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sF.]n.kn. Cut̬ doPnb \ne]mSv: kXysav.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 1, 2013
Views: 20970

IPC Eastern Region Stand on PCNAK 2013. What\'s the truth?.
\|tbmv: 2013 Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc s{Kbn \}tbmn IWnIn \S 31maXv ]nkn\mambn klIcntXn F Cut̬ doPnb Xoam\np F hm H sskn IqSn {]XysSm XpSnbnv \mfpIfmbn. CXv kXyamtWm Fv Nne ]nkn\mv `mchmlnItfmSv tNmZnIbpmbn. Fm Cu hmbpsS \nPnXn AdnbpXn\mbn \mjW sk{Idn cmP Bcyn sF.]n.kn. Cut̬ doPnbs sk{Idn ]m tPmk^v hneywkpambn _sSpIbpmbn. Fm Ccn H Xoam\w Cut̬ doPnb FSpnnm Fw Xbpa 2013se ]nkn\mambn klIcntWm thmtbm F Xoam\w FSphm kzmXrw Cu doPnb AwKfmb AXmXv tem k`w ssZhZmkmw DXmsWmWv doPnbs \ne]mSv Fw Cut̬ doPnb sk{Idn tPmk^v hneywkv hniZoIcnIbpmbn. ]nsn\mWv Ccw H hymPhm? hnizmknIfpsS CSbn Fs\bpw sXn[mcW ]cpI am{Xa ap doPnbIfn `nX Dm {ianXp t]mse Cut̬ doPnbs `mchmlnIsf XneSnnmap H InSne X{hpw Cu hymP hmbpsS ]nn DsXpw \nkvXamWv. P\w kXyw AdntbXv BhiyamWv. 2013 se ]nkn\mambn D Cut̬ doPnbs \ne]mSns\qdnp ta d kXymh a\knemhm Cut̬ doPnbs sk{Idn tPmk^v hneywkpambn _sSpI. sXn[mcW ]cp hymP hmIsf ]nkn\mvs\ kvt\ln ssZha ]pnp XWsav A`yn.

ta ]d kXymh IamsWv ]dv hymP hmI \msf Nne sskneqsS cwKp hw AXpsImv kXymh a\knemth doPnb sk{Idnbpambn _sSphm hopw At]n.

2013se ]nkn\mv {]h\w XpSnb\m apX Cu kwLS\sb Xs XIhm ]e hymP hmIfpw Btcm]Wfpambn ]nimNv {]h\w XpSnsbnepw ssZhafpsS {]m\ 2013se ]nkn\mv {]XonXne[nIw ]ptcmKXn ssIhcnhm ssZhw klmbnp. {]tXyInv \|tbmn \nw {]XonXnepdap cPnkvt{Sj Nne tI{sf AkzXsSppv. am{Xa IqSpX BfpIsf DtmnXn\mbn tIm^kv lm hnimeamb \nebn {IaoIcnhm Xoam\nXpw FXn tI{sf AtemkcsSppv. AXn\m ]nkn\mv ASptmdpw CXns\ XIm {ian ss]imNnI tI{fpsS AkzXI `ojWnbneqsSbpw k`yam `mjm {]tbmKneqsSbpw sXpmcW ]cp hymP hmIfneqsSbpw IqSpX IqSpX inbmnv A\mobXbpsS aqSp]Sw ad\on Nne sskpIfneqsS {]XysSpsa kmcw.

Fm Ign 30 hjambn \S h t\mv Atacn s]tmkvXv aebmfnIfpsS sFIyns {]XoIamb ]nkn\mns\ XIhm H ]nimNns inw km[ya Fv \nkwibw ]dbs.


Displaying 7 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
tom (June 6, 2013)
All these problems are created by IPC leaders and some of the believers.

They want to see this pentecostal conference destroyed, so they can

conduct their conference better way. This is the only idea behind all

this nonsense.

thomachan new york (April 2, 2013)
who hide the statement of eastern region? region secretary's statement #3 indicate i emailed a slightly different version of the draft earlier to our local pastor upon his request it was not the same statement that was published in the site. #4 says there for the statement appeared in the referenced publication was emailed to only one individual who happens to be a council member and the secretary of one of our local church.it was emailed to him upon his request by our vp pr itty abraham. here u go people. right there is the answer who playing the game in new york. pr itty give the info to local church secretary thoma. what a shame this pastor and brother game going on in new york. he is still preaching in the church? speaking annyabhaha ? this is ipc they can do anything they want to do. they do not care about what jesus teach us or bible says. i think pcnak need to give an award to this shameful pastor and thoma.
a believer (April 2, 2013)
ee ideyaayittu nammude saarinu(ethu schoolile aanennu chodikkaruthu, chilarokke pedichu saarennum mattumanu vilikkunnathu) america, australia, uk, gulf thudangiya sthalatthe vaarthakalodaanu padhyam. karanam adhikam alochikkathe parayaan pattum. naattile panathekkal valiya panam videshangalilethanu.

Adikkurippu: Budhiyullavan chinthikkatte!
dallas man (April 2, 2013)
regionte theerumanam enthnkilum aayikkotte sare, sarividuthe panm kandu adhikam panikkanda. deepasthambham mahascharyam thanneyaanu.
a new yorker (April 2, 2013)
kallakkalikku pinnil vere aarumalla, vaadi thanneyaanu. He told the tricks from india over the phone to tk(thallu kolli, including the very words and everything. now he is treatening some of the region officials.
a believer (April 2, 2013)
Hi RA, leave him and don't answer him, he is a blind guide that guides others to the darkness.
well wished (April 1, 2013)
i wish all the best for the 2013 pcnak. those who live in usa, need to support pcnak especially former officials. we are brothers in christ. no one will cut the hand because of a thorn in the finger. let us give the time to heel the wound. i am remembering a small story now, when a pentecostal man along with family went to see a girl that he is going to get marry. the family members are talking about the subjects while they enjoying the tea in her house. the man, who is the one getting married, start talking stories about pentecostal believers, 'that guy is bad, this guy is bad' and eventually called all the pentecostals are "kallanmar" means thieves. after listening the stories the girl's dad got irritated. he qently ask the man, well, what kind of church your father is going to? the man paused for a minute and said the name of the pentacostal church. that marriage didnt happen.

if we are pentecostals act like one. if not act like them.

god bless pcnak
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