranthaayenna thonnunnathu. RA, tell the real things about the pcnak. ivan janathe thettidharippikkunnu. njaan kettathu rajistration aayiratthodaduthu kondirikkunnu ennanu. nerano?
a believer (April 4, 2013)
rajan, please try to avail this site to every christian homes. let the people know the truth. vaalante "kalassam keerithudangi". we know that who you are and what you doing for the pentecost community. you are in god'd hand don't worry. sherikkum parranjaal vaalanu nalla "perukka" kodukkendiyathu. handicap aayathukundum nammal daivamakkal aayathukondum avane nikrishtabhudhikku elpichu koduthekkaaam. best wishes for

nb: advanced coaching for cheethavili and thanthakkuvili contact. paavam "depender"
chackosa, adoor (April 4, 2013)
"'Vaaalan, Vaaalan, ethu Valan
barbram Vaaalane,sathiathil arum
he is an encyclipidia, plenty of knowledge
about any body.friend of big big Dr's.(SSLCF*3)
Nagaland story wait for final stage.
jim kumbanad (April 4, 2013)
rajan i know you very well who is this guy against you. give me his contact information i will let him know your background and true story what he does not know. looks like he is making out or some one is not telling him who you are. i was hang around you while you groove up in kerala. ignore him. looks like he is trying to find your old history that you already give up. is he is pastor? let me know how can i contact him. i know you are in usa but last 25 years we never met each other. next time you visit india let me know. i hope you know who is this old friend. i will give a clue. kumbanad muttumon jim member.
from ny (April 4, 2013)
keralathileyum videshangalileyum malayalee penthacosthinte valarcha thadayan vendi anya daivangal irakki vitta thuruppu cheettanu vaalan ennu samshayichu pokunnu. ethandu 10 varshamaayi kalikkunnu. Daivamakkal jagrathayaayirikkuka. namukku porattamullathu jada rakthangalodalla.
nybeliever (April 4, 2013)
What happened in Nagaland?

The world has a right to know.
from nj (April 4, 2013)
When he doesn't have an answer he normally touches something else, he threatens to reveal something else, like one's background, like P. C George does. Then he creates some made up stories. That means he wants to get rid off from the subject. An average human can understand it. It is childish. That's all he is.

Hi The children of God, don't fear this uncircumcised Fhilistine.
angrybird (April 4, 2013)
'thantacku vili vaalan' nte agents ini pedikkanam. paranju varumbol americayil ulla mikka malayalee pentacostukarkku annyonnyam bandhamundallo!! Ente aniyante thantacka vaalan vilichachu allenkil ente bharyayude thantacka ayal vilichachu ennu paranju ozhiyan pattumo??? Vaalan enthum ezhuthum, Subhodham nashtappettathano ennariyilla Ayalkku thirakkinidayil 25 bharya marum 250 makkalum undennu ayalude websitil undallo!!!!!
rj perumbavoor (April 4, 2013)
rajan, vaalan kudumba paramaayi *** mania badhichavar aanu.ivane ivar onnichirunnaanu *** aaswadhikkunnathu.ivante veettil chennaal family nudism aano ennu thonni pokum.
tony kumbanadu (April 4, 2013)
RA i know arriyapally family.this man has not enough merit even to eat the waste of you people. i appreciate you are keeping your words and family status. as for me he eventualy will come to know who are these arriapally leave him. as somebody said earlier said let him bark.
mathew west haven (April 4, 2013)
good rajan. go ahead. we are with you. you have said correctly. Vaalan thinks that he is the only sincere person in the world. your article has made an impact. Vaaalan hasn't mention yours or believers name in the write up regarding hebron fasting in today's defender
joy houston (April 4, 2013)
TSB- the straight va-lan is not good name for this man. now TCB -the curved va-lan. few weeks this man has only one topic RA. I know he is barking at you , you are the only one throwing stones at him.before no body was bold enough to throw,thouht it may bite.i know you don't care. he will again write stories but who will beleive.american beleivers are not idiots.only his true nature will come out. that is all.some so called pastors may be afraid of va-lans bite but you have the guts to throw stones. let him bark as much he can.
roy kodugalloor (April 4, 2013)
va-lan is attacking ra and family members exactly as the way va-lans respond. if you throw stones on va-lans it ran and look back and bark,still running.that is what he is doing.ra let him bark.i know your dad by his good deeds. on day one of my friend pastor was standing in alleppy ksrtc bus stand with out a single penny in his pocket. praying and looking above.immediately one man came and ask him "are you a pastor" and gave some money to him.years later he visited elim church and told his tesimoney about how god caring and what happened in aleppy. the man gave that money was from that church,came from abu dubai on vacation.that man is ra's father. let this man bark....
friend of good people (April 4, 2013)
congratulations rajan. go ahead with a right spirit. write against the evil vaalan and his agents, let the people know what is their real face. beware the great sinner koodiaattom from atlanta. this devil is behind the stories of samt. there is some more skunks i know. let you know later.
pcnak supporter (April 4, 2013)
Dear Arriyapally,It is my suggestion that you have to give "valan" and his "valunakkis" to know that this PCNAK is not your private enterprise.

If lot of beleivers comming or not comming how it will affecet you or your life.You have a decent job and your family is working and having wonderful life without begging through your site,or blackmailing others.All these valan's and so called paster's like SSSLC*3Faild Dr.'s ,or Itty or Gunta Moni's attack through valan will not do any harm to you. Dont worry about PCNAK.You think about your health and your family. NObody can do any harm to PCNAK.Let us see.
lalachen, houston (April 3, 2013)
mr. vaalan mattullavare therry vilichum bheeshani peduthiyum mattullavarude munpil kayi neettiyum jeevikkunna pani nirthuka.poyi joli cheythu jeevikkada thendi. pavappetta daiva makkale bheeshani ppeduthi medicha kaashu kondaanu ivan ivante penpullaare padippichathu.makkalkku donation koduthathu ellaam bheeshani peduthi vaangicha money aanu
award guy (April 3, 2013)
Thanthakku vili veeran qualifies for the following awards. 1. Award most tholi katti - tholisree award 2. Award for most number of thanthakku vili. - thantha spree award These awards will be given to him by Kallu Thoma of ny & anthrayose punyalan of the Atlanta hawks.
samachan..dallas (April 3, 2013)
Mr Valan sir, sarinte bhasha alppam koodunnu.please stop it .
jacob. dubai (April 3, 2013)
Valante tholi (Skin)eduthu cheruppu (chappal) undaakkaan nallathaanu. kaaranam ivante skin kaandaa mrigathinte skin aayathu kondu eluppam theyathilla.ivante agentumaar ippol ivante tholi kondundaakkiya chappal aanu idunnathu.
vayanakkaar (April 3, 2013)
dear vaalan, aryappalli thankalodu chila chodhyangal chodhichathu njangal vayichu.athinu marupadi aanannum parranju thankal etandu ezhuthi ennu varuthi. pakshe aryappalli chodhicha chodhyangalkku onninum thankal marupadi ezhuthi illa. enthu kondaanu? "njaan thanthakku pirrannavan" ennu thaankal veembu parrayaarundallo. angane aanenkil thankal marupadi ezhuthaan pattumo? vaayanakkaaraya njangal thankale vellu vilikkunnu. utharam muttumbol thankal njanja pinja parayaarundallo.atharam njanja pinja onnum venda....tto
biju,irland (April 3, 2013)
kettaal arrappum verruppum varunna therry vilikkunna Vaalanu oru award koduthaalo? 'therry pandit of 2013'
angrybird (April 3, 2013)

This is the answering of so many innocent people's prayers. We have been hearing one side stories for a while. Thru this no one is going to get saved, rather this may be the site for other side of the story.
sp (April 3, 2013)
its nice to put our comments thru this site.but,

since we are christians, please watch what we writing.

dont imitate what others are writing or publishing.

then what is the difference between you and the worldly person.

aryappally supporter (April 3, 2013)
Aryan /ˈɛərjən/ is an English language loanword derived from the Sanskrit ārya ('Noble')...Yes Rajan Samuel Aryappallil ( ARYAN) has starteed a war for a NOBLE cause...Let us all support it through this website...
angrybird (April 3, 2013)
Thanthakku vilikkunna vaalante agents thankale watch cheyyunnude!!!!!!!
mathew, west haven (April 3, 2013)
dear rajan, I am so happy finally you have come out with your stand. according to Vaalan all pastors are behind women or they are womenisers. you should change the name of the publication to offender.
aryappally supporter (April 3, 2013)
Tabloid came up with BABABA again. He has nothing new to write..What else he can write about RA..Nothing..Abolutly nothing..Br Kalla Dr.WWG you mind it,your days are numbered..If Aryappally wants to tear you off he can do it and you will have to cover your head and move around..Ok si its a give and take issue..The more Valan write about RA, something very good is coming to you. Its on the way..Also mind it that you are not living in Perumbaavoor..You are living here in the USA..
pastor-india (April 3, 2013)
Ee Kallanu Kanji vekkunnavene ellathinayum pidichu avente tholi polikkanam. Most of his agents are in USA. You people need to wise up and stick together and show your strength against Offender. Support PCNAK.
chacko houston (April 3, 2013)
RA you are aariyan thanne. Sammathichu..go fr it brother.
from ny (April 3, 2013)
His words and the writings all expose that he is something in the world, he knows everything, he has opinion about everything, he has no fear about anything in this world. sometimes he has said some of it too. But now he says something else. very poor. not upto the mark.

very bad. that's the case of human.
angrybird (April 3, 2013)
Mattullavre pedippichum peedippichum vaalan vilasukayayirunnu. Dallas le Kure pavan gale pattichu veedum orennam tharappeduthi. Aa vettilirunnonde thantacku vili moothu varikayayirunnu. Pandethe namboothiri- nair bendathe kurichu chinthikkumbol ammayude veedinte Kathakine kurichezhuthum. Ingane poyal k a abraham paranjapole kanjikudi muttum.
a believer (April 3, 2013)
Vaalan kannumadachu maaveleriyukayaanu. ethenkilum maanga veezhunnenkil veezhatte!
kashtam ennallaathe enthu parayan!!!!
a brother (April 3, 2013)
Beloved, don't give any money to Vaalan, please. It will bring curse to your generations. If you have supported him, I think God will forgive. But after knowing that he is after money, I think that will bring to you curse. He does most of the sins that he accuses others of.
joy thottathil (April 3, 2013)
tsb comments showing he is in advance saying i am bad etc. that is a technique of oldern method.saying he doen't care whatever you say.did ra care any fool write some false aligation. we know you - ra and pcnak.

also expose little about that dr.sslcf bishop. he is the one senting all news from your area.i don't think he has amy sense what he is doing. he just laugh on others feeing. ra don't worry. we can handle such people .
valan fan (April 3, 2013)
ayyo ingane valane thallalle chetta.chatthu pokum pavam.nagaland story onnum parayaruthe.kalu pidikkam.venamenkil wideinte delhi,kuwit,uk peedana story ezhuthikko.ennalum njangade valane veruthe vidane.
joy houston (April 3, 2013)
now i am proud of you.go ahead, malayalee pentacostals are with you. i hope you are now free to answer and defend the satan. act like David before goliath.
pcnak fan (April 3, 2013)
" vadi koduthu adi medichu" i am glad ra is coming forth like a man. vaala, don't play with pcnak believers. if you don't mind your word and your way of writing and your accusation against us, we will react somehow. not only to you but, we will find all your agents in america and give them the same dose you have given to many. my request to all believers in north america, please join pcnak this year and make it a success. show this vaalan kuruken that he has no influence among our people except few pastors and few believers in usa. agents: watch out!
aryappally supporter (April 3, 2013)
Since Rajanchan said he is responsible for all the comments posted here, I am sure lot of people are going to write. The Atlanta World Wide Reporter of the tabloid needs to be exposed. Pathaam Classum Gusthyum Kazhinja Thirumenikku Doctrate, athinte Parasyam sarva pathrathilum.
aryan fan (April 3, 2013)

aryappally supporter (April 3, 2013)
Woww..Super Rajancha, Ithu aavashyam aarunnu. Adipoly. Please do write about Anthrayose Thirumeni too..
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