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Fm-sa-n Fntm. 31m-aXv ]n. kn .F. F. sI. kt-f-\-n\v Dze Bcw-`w.

If you can count, then count it. 31st PCNAK begins
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 5, 2013
Views: 34429

If you can count, then count it. 31st PCNAK begins.
If you can count, then count it. 31st PCNAK begins
IW-IvSn-v: A]-hmZnI-fpsS hmb-S-nv ]n. kn. F. F. sI. kt-f-\-n\v Dze XpSambn. IW-IvSn-v Ihj sk-dn \S DZvLm-S\ kt-f\n ]Xn-hn\p hn]-co-X-ambn ap kt-f-\--tf-m \qdp-I-W-n-\m-fp-I ]s-Sp-Xv Ap-X-am-bn. Ata-cn--bpsS hnhn[ ]-W--fn- \nmbn \qdp-I-W-n\v Bfp-I {]mcw` Znhkw Xs Fn-t-Xp-sImv Xma-k--ehpw `-W-n-\p _pnwKpw ^pm-bn. XpSp Znh-k--fn tIm^-dkv sk-dn Xma-k-ku-I-cyhpw `-Whpw e`n-p--Xm Fv sk{I-dn cmP Bcy--n Adn-bn-p. hymP-{]-N-c-W-hp-ambn s]cp-m-hqIm-c\pw GPp-amcpw InWp ]cn-{i-an-npw t\mv Ata-cn--bnse ssZh-a--fpsS sFIy-ns {]Xo-I-amb Cu Iqm-bvasb XIp-hm Ign-n-. CXn ZpxJn-X-\mb am\y GtXm tImWn \nv Btcm FSp t^mtm Imn hymP {]N-cWw \S-n kwXr-]vXn-b-S-bp-I-bmWv. IqSp-X hni-Zo-I-c-W-fpw adp-]-Snbpw am\y\pw GPp-ampw hcpw Znh-k--fn \ Ip--Xm-Wv.

IW-IvSn-v Ihj sk-dn Pqsse 4 sshInv Bcw-`n 31m-aXv tIm^-dkv Iho-\ ]m kn ^nenv DZvLmS\w sNbvXp. dh. tm_n tamvtKm-adn ktiw \ In. Cwo-jv, ae-bmfw Km\- hjnv Sow Be-]n-p. kp{]-kn ss{IkvXh Kmb-I-\mb _nPp Ip-\mSv Km\- Be-]n-p. A`n-jn--cmb ssZh-Zm-k-m-cpsS ip{iq-jbpw _nPp Ip-\m-Sn-s Km\ ip{iqjbpw XpSp Znh-k--fn Dm-Ipw. Ipn-Iġp thn-bp t{]m{Kmw FIvk hn. _n. Fkv. Ub-d-IvS _n\p tPmk^v hS-t-cn--cbpw A\n C-e-qcpw \S-pw. tIc-f-n \nv {][m\ am[yafpsS ]{Xm-[n-]-m Fm-hcpw kt-f-\-n kw_-n-p-p.


Displaying 46 Comments
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malupente (July 10, 2013)
patti kurachal padi thurakkumo? leave street dog valaan alone.
pastor (July 10, 2013)
Congrats RA. Well done. Don't worry about number. "What" is more important is our life. Please don't be concerned about this number business. Number is always Satan's tool. This is a philosophical statement, which can be expanded. Focus on the return of Christ. God bless.
sam v kuruvilla (July 9, 2013)
success of a political/secular meeting is completely based on the quantity and not the quality, but success of a spiritual gathering or fellowship is always the quality and not the quantity!! pcnak 2013 was perfectly a quality time of fellowship. it may not have had the number of people who used to usually come... but all those who came were blessed and those who were blessed have surely re dedicated their lives to god.

whats the use of 10000 turning up and not even one giving their lives or re-dedicating their lives to jesus?? but if only 1000 turned up and among that if one soul turns to jesus or re-dedicates his/her life.. thats when heavens would rejoice!!!

i feel this is what happened in 31st pcnak!!! god bless you all..
pc fan (July 9, 2013)
Dear Believer of God,

I agree with you 100%. This message need to be send to all ministers first and then to Vaalan who is the spokesman for all these ministers. "Sahodharane dhushichathe eviduthe vishudha pastormarum pinne niggalee polulla nattalellathavarum anu"
believer of god (July 9, 2013)
Sathyathil ivide palarudeyum comments vaayichappol sankadam thonni..Enthinu vendi aanu ithokke..Daiva nama mahathwathinayi nammal palathum cheyyunnu ennu nammal parayunnu enkilum...vaakkum pravarthiyum thammil oru bandhavum illa...Ithano Kristhu nammale padippicha sneham...ithano kristhyani..?Thammil poradichum thammil adichothukkiyum nammal aareyanu tholppikkunnathu?Daiva namam dushikkappedunnu.Nyaya vidhi daiva bhavanathil..Oruvan poulosinte pakshakkaran oruvan pathrosinte pakshakkaran...namukku vendi jeevan thanna karthavu sabhakku purathum..snehathil koodi ellam kaanuvanum cheyyuvanum padippicha Yeshu thamburane sathyathilum aathmavilum aaradhikkunna daiva janam..?Anekar karthavine ariyathe nashichu pokumbol athine kandu vilapikkan samayam illathe suvisheshathinte vakthakkal ennabhimanikkunna janam...adharam kondu mathram daivathe sthuthikkunnu..hridayam daivathil ninnum vallathe akannirikkunnu...Sahodharane nissara ennu vilikkunnavan naraka yogyan..
observer (July 9, 2013)
helleluhia paper and samkutty is also a vaalans agent. he also made some secret deals with vaalan in the past. i now believe, he is the one who leaks the news from ipc council. beware us people, keep samkutty away from your home and church and don't share anything with him. he will share that with vaalan to hurt you later.
pastor sunny philip (July 8, 2013)
i made the decisions about the conference as god inspired me. the theme was inspired by holy spirit. the first person god inspired to call to teach on the subject was zac poonen. so i invited him. i also made a decision to give the lord supper to a senior minister in our community. so we did that. everything was inspired in my prayers. everything was done for the glory of god. but at human level, as the leader, i take the full responsibility for the decisions made about the conference.
pastor (July 8, 2013) .ithu balanu against aya oru website anannu thonnunnu.ithu arude anu?
thomas perumbavoor (July 8, 2013)
Eda bala (Valan)New news unnum ellio poye thugi chakku valaaa
siji yonkers (July 8, 2013)
Aryappalleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......... uncle puliyaanu puli(leopard) Super food, super conference hall, supper programe and n debt Ellam superb........uncle super star.
aby, ct (July 8, 2013)
vaalan quotes "people won't participated if rev.sp conducted the lords supper so he made rev. baby varghese to do it"

ny pastors called many states and advise them not to join the conference this year. so only the people with guts and not afraid of vaalan came forward for the conference. everyone came for the conference was going along with rev.sp and his team. not a single person complained about his handling of conference. if he wanted to do the communion, he could have done it. vaalan, you are wrong. if your statement is right, prove it. if that wasn't sp,ra,joice and ashish, you are looking about 75,000 in debt. your prediction was less than 500 people and 100,000 in debt. you are wrong again mr. everyone is very quiet especially, ny pastors, learn to do the right thing. i am an independent person don't belong to any pente mallu churches. conference was a blessing to me. no bull
james, ny (July 8, 2013)
Vaala, Thoma, Oomma, Mony,

Stagil Kayariyaventeum, poyaventeyum perukal ezhuthu monne. I am waiting for my name to be called. Agentummar avathi edutho? atho, pattu pusthagam kittan wait cheyyuvano?
ct fan (July 8, 2013)
no conference is 100% success. but, this conference is very unique.

1. no help from any churches

2. ct church participate with their members

3. no help from ny pastors or so called eastern region, ag or cog.

4. excellent food, meeting place (now i know why he moved the conference to ct)

5. little under 2000 showed up.

6. lots of ordinary pastors got the opportunities

7. some pastors attended from ny

8. very peaceful

9. first time in history, a pcnak secretary couldn't read his own report.

10. no debt.

now, you be the judge! is this conference a success?
rep (July 8, 2013)
i don't think pcnak need new york pastors, eastern region or feasting prayer leaders anymore. hippocrites. former secretary kallu thoma, money, jose, amminimon, scolar williams and chumma doo itty, jpo you all can start your own confernce now own. stay away from pcnak. you are all distractions to everyone.
pcfan (July 8, 2013)
Vaalan Uluthan pookunnu ennu paranjitte eppol entha onuum elliyo? Ente diavom nente vaa addachu. Angentmarkum onnum elliyo parayan?
pcnak fan (July 8, 2013)
Entha Baaleetta veere news onnum pcnakil ninnum kittiyillio? Ella dhivasavum post nadathiya allinu eppum onnum elliyo post cheyyan? Kashtom!
pente pastor (July 8, 2013)
the confernce was fabulous. i never thought zac poonen is so good. god is using sam chelathurai and his ministry and word ministry was awesome. i am from ny. i do find most of ny pastors should read mathew 5, 6 and 7. especially mathew 7. please don't act super spiritual or be self righteous. the facility was probably one of the the best i have ever attended. the hotel and food was exemplery and to top it all off the messages were awesome. i also congragulate rajan aryappally for his outstanding leadership.. he took all the heat for sunny philips obessesion for power. sunnys message is no longer effective.. maybe he was nervous or too much guilt. anyway rajan aryappally and josie and local ct co ordinator along with asish.. you guys are awesome and may god bless you.
pc fan (July 8, 2013)
a nice conference. i learned something from this meeting. it is not the people or pastors or the finance or publicity or vaalan control the meeting. it is god who has the final say in it. if god is with you, who cares what pastors do. they are human being just like us. it is a shame that ny pastors did to the conference. people made notice of it at ct. humble everyone.
pcnak rep (July 8, 2013)
very blessed conference. no debt. thank u god
texan (July 8, 2013)
I think Vaalan and his agents lost once again. Instead of creating a fear in peoples mind, it gave them a courage to chellenge him. Just like all conference, they had their share of financial problems. but, they rebound it with less. I would say an average of 1700 people per day. 350 shy of Canada conference. Canada claim 40000 in debt. Ny debt is zero. Good planning. Vaala and agents, what do you have to say now? It shows that nobody care about your opinion. You can start picking on next officials.
mallu singh (July 7, 2013)
what happened to Vaalan's daughter?? curious...

hamare pasu thumare veli chaadi kizhakkottu jaata he??
rajan, nj (July 7, 2013)
I think Vaalan took most of the pictures from facebook. None of his agents were there. He is a bullshit artist.
fan (July 7, 2013)
Kallu Thoma break another history. He is the only PCNAK secretary who could not come to the general body and read the report. What a shame.
vishwasi (July 7, 2013)
NY pastors lost their credibility. You all go and read good Samaritan story one more time.
joe,pa (July 7, 2013)
I think Johnson (marumakan of CPA) is Vaalan's agent. shame on you!
pcnakfan (July 7, 2013)
Conference was good. my estimation is vary by days but an average of 1800 people per night. Food was excellent. Hotel and Center was good. Average speakers, Controlled spending, No debt.

Actually, Vaalan did pcnak a big favor of free advertisement and brought the strong pcnak fans from all states.

People unanimously agreed that ny pastors crossed the line. PCNAK general body is the victor.

Vaalan lost his weight once again.

Winners: pcnak fans

Loosers: Vaalan, Kallu Thoma, Chumma Doo Itty, Jose, Mony, Ammminimon, Fake William and Chumma Doo JoyOommen.
babu (July 7, 2013)
what is new news?
tom,thazayil,tx (July 6, 2013)
so far, this year pcnak is very successful. i never thought this much gathering, hundredes of people. i am sure you will have some sur- plus money also. arriapally you are a bold man. strong leadership. satan cannot defeat lords's work. balan tried his best. but god is great.
responding to james, tx (July 6, 2013)
to james, tx: i don't know where you are getting your information. i don't know about houston conference, but okc conference totally ignored all valans warnings and threats. i found out from leadership team that valan threatened to write about them and family if k.c. john was coming, but they told valan to go to *** and called whomever they wanted.
usa (July 6, 2013)
Vaalan tell your fan take a picture after 11.30 pm.
balan supporter (July 6, 2013)
Pastor Balan, I dont agree with Aryappally and Sunny Philip for everything. But they proved they have the guts. The conference is a big success and it is the most successfull conference ever. In the midst of all the issues they made it happen. Around 1000 Adults 300 youths and 100 Kids attended Friday evening meeting. Arrogance of Pastors in New York did not affect the conference. Aryappally proved his administration ability one more time.
james, tx (July 6, 2013)
This is wonderful. Praise God. This is Lords doing and it is marvelous in our eyes. Really appreciate PCNAK official and every one who worked behind them. Let me tell you the names of ny, dallas, phili,houston,okc pastors and believers who opposed and worked against pcnak general body decision and acted as valan agents should be boldly published and be barred from taking any responsibility of position in future pcnak. If they cannot stand for the pentecostal community of north america, why would they ever lead us? They should be excommunicated. Pls i request bj to publish their names, Rise up people of God, we are bought with a price and not called to slavery and black mail of a emotionally and physically challenged person sitting in a corner in kerala. Let this pcnak open eyes of people to stand on their feet. Shame on previous houston and okc pcnak who bowed to every gimmick of valan and acted as his slaves.Praise God for this years leadership!!!
sp (July 6, 2013)
Ennam thettathe Ennikko..
dude from kottayam (July 6, 2013)
food is the most important thing.
from valiyakulangara (July 6, 2013)
kallam mathram paranju seelicha valan adutha kallam thayarakkunna thirakkilayirikkum.oru karyam urappu,valante charan valane sarikkum kabalippikkunnund.oru karyam sathyamanu, 2013 pcnakinte mukhya publicity nadathiyathu valananu. athanu ee pcnak ithra vijayichathu.oodadi nadakkunna satane tholpichathu pcnak 2013 leadersinte dhairyavum avarudeyum lokamempadumulla viswasikaludeyum athmarthamaya prarthanayumanu ee pcnak van vijayamayathu.pcnakinu nethruthvam nalkunna nishkalankarepolum ayal adhikshepichu. daivam prathikarichu."ithratholam jayam thanna daivathinu sthothram"
a man new york (July 6, 2013)
Koooooooooo..............koooooooooo baaaalaaaa

Kooy kooy baalaaa

Thankal ini jeevichittu kaaryamilla.PCNAK inte vishayathilum aryapalliyodu kalichathilum parajaya peeta thankal ini jeevichittu kaaryamilla.pakshe naanam illatha thankal vrithi kettavan ayathukondu thankalkku ithu vishayamalla.

Thankalude mootha makal (daughter) 'engananu' channelil kayariyathu???????!!!!!!! Athinte rahasyam usa yil sajeevamayi padarnnu pidikkukayanu.ethayalum sthree dhanam kodukkathe rakshappettu.pinne free aayi oru kunjum (grand kids)sabash!!!!!!!
pastor, tiruvalla (July 5, 2013)
Thomasukutty kodutha petitionil police arrest pedichu balan olivil kidannathu oru christheeya pathrakkaarante bhavanathil aanu.aa pathrakkaaran ippol PCNAK inu attend cheyyunnundu. Ethu pathrakkaaran?
oru believer new york (July 5, 2013)
Balante vaadhangal ellaam poliyukayaanallo.Joy p oommenum new yorkile bhoori paksham pastorsum viswaasikalum ee meetingil attend cheythathu balante vaadhangal polinjirikkukayaanu.1000 per varumennaanu balan parranjathu.ennaal hall narrachum janam undaayirunnu.appol balan mattu palare kurrichu ezhuthiyathum fake aayirunnu ennu venam manasilaakkaan
pcnak attendee (July 5, 2013)
i been attending every pcnak since 1986, only missed two. thursday meeting crowd was pretty consistent with most conferences. of course there were a lot of people in philly conference and recent oklahoma conference, but 600-700 people on thursday is a good gathering, especially after the local city boycotting the conference. good job 2013 team. thinking humanly, i think other cities should boycott next time ny decides to take up the conference. they had no respect for general body decision and behaved like sore losers after loosing the election.
sam (July 5, 2013)
kallu thoma (July 5, 2013)
what are you guys thinking? last year we conducted the conference so well.. although we had a loss of 40 000 dollars.. thats perfectly fine.. its pastor esaus problem .. i am not losing anything. all i am interested is to make sure this year is to disrupt the ct pcna- ..nothing else.. i manipulated this year to become the secy of a small church and the poor fool pastor of my church in ny-- he just plays along with me. i never liked him or pcnak or anyone anyway. i live for myself.. my stomach-- my position and i am the role model for all pentecostals for today and for the future.. i am true to myself. well i just wanted position last year so they gave me a good one in canada and now this year i have started to show my true colors.. just destroy ct pcna..and destroy its reputation, dissuade everyone and thats how i feel good for myself. along with me i have a acting bishop ( bishop wilson).. although he has fake voice -- and he recently changed his voice to a shaking version -- ( i k
ny believer (July 5, 2013)
Did anybody know, where is valan now?
ny family (July 5, 2013)
i am so glad to see the courage the officials had to conduct this event in such a wonderful manner. the location is far superior than last years conference and so is the food. i am very impartial so say that inspite of carefuly planned attacks against the conference from ny little pastors (moni, wilson, itty and j william) the meeting is grand and everyone is enjoying here. those who were spiteful like george florida and the agents of the so called yellow paper will at least have to put their heads down in shame and rethink of what their future will bring. finally-- there is a malayalam song.. maybe you should all sing along " pharaoan njan inne adima alla.. parama siyonil.. and then maybe add -- njan enne muthal belivers journal enne vishwashikum.. balan um sainyavum thottu poyi.. balan and the agents you are history. "our god reigns" believers journal wins in the duel
rajan . new york (July 5, 2013)
halo sarammare. innalathe meettingil ethra per undayirunnu. 100 thikach illayirunnallo ??. innu ravilathe meettingil 300...350 per undayirunnullu. ithalle sathyam. mukalil kanunna padathil ethra per unde ?? 200..250 athra mathram. balanode kalichal ingane irikkum. kanan pokunnathge ullu. philadelphiayayil ninnum randam kettu karude oru group saterdayil padan varum ennu kettu. kalakki. balane ezhuthanayallo. main pattukarikke 2 farathakkanmara. ellam Balante cheviyil ethiyittunde. flash news defenderil udan predhekshikkam
crownd (July 5, 2013)
this seems to be a better than normal crowd for a thursday meeting. Perumbavoor maanyan chumma irummu korakkunnu. Kallu thoma evide poyi..vellamadikkukayayirikkum. PCNAK-yil kandillallo.
believer (July 5, 2013)
Go pcnak Go
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