Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 6, 2011
Views: 15858
Immediate action needed on Mullaperiyar Dam - Council of non resident Keralite Christians.
sSnkn: aps]cnbm Umans\ kw_\"[nv P\mbnp Bipw `oXnw AdpXn hm tIr KhWsav' ASnbc \S]Sn ssIsImWsav {]hmkn tIcf {InkvXy Iukn Hm^v t\mv AtacnbpsS t\{XXzn Nm\qK slt{_m sF.] bn IqSnb tbmKn hnhn[ kwLS\I Bhiysp.
tIcfhpw Xangv\mSpw Imefmbn \ne\n kulrZw \ne\nnsImv Xs C kwm\ntbpw A`n{]mbs am\nv bpImeSnm\n apscnbmdn ]pXnb Umw \nnIbmW" imizX ]cnlmcsav tbmKw hnebnn. Ignbp{X HpI tiJcnv {][m\a{nv \nthZ\w kanmw tbmKn Xoam\ambn.
_neothgvkv tPW sNbam cmP Bcyn, t\mtacn {InkvXy Iukn Hm^v Cysb {]Xn\n[oIcnv ]m ^nenv sNdpIc, sSnkn s]tmkvX s^temjnns\ {]Xn\n[oIcnv dh. D, s]tmkvX Iukn Hm^v Cy sSnkn Nm]v {]knUv dh. tImin hokv, dohm XntbmfPn skan\cn sshkv {]knUv' Chm. F. hn. Um\ntb, s]tmkvX ssdtgvkv t^mdw sSnkn Nmv sk{dn tPmkv ]n. amX}kv XpSnbh kwkmcnp.
hm AbXv: tPmkv ]n. aX}kv, sSnkn
mullaperiyar- is a bungled-up treaty! the mullaperiyar treaty is so bungled-up, that the treaty that was considered in a dormant state, after the british leaving india even though we gave water to tamilnadu because of their need and basically due to water being a common commodity, that treaty was re-instituted back by re-signing again by the state governments of kerala and tamil nadu in 1970 for some reason ! now the state of kerala has more of a liability to provide tamil nadu with water no matter what it is ! see how they bungled this up ! it is understood that while tamil nadu makes 1200 crores in income from the water supplied from kerala, they pay kerala only 30 lakhs. not only that, the bib-brother attitude of tamil nadu government being insensitive to the issue is unbearable and totally unacceptable !